Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Two Fathers Who Should Be Rewarded

These two stories are about fathers who need to be handed plaques.

In the first story, a man awakes to his 17 year old daughter screaming. Seems she woke up to see a naked man standing over her bed. The 52 year old pervert was a registered sex offender whose uncle owns the house the family was renting. He was wearing nothing but gloves and a mask, and he was holding a knife, condoms and rope. The 64 year old father grappled with the intruder while the mother called police. The would be rapist suffered an apparent heart attack and died during the struggle. Police are investigating (WHY?) but they say charges against the hero are "unlikely."

Someone get that Dad a trophy.

In the second story, a 45 year old father in Florida hears noises in his daughter's bedroom. Opening the door, he sees a naked boy standing there. He hits him with a metal pipe and chases him out. The boy winds up at the hospital where they use staples to close the head wound. The dad was unaware the boy had been sneaking into the girl's bedroom for over a year. The father was arrested for aggravated battery.

The only thing the man should have been charged with was being an idiot when it comes to knowing who is sneaking into his house. Drop the battery charges and tell him to pay more attention to his family.

If I ever find a naked stranger in my daughter's bedroom, I doubt that I would hesitate while taking the time to consider that I might be arrested.


This is just creepy

A woman owns a bar in Chicago. Her husband gets a crush on Sarah Palin "despite their political differences". He paints a portrait of Gov. Palin and hangs it in the bar. His daughter modeled for the portrait (she resembles Palin).

Okay, no creepy so far. But it is a nude painting, portraying Gov. Palin wearing nothing but red heels and holding a rifle while standing on a polar bear rug. Now it's approaching creepy (and sad).

But here's the kicker. Add this up. This 64 year old man got his daughter to model for him...for a nude painting. And now the creepy meter just pegged out.



Monday, September 29, 2008

Mandatory Viewing

You have to watch this video. This is absolutely stunning. Someone has gathered all the available information on the financial crisis and wrapped it up in one neat, tiny bundle. Pictures of headlines supported by timelines and other data. All placed in such a simple package that almost anyone can understand it. Kudos on the work.

If you can watch this and still insist that Republicans, and only Republicans, are to blame for the current state of the financial mess, then you are either blinded by party loyalty, stumped by ignorance, or just plain lying. I don't know of any other way to say it.

Watch the video. Then tell me you still believe what Dodd, Frank, Pelosi and Obama have to say about financial markets.

UPDATE - youtube has taken down the video (twice) after complaints (gee, imagine that - Obama supporters using force and intimidation to silence critics). However, the author of the video has posted a new video that shows a lot of the same things.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

MSM Bias, example #23,854,595

Katie Couric asks Sarah Palin if the current financial crisis does not pass, will we find ourselves in another Great Depression? Gov. Palin answers that we may find ourselves on that road but not necessarily from this current crisis. Later, Couric scolds Sen. McCain about Palin using "rhetoric like the "Great Depression."

How long before Couric or one of the other Obamaniacs just reaches over and slaps McCain or Palin?

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You Can't Make This Up

I love PETA.

They make it so easy to show the absurdities of the liberal mind.

Our avid animal afficionados are trying to get their buddies over at Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream to substitute human breast milk for cow's milk when manufacturing their ice cream. Even the ultra-liberals at B&J's found that a bit much.

Maybe they do not realize it hurts a cow if you don't milk it. More likely they just had not been in the headlines recently and have to keep coming up with increasingly stupid ideas to get their organization noticed.

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Huh? What Obama investigation?

Can you pay attention to any of the MSM recently and not be bombarded with anti-Palin stories? It seems she is under investigation for anything and everything, right? And as their job, the media dutifully reports endlessly on each one.

But, how much have you heard on investigations into Obama's dealings? Have you heard about the $100,000 gazebo? I don't blame you, I only stumbled across it in some little known blog recently. Now, it's made it's way to a few other sites, including Obama's hometown newspaper. Strange how the MSM totally ignores it, though.

Food for thought.

