Thursday, October 30, 2008

Even The Ignorant Vote

Need more evidence that some people just should not be allowed to vote? Watch this video from the local NBC affiliate from south FL. In reporting on the Big O's appearance there at a rally, they interviewed one person. That person turned out to be a gold mine for anyone wondering why anyone in their right mind would vote for the sOcialist. Obviously, she has not been in her right mind in some time, if ever.

How do you deal with such sheer stupidity? "I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage." What a revealing quote.

Ask not what you can do for anyone. Ask what your country and those who actually work to earn their money can do for you, and do for you, and do for you, and do...

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A Civic Duty Not to Vote

The more I read from John Stossel, the more I like him.

His latest involves a civic duty not to vote if you are uninformed. This is a politically incorrect idea that has floated around for some time. I myself have written that there should be tighter restrictions on voting. I find it sad that it's harder to get a drivers license than to help decide the leader of the free world.

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Obama/ACORN ties

Newsflash - a former ACORN (hereafter referred to as The Nut Factory) worker has testified that the Big O's campaign turned over donor lists in order for The Nut Factory to hit them up for contributions. Nut Factory and Big O people deny, deny, deny.

Side note to those of you still supporting the sOcialist - will it be too late by the time you wake up?

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama's Illegal Contributions

The Big O has been accepting illegal contributions since day one. It's common knowledge. The MSM glosses over the fact when they report how Big O has "shattered" fundraising records. Gee, you think a whole bunch of new people who have never donated before just came up with $2300 without a second thought? Suuuuure.

Here a media outlet finally lets a little bit of the cat out of the bag, although they hilariously toss in a "hey, McCain does it too" line, mentioning the miniscule amount of questionable donations that came McCain's way after reporting that Big O took in $100 Million in September from the internet, and they have nothing in place to even verify the donations are legal.

Why do we even have campaign finance laws, if one candidate is going to openly flaunt them and everyone is going to turn their heads?

One section of the article mentions a lady who, according to the records, donated $175,000 to Big O, although the woman swears she never gave a dime. A spokesman for the Big O campaign says they are not even sure credit card companies have the ability to match names with credit card numbers.

Have they ever purchased anything with a card? Ever?

What a joke. If you're not going to look into O's background, if you going to ignore all of his associations, if you are going to downplay his marxist leanings, if you are going to reword his socialist proclamations, if you are going to hide his illegal actions, if you are going to disdain his extremely liberal record (what little there is of it), then why should anyone expect you to open your eyes when millions of illegal monies come flowing in?

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Want Some Laughs?

There is a great place for some hilarious videos. I have been very remiss in not bringing your attention to this earlier. My sincere apologies for this oversight.

Please to enjoy.

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What If?

What if the media looked into Big O's past as much as they did Joe The Plumber's?

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Obama's Halloween

Okay, so Obama and the lefties are trying to indoctrinate children. The Big O's website has a section devoted to children and how they should talk to parents and grandparents, trying to convince them to vote for Big O. By now, you've all seen the videos of the sweet, unassuming children lined up by adults and taught to sing a song of Obama like they wrote it on the spur of the moment, while the adults, cameramen and producers hide like this was some off-the-cuff home video. Or perhaps you've seen the video of the Obama Youth, dressed in fatigues and chanting His praises.

So, what do you do if a child approaches you and asks why Big O should not be elected? They're too innocent to understand socialism and how they are being manipulated, so how do you educate them?

Tell them this story.

You go out on Halloween. You walk as far as you can, as quickly as you can. You go to as many houses as you can, collecting a full bag of candy. You don't stop to rest, you don't eat anything. You just go to house after house, filling up your bag. Your brother goes out, but only visits two houses then goes home and plays Playstation. Your sister doesn't even dress up, sitting in front of the TV watching an iCarly marathon.

Now, when you get home, we are going to take your bag from you before you get any candy. We are taking your candy and splitting it between you, your brother and your sister. They get a big chunk of your bag of candy.

Of course the child will recognize this as patently unfair, and will most undoubtedly wail about the prospect of this seizure of property and redistribution of wealth. After their outburst, simply look them in the eye and tell them, "this is what Obama wants to do with the money Daddy and Mommy make at our jobs. He wants to take it away and give it to people who have not earned that money."

A leftie may have problems with that scenario, but even a child can see the wrongness of redistribution and socialism.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Racism Rears Its Ugly Head

So here's a racist goober, proclaiming that certain people should not be allowed to vote based solely on the color of their skin. How absurd. How ignorant. How racist.

Please, go ahead and read the link before continuing on. I'll wait.

Okay, done? I'll give you a couple of more minutes.

Now, were you surprised?

I can think of many reasons that some people should not be allowed to vote. Ignorance jumps to mind, as does the inability to fathom basic ideas like economics or climatology. Maybe those should be lumped in with committing felonies or not being a citizen.

Gosh, I haven't gone and offended any lefties, now have I?


Home Stretch

One week from today, a lot of people are going to cast votes. In some cases, dead people will vote. Imaginary people will vote. The Dallas Cowboys may vote in Nevada. Even Mickey Mouse might get in the act.

No matter. One way or another, one week from today, America will either legally or illegally have a new leader chosen.

Neither one thrills me. One scares me, while the other has never been my first choice for a candidate. The best person is on the undercard part of the ticket, and she has been viciously attacked since day one, revealing just how much her promise frightens the lefties and their media lapdogs.

Either way, the socialists in congress will keep raising taxes when able, will spend like drunken sailors (and being an ex-sailor myself, I've seen a ton of those), and will generally create more harm than good by answering every problem with "More Government!!".

Regardless, we will soon see a new person chosen to be President. Things will either get better or worse. I have my choices. Anyone who has read any of my writings will understand that. But should the Democrats take over all branches of the government and begin wreaking havoc previously unseen, I will still prevail.

This will be due to the fact that I am not dependent on the government. I do not rely on Big Brother for anything. I am solely responsible for my life. My family will endure. We will prosper. We will get through whatever obstacles are there.

My family suceeds not because of the government. We suceed despite the government.

So go and vote. If your choice loses, don't whine about moving to France, unless you're a hollywood bigshot (and in that case, let me call the movers to pack you up). If your choice loses, hunker down and be ready when the next election cycle arrives.

One last word of advice. If you have not done so, educate yourself about the candidates before you cast a ANY election.


Friday, October 24, 2008

Need Some Extra Money?

Could you use 9.1 Billion dollars? Do you think the economy would be a bit better off if we had 9.1 Billion dollars back in our pockets, every year, to spend on items?

That figure is the calculated annual cost of teenage pregnancies to you, the taxpayer.

Still hold the opinion that "victimless" crimes don't hurt anyone, or that personal issues are not anyone's business because it doesn't affect us?

There is a cost to everything. Everything. 9.1 Billion dollars of money every year is being taken from those few who still work hard and pay taxes and is being used to support teenagers who get pregnant and then will snidely tell you not to judge them.

Wonder what that figure would be if it were not for liberals pushing for the decline of morals for the last forty years or so...


Voter Fraud Continues

If you deny that liberals are committing voter fraud with the express intent of stealing the election, read this and this.

You'll probably still deny it, because if you don't already admit liberals are breaking voting laws, your head is so far buried in the sand (or elsewhere) that you're a lost cause. So for you, enjoy the koolade.


It's Not Over

I know some of you are getting frustrated or despondent over all the wonderful news that keeps coming out about Obama, especially how the MSM is acting like the election is already history. Strange thing is, no matter how much their legs tingle, no matter how hard they squeeze their eyes shut to all the felons and racists who surround him, no matter how hard they wish on their fuzzy little troll dolls - McCain just refuses to go away. AP even admitted that it was a virtual tie right now, probably much to their chagrin.

With the Bradley Effect possibly coming into play, and the always present gaffe-filled mouth of Biden still running, we can breathe a bit easier while knowing it

Don't listen to the MSM pandering (panting?) about Obama. They're in the tank for him, it's a proven fact. They are going to simply lie, twist, hide facts, and generally do whatever it takes to defeat conservatives. Those who want socialism in charge of this country are smiling.

Let's knock the smiles right off those faces. Capitalism works. This is the greatest country in the history of the world, and we're not ready to fold up the tent quite yet.

Do you want a government and an economy like those in Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, and other similar places? Then get out and vote. Don't let the liberals and socialists steal this election by lying, committing fraud, and whatever other illegal means at their disposal.