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Another Educational Outrage

We are constantly bombarded with outrages that occur in our educational system. Girls are suspended for taking Mydol on the bus, six year olds are punished for giving another six year old a peck on the cheek, or a student is expelled for having a plastic knife to spread peanut butter on his sandwich in a typically bizarre "zero tolerance" overreaction.

I try to highlight some of these. Of course it's nigh impossible to mention every one, I would not get any sleep at all for all the posting.

Here is yet another example of why government education is failing us, and doing so in a spectacularly bad fashion. While I approve of most teachers individually, even tolerating the ones who think they are on Earth to indoctrinate young minds to a liberal mindset, the system as a whole is a huge failure.

In this latest example, a student is punished...for wearing a shirt that is red, white and blue. Not surprisingly, this happened in California. The best part of the story is how the student body came together to protest the ridiculous way the administration handled the situation.

Reading into the story, we find that while the student was being interviewed by the local news reporter the next day, a teacher came up and ripped the microphone off his body. I hope they got video of that crime. Yes, assault is a crime. That teacher should have been arrested and booked.


Entertainment News

Let's see what is happening in the highly logical world that is entertainment.

You must be in pretty bad shape for Boy George to be giving you advice on getting it together. Wow.

Ed McMahon as a rapper? Well, Jessica Simpson has a #1 country album. Begin watching for other signs of the end of the world.

Disney is making a sequel to Tron? Really? They couldn’t get the rights to Plan 9 from Outer Space?

You’ll also notice that they are making a big screen Lone Ranger, with Johnny Depp as Tonto. Insert segue here, as Depp is also planned on to play the Mad Hatter, as Tim Burton is tapped to direct yet another version of Alice in Wonderland. Even though she desperately wants it, I hope he doesn’t give the Alice role to Lindsay. Take a look at this quote by LL

"The stories are like drugs for children, you know? It’s like, ‘Whoa, man.’ I think it’s an interesting challenge to direct.”
Whoa, man indeed.

Clay Aiken is gay? Shocked! Shocked, I say!

In the story, you’ll find that there are hundreds of comments on Aiken’s website, which requires a paid membership in order to post. This means someone knew enough about Aiken to pay upwards of $30 for membership, which includes a tote bag, buttons and lip balm (insert your own joke here), but left the following comment.

"This is really shocking news as I had no idea he was gay…And now I have to deal with this. I am not sure what to say to people who know I was a fan. ... I didn't go to work today and am not answering the telephone."
Yet more reasons to not like the new Bond.

Lastly, here is Dave Letterman getting the chance to show his true leanings while having a hissy fit and attacking McCain. Seems that Letterman got his panties all in a wad because McCain dared cancel his appearance in order to go to Washington and actually do his job. I guess everyone has their priorities, and Letterman obviously thinks his show is more important than the economy.

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Friday, September 19, 2008

A Great Campaign

Ever see a person in military uniform walking past you, and you wanted to say "Thank You" but didn't want to interrupt them, or maybe you were embarassed?

This site is making the rounds. It's got a very nice video of a new campaign that is gathering momentum. Maybe this grassroots effort will short-circuit the vileness that some in our country reserve for the military.

So, if you see someone in uniform, and you just don't want to walk up and say, "thank you for your service," you can perform this gesture. Give it a try.

To all those who are serving or have served - Thank You for Your Service.
To their spouses and children - Thank You for Your Sacrifice.

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Great new video/song download

When I first heard and saw Kid Rock, I was not that impressed. But some of the things he has done and said over the last few years has given me a respect for this man.

This is the man who dumped Pam Anderson, the "she can suck it" girl, after all. He gets kudos just for doing that.

Recently, he told CMT Insider, "I truly believe that people like myself, who are in a position of entertainers in the limelight, should keep their mouth shut on politics." What a truly enlightened view compared to the self-important grandstanding of so many celebrities.

Now he has teamed up with Dale Earnhardt, Jr, to make a great new video, which you can view here. You can also download the song for free. The song is about the National Guard, and the sacrifices they make. It made me feel great watching it.