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Thursday, October 23, 2008

MSNBC and ACORN in bed

Every time I think the MSM have thrown out the last of their honor and given up any hope of appearing honest, one of them does something more heinous than before.

Now MSNBC has given up whatever shred of pretense they held onto about not being biased. They have partnered with ACORN and La Raza to help see through the coronation of His Most Holy Obama.

If you still think the MSM is not biased in today's world, you are simply an idiot.

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One Great Letter

Orson Scott Card is an outstanding Sci Fi writer, among other things. He recently wrote an open letter to the "journalists" in the MSM. It's truly a great read and hits the nail squarely on the liberal head.

Please give "Would The Last Honest Reporter Please Turn On The Lights?" a read. He says it so much more eloquently than others, including myself.

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Hate Crimes in TN and FL

A political party's headquarters in Tennessee has been subjected to threatening phone calls for weeks, as well as vandalism. Now, the headquarters has been subjected to thousands of dollars worth of damage in a vicious hate crime attack.

Meanwhile, in Florida, a man's home is shot at because of McCain signs. This at the same time as reports in the area of stolen McCain signs (there's a trend from across the land).

Care to guess which party is the victim here? Guess which party is responsbile for such vile hatred? Guess which party is home to gutless cowards who hide while trying to intimidate opponents?

That's right - the Democrats and liberals are the gutless cowards, and I'll keep on saying that because it's true. So any of you who think you can call me out for accusing them falsely because there is nothing to tie them directly to the vicious attacks, ask yourselves this - who else is behind this junk? While it may not be the party itself, it is definitely done by people who choose to vote for that party, and are encouraged to do so by the party. Think of all the Democrat politicians over the last eight years who have espoused hate for President Bush.

There you go.

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Friday, October 17, 2008

Funny McCain Video

John McCain and Barack Obama both appeared, along with many other dignitaries, at the Alfred E. Smith Dinner last night. Here is a great clip of McCain's talk. It is absolutely hilarious.

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Thursday, October 16, 2008

ACORN Being Defended

Here's a shocker. Left-wing liberal wacko groups are coming to the defense of ACORN, the group that has been linked to voter fraud for years and years and years, and is currently under investigation in 13 different states for voter fraud.

You've got Mickey Mouse, the Dallas Cowboys starting lineup, hundreds of dead people, one young man in NY over 70 times...the list of offenses goes on and on. And yet these groups that don't even hide their liberal agendas are blaming...wait for it...Republicans!

Of course! If you believe in voting as a sacred duty, and you think that a vote should count properly, you might just get a bit perturbed at seeing hundreds of thousands of fake registrations flooding states across the land. But if you dare say anything, you're "trying to supress voting." What a pile of garbage.

Here's some quotes, after which I thoughtfully correct it for the speakers.

From Julian Bond, head of the NAA(Liberal)CP: "This latest attack on ACORN follows a sorry pattern, played out in election after election...Republicans have practiced an assortment of subtle and overt methods to suppress and smother voter registration and turnout.”

This latest attack on by ACORN follows a sorry pattern, played out in election after election...Republicans Democrats have practiced an assortment of subtle and overt methods to suppress and smother illegally dilute voter registration and turnout.

And from the President of People For the American Way (talk about wrongly named!): "It’s a sad day when a campaign’s success strategy is dependent upon keeping voters away from the polls.”

Here's her quote, cheerfully fixed - It’s a sad day when a campaign’s success strategy is dependent upon keeping voters away from the polls cheating by using any illegal means necessary to inflate voting numbers.”

Glad to be of service.

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Proof That Idiots Vote

I won't get into whether or not there's a constitutional right to vote - there isn't one. But isn't it sad that the requirements for acquiring a driving license is harder than being able to vote for the most important officeholder in the world.

Here is some proof that serious thought should be given to at least some basic requirements for voting. This is an audio clip from the Howard Stern show where they went out on the street in Harlem asking people who they were voting for. They found several people who said they were voting for Obama. The interviewer followed up with questions about policies, substituting McCain's policies. The lemmings went right along, proclaiming to be in favor of prolonging the war in Iraq, favoring a prolife stance, and being against stem cell research - all because they thought these are Obama's policies. Even when asked if Sarah Palin would make a good VP for Obama, they said they were happy he "elected" her to be his VP.

I'll leave it up to my readers to determine for themselves why these people in Harlem are choosing to vote for Obama. I just think it is extremely sad that there are such uninformed idiots out there that wind up negating votes by intelligent people. Yes, I have seen the videos of the idiots from the other side, where they are calling Obama an AAARab (that's how they pronounced it), but it's my firm belief that the vast majority of idiots reside solidly in the liberal camp. And that is why this country is in such danger.

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Inappropriate Relationship

A prominent Republican lawmaker is in hot water after it was revealed he was having sexual relations with an executive at a financial institution while he was serving on a top congressional committee that oversaw such institutions. The lawmaker may have to resign after pressure has been applied by several major networks and newspapers have written scathing exposes revealing the scandal.

The above paragraph is completely true, except for the following minor corrections:

- It was a Democrat, Barney Frank, not a Republican. He served on the House Banking Committee overseeing Fannie Mae, where his lover worked as a top executive.

- He's not in hot water, and he won't be resigning, probably because the news has been totally ignored by almost every MSM outlet, who have not written squat about the scandal.

Double standard? What double standard?

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Obama Admits Trickle Down Works

In case you missed it, Obama said during the last debate that trickle down economics actually works.

In a response to the question about how the bailout will help the average person, Obama said, "Well, Oliver, first, let me tell you what's in the rescue package for you. Right now, the credit markets are frozen up and what that means, as a practical matter, is that small businesses and some large businesses just can't get loans.

If they can't get a loan, that means that they can't make payroll. If they can't make payroll, then they may end up having to shut their doors and lay people off.

And if you imagine just one company trying to deal with that, now imagine a million companies all across the country."

Following that logic, lowering taxes for businesses, such as the capital gains tax, will result in more jobs, and raising the capital gains tax will result in less jobs. Right, Senator?

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Head of Ethics Commission Resigns After Ethics Lapse

A man appointed by the Mayor of Lexington KY to head a commission on ethical business practices has resigned after it was discovered he lied on his resume.

Some of these lines sound like they came from a Saturday Night Live skit.

"I wasn't anticipating this sort of witch hunt."

On his two years of study at University of Toledo growing into a BA with a double major - "Mitchell said he never intended to deceive anyone, and the mistakes in his professional biography were based on simple misunderstandings."

"Mitchell said he and the governor's office might have misunderstood each other the first time they prepared his official biography. When the governor's people asked about his college degree, he said, he might have thought they were just asking where he went to school and what he studied, because he did take some political science classes in Toledo.

I honestly can't say that maybe I didn't say I had a degree when I meant to say 'I majored,'" he said. "I don't know. That's tricky."

On the claim that he founded a successful company when he actually was hired by the founder - "Mitchell said he did not "technically" found Premier, but he built it into a successful company before its merger in January. Last year, Commerce Lexington named Premier its Minority Business of the Year (and described it as "founded in 1998 by D. McGinnis Mitchell").

"I mean, I did found what that company became, so in that sense, I am the founder, even if I'm not in the technical sense," Mitchell said. "I don't see that as anything untruthful."

This was the most qualified man to head an ethics committee? What was the purpose of the committee, anyway? To "encourage" lower mortgage rates for minorities. Anyone remember this thing called Fannie Mae? Community Reinvestment Act ring a bell?

Do liberals never learn?


Too Fat To Execute?

A man who claims he is too fat to be executed has apparently lost his argument and will finally receive his deserved punishment sometime later today.

The killer, who said his fat precluded a humane lethal injection, had a last meal of "T-bone steak with A-1 sauce, onion rings, french fries, four eggs over easy, toast with butter, hash browns, a pint of rocky road ice cream, a Mountain Dew soft drink and bear claw pastries." Gee, wonder how he got so fat?

Apparently, he was not too fat in 1986 to toss a concrete block off an overpass into the windshield of a car. He was not too fat to drag the two girls in the car to an isolated wooded area. He was not too fat to savagely torture the girls for over three hours. He was not too fat to rape the girls. He was not too fat to strangle the girls till they were dead.

He's not too fat to execute. However, he may be too evil. Perhaps it would be better to put him in the general population and let him be passed around by gangs for use as they see fit.