I wonder if we can get him to do a Coast Guard song...

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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Update on Financial News

Who can afford $28,500 per plate for dinner during this financial crisis? Oh yeah, that's right - Obama celebrity worshippers. Maybe things aren't as bad as we hear.

Obama is getting a bump from all the bad financial news. Those who are providing the bump are obviously oblivious to the facts, such as the responsibility for the current crisis with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lie squarely at the feet of democrats. It was democrats who pushed for lower standards in housing loan requirements, opening the door for poorly-advised loans that were not going to be repaid. It was Clinton who signed the Community Reinvestment Act. It was Democrats who stopped passage of the bill McCain sponsored in 2006. This was when McCain warned of the dangers posed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac making ill-advised loans and executives allowed to cook books.

Perhaps if the MSM were honest, and presented the facts instead of their opinions disguised as news while feigning shock at being accused of bias, maybe some of those who form their opinions based on ten second soundbites would realize who is actually responsible for the current financial news.

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Violation of Privacy

Someone hacked into Obama’s personal email account and spread emails around the internet. Personal items, such as phone numbers, family email addresses, and photos were spread quickly around the web. The media was quick to denounce this violation of privacy as they cooperated with investigators to find and prosecute the offenders.

Oh, wait. Sorry. My bad.

Actually, it was Governor Sarah Palin’s email accounts that were hacked. The MSM were strangely silent on condemnation, while using the opportunity to question the Governor’s use of email accounts. According to them, it’s her fault. Additionally, AP refused to comply with requests from the Secret Service to provide copies of the leaked emails. Maybe they don’t want the hackers caught.

Isn’t it strange how much of a double standard exists concerning treatment of conservatives and liberals by the media? Don’t question the media on that, of course, because they are the only ones on Planet Earth that fail to see the bias.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

About this financial crisis

Things have happened this week that shed a large light on Obama and his associations. Or, rather, it would...if the MSM would bother to report on anything detrimental to the chosen one.

Let's look at some of the facts. McCain came out in 2006 sponsoring a bill to regulate Fannie Mae, noting accounting scandals that artificially reported earnings and losses in order to trigger huge bonuses for executives. He warned that if left alone, Fannie Mae could

Read carefully this quote from Sen. McCain.

"For years I have been concerned about the regulatory structure that governs Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac--known as Government-sponsored entities or GSEs--and the sheer magnitude of these companies and the role they play in the housing market. OFHEO's report this week does nothing to ease these concerns. In fact, the report does quite the contrary. OFHEO's report solidifies my view that the GSEs need to be reformed without delay.

"If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole."
Think he knew what he was talking about? This was in 2006!

Next point - Who were some of the prime beneficiaries of the huge bonuses that were triggered by these cooked books? Okay, there was Jim Johnson, a former ally of the Clintons who was on Obama's VP search committee. And there was Jamie Gorelick - remember her from the Wall of Secrecy fame? Let's not forget Franklin Raines, who has been a financial advisor to Obama. They got millions of dollars and now the taxpayers are footing the bill. Another person wrapped up in the financial mess is Obama confidante and Finance Chair Penny Pritzker.

Maybe this all helps explain how Obama is second on the list of those in congress who received the most money from Fannie Mae for a ten year period, despite his only being in congress for less than three years of that time.

Let's see how the MSM treats any of this. Please, don't hold your breath waiting for any of the talking heads to even mention any of this, however. It would not be good for your health.

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Monday, September 15, 2008

Lindsay sounds smart...almost....kinda

Here I was, all ready to pounce. Lindsay Lohan wrote a blog detailing her distrust of Sarah Palin. Yeah, bring it on. I was prepared to post the link and make a couple of witty remarks that slammed the poor thing for her latest move.

Trouble was, what I read isn't that bad. She actually thought about it. She actually made a reasoned argument about why she won't support Gov. Palin.