What is all this uproar about humane execution, anyway? Someone in Texas sued a few years ago because the needle used to inject the lethal drugs was not sterilized beforehand. Save some money and just inject an air bubble from a reused needle. He'll still suffer less than his victims.

UPDATE - RIP scum.

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From Tiny Acorns Grow Large Frauds

If you think ACORN is not dangerous, read this. Or this. Or this. Or this. Or this. Or this. Or this. Or this.

This group has been around for years. Every election cycle, the news reports of outrageous fraud begin to creep out slowly. You never hear about it again, of course, and the cycle begins again before the next election. It appears that their sole reason for being is to perpetuate voter registration fraud in order to benefit the Democratic party. It's mind-boggling that they have been tied to so many instances of illegal activities and yet they are not only still allowed to exist, they are rewarded by Democrats with showers of money.

I could post dozens of more links, but if you don't get it by now, you never will.

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Are You Voting For Obama?

Joe Biden says paying higher taxes is patriotic.

Obama says raising taxes is an issue of fairness.

Obama says we should “spread the wealth around”.

Vote for Obama if you choose to. It's your vote. But, please, at least have the honesty to admit you are voting for a Socialist.

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Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Deliberate Antagonism by Movie Theaters?

I took my family to see An American Carol this past weekend. We all wanted to show our support for the movie during opening weekend. We were not disappointed. It’s a great spoof full of laughs alternating with sincere moments, and it’s one heckuva great message.

We were settled in and excited for the beginning when the lights dimmed. The requisite commercials played followed by the warnings to turn off our cell phones. That’s when the strangest thing happened.

The first trailer started. It turned out to be a movie about Richard Nixon. Hmm, I thought. I haven’t heard about this one. It didn’t take long to show the movie is going to be a slam piece on the former President’s interview with David Frost, casting Nixon as the villain and the Frost writers as the small, vastly undermanned yet brave heroes standing up to the evil cadre of lawyers and PR guys protecting Nixon.

A few murmurs spread throughout the crowd. How ironic it was that this particular trailer wound up being shown before the one movie made for conservatives. Then things got weirder.

The second (and last) trailer was for W., the movie that Oliver Stone made with no pretense at truth or civility. It’s an all-out attack piece on the current President, attempting to portray him as a boozing, coked up frat boy who stumbles his way to the highest office in the land and proceeds to tear the country apart despite being a fool.

Okay, now the comments were louder and more open. What was going on? Why show these two trailers to this particular audience? Those were the only two shown. Most movies today get at least a half dozen trailers.

The movie began and the crowd settled down to finally enjoy themselves. We did, too. Carol delivered what it promised. I was mildly surprised that it did not get a standing ovation at the credits. This type of crowd is normally not given to over-the-top public displays, however. That’s usually the forte of the other side.

On the way out, I stopped and asked the manager about the trailers. He said that trailers are chosen by the distribution company and they had no input. He even agreed with me that those were inappropriate trailers to be showing for that movie, but there was nothing he could do.

Although I believed that about as much as I believed that George Patton actually came back to haunt Michael Moore Malone, I left without further comment. The next day I emailed Vivendi Entertainment, the Carol distributor. The reply was that the movie chain has sole discretion over choice of trailers, which made much more sense.

This morning I fired off a complaint to the theater’s home office. I listed two complaints – first with the deliberate choice of trailers and second with the manager who would not tell the truth. I’ll update with any response they might give me.

UPDATE - After one week, there has been no response from the theater chain other than to acknowledge receipt of my complaint. I sent a followup yesterday saying that I cannot know with certainty why they are not responding, and therefore I am left to guess as to their reasoning. Should they ever choose to respond, I'll pass it along.

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Friday, October 03, 2008

CBS Reporter in Hot Water?

Do you recall the story from earlier this year when a reporter and a contractor got into a fight over a former model who is currently employed by CBS? The subject of their affections is now embroiled in another mess.

Lara Logan has been spotlighted in a video piece showing off items she took from trips to Iraq. Some of the items are paintings of Saddam she found in palace rubble. She proudly displays the paintings in the story.

There is one small problem here. Taking items such as the paintings is called looting, and it's illegal. One engineer employed by Fox has been prosecuted for smuggling paintings, and others have received warnings.

Customs officials are investigating. Sounds like Ms. Logan should have kept her thieving a private matter.

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New Attacks

Someone painted a nude painting with Obama's face and hung it in a public place. Bloggers are constantly photoshopping Obama's picture on unflattering pictures and trying to pass them as real. Rumors detrimental to Obama are begun on blogs and willingly spread by networks and large publications such as large city daily newspapers. A professor at a major university has publically questioned if Obama is actually male. Pseudo-famous people have produced a pornographic film starring an Obama look-a-like in order to further destroy his image. Celebrities have regularly spewed hate-filled diatribes against Obama, even ruminating on what would happen if he were to be violently attacked and gang-raped.

Naturally, those in power in politics and media have stepped forward to denounce all of these attacks.

Whoops. My bad. All of those things have actually happened to Governor Sarah Palin, and the silence by the Mainstream Media and those in power is astoundingly convincing evidence of their desire to bury Palin.

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Keith Olbermann's Self Destruction

Yes, absolutely everyone is telling you today who won last night's debate and why. However, I just felt compelled to add a small thought to this avalanche.

Last night, after the debate was over, I did a bit of channel surfing. The networks had on their predictable liberal mouthpieces, and they almost without exception said that Gov. Palin did a credible job. Of course they were not going to say she won, but they did give her credit.

Fox News did a text message poll, and at last count, the public had voted Palin the winner by a margin of 86-12. The group assembled by pollster Frank Luntz overwhelmingly voted for Palin.

And then I turned to MSNBC where Keith Olbermann began his show by accusing Palin of lying. I watched the first few minutes of his show (as much as I can stand of his show at any one time), and he pounded the Governor. Anyone listening only to MSNBC came away thinking that Palin lied, lied, lied and all Biden did was catch her and slam her constantly with debunking facts.

I have refrained from saying too much about Olbermann since he surfaced on the Mini Socialist Nationwide Broadcasting Schlubs, mostly because I enjoyed his days as a sportscaster. Back then, he had a quick wit and a sarcasm that shined. He was one of the best.

Things began going downhill after he reached his popularity heights. He pitched a hissy fit because he felt ESPN, his old employer, should allow him to do his show from New York, instead of the ESPN studios in Connecticut (the employee telling the boss where they can locate their business). ESPN held firm, and Olbermann walked.

After bouncing around several jobs for a few years, Olbermann surfaced on his current network and began coming unglued on a nightly basis. Since Countdown has begun, this sad person has increasingly sunk to new lows as he panders to the most extreme left wing liberal people. He has been unendingly critical of the Bush administration. He slammed Hillary Clinton because she dared oppose Obama. If there is a stand on something, you can safely wager your life savings that Olbermann will be on the liberal side of the issue.

It's almost depressing to watch the once witty talking head descend into the depths of angry vitriol. Olbermann has a very small audience of koolaid-consuming allies, and he does nothing but preach to the choir. Even his liberal network fired him from hosting the conventions because he could not rein in his personal feelings enough to be objective.

Olbermann has turned what was a stellar career into a joke, and for that, I'm sad. I can't think of anyone who could watch him do sports reporting now and not think of his regular screech-filled outbursts of rage aimed at anyone not toeing the line for the supreme left.

Good night, Keith, and good luck.

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Thursday, October 02, 2008

Baseball Trivia

Quick Question - Name the MLB team that has a perfect record in the playoffs - the only team undefeated in the postseason.

Answer - The Tampa Bay Rays.

Yes, I know it won't go on forever. Who knows how long it will go on? But for today, it's true. And for me, that's good enough for now.

The Tampa Bay Rays - Undefeated in Postseason Play.

Man, that just rolls off the tongue.


Something You Can Do About The Financial Situation

Congress is currently debating using hundreds of billions of our money to fix problems that they caused. Most of what they are planning on doing will not fix anything, it simply will throw more money at the problems.

Ask yourself, how did a three page emergency bailout bill become a 450 page behemoth? Everybody who touched it loaded their own giveaways onto it, of course. Do you think the senators who passed it last night have read all 450 pages? Do they know where they just agreed to spend our money?

Here's something you can do. Visit this link and read what Dave Ramsey has to say about the situation. Then, take action.

Remember, socialism is not the answer to fix runaway taxing and spending. When regulations change capitalism and force companies to make bad decisions based on feel-good wishes, eventually the bad decisions hit home. The answer is not to enforce even more regulations.

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