Lohan is wrong, of course. And, I did not read the actual blog, only the report on it. However, what I read sounded like it came from someone who is capable of logical thought processes, not just a "She can suck it" retort (see previous post re: Pam Anderson).

Then, near the end of the report there is this quote - "Oh, and... Hint Hint Pali Pal - Don't pose for anymore tabloid covers, you're not a celebrity, you're running for office to represent our, your, my COUNTRY!"

Ooooo...she almost got all the way through without sounding like a goober. So close, and yet, so Lohan. Gotta love the irony of a supporter of The One lecturing someone else about not being a celebrity.

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Bipartisan Politics

The Washington Times did a study focusing on the presidential candidates and their records. Who do you think came out as being more bipartisan?

That's right. McCain, who actually came out as siding with Democrats more often than his own party.

Actually, I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

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Google heading out to sea?

According to reports, Google is going to put barges out to sea. These barges will house data centers for the online giant, allowing them to bypass paying taxes.

One more story proving that higher tax rates stifle business, which stifles economies, which hurts everyone.

One more reason to support the Fair Tax.

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Obama holding up troop withdrawal from Iraq?

The New York Post is reporting that Obama spent part of his trip to Iraq trying to convince Iraqi leaders to hold off on agreeing to US troop withdrawals until after the election.

That would serve nicely to not only allow Democrats to assail President Bush for not withdrawing troops, but also to let Obama (assuming an Obama presidency) take full credit for when troops are withdrawn.

So, according to a large news organization, Obama, 0n the same trip where he passed on the opportunity to meet with wounded military, tried in private to keep them in harm's way longer than needed, ostensibly for personal political gain.

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News Flash

This Just In...

Shocking News!! According to Barack Obama, Wall Street is facing "the most serious financial crisis since the Great Depression", and it's all the fault of...(wait for it)...Republicans!

No, seriously. I know it's just too far-fetched to comprehend, but you can read it for yourself.

I am astounded. Beyond belief. I just don't know about anything now. To think that Obama is preaching doom and gloom, and blaming Republicans.


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Simple Tax Equation

Opponents of Reaganomics will scoff at the idea that tax cuts stimulate economies and increase revenues. California and New York are run by liberals who are such people. Their answer to everything is to raise taxes, already some of the highest in the US. Of course then they raise spending even more.

Now those in charge in NY and CA are perplexed at why their states are running huge deficits, while earners are leaving in droves, heading for less-punishing states like Texas and Florida.

It's been said so many times. If you and I ran our household budgets like most governments, we would be either in bankruptcy or prison very quickly.

The Fair Tax looks better and better every day.

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ABC News Edited Palin Interview for Length...or Content?

Some people are looking long and hard at the transcript of Charles Gibson's interview with Gov. Sarah Palin. It seems that certain responses were edited, possibly in such a way as to not show the Governor in the best light, or even in an honest light. One response was even chopped in mid-sentence.

That's not even addressing the questions that were asked of Gov. Palin, as opposed to the questions asked Sen. Obama in his Gibson interview.

Surely these nay-sayers cannot be correct. Surely ABC News, as well as all the other mainstream media outlets, are not biased. Surely they would not let personal feelings color the way they present a candidate.

Why, that would be blatantly obvious to everyone, and ratings would plummet on the networks that would dare do that.


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Pam Anderson's Philosophical Thoughts

The renowned philosopher and political scientist Pam Anderson has weighed in with her thoughts on a current candidate, saying that Sarah Palin “can suck it.”

Based on what we know of Ms. Anderson, I believe she was trying to bestow her highest compliment.

Remember, this is the person who didn't realize she was wearing sheepskin boots while she was protesting those who wear fur.

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Thursday, September 11, 2008

He's baaack

After a self-imposed sabbatical, I have decided to begin sharing some thoughts again with you. Not that anyone will notice, of course. But hey, not everyone can have the audience of Rush or Sean. But more on that and other thoughts on another day.

Today, I just want to say I remember. I wish everyone did. Let's leave it at that for now.