Thursday, April 30, 2009

Update on The King of Pork

UPDATE - Original Story

More news is coming out about John Murtha's personal airport. Now we find out that he forced the Pentagon to spend over $30 Million to upgrade the runways to handle the largest military planes, even though this is a small commuter airport that hardly anyone uses...except Murtha himself, of course.

"Some locals call the Johnstown airport "Fort Murtha" because of the stream of wartime projects at the facility. Although its runway is capable of servicing the largest airplanes in North America, the airport now is used only by small commuter planes that make six trips a day back and forth to Washington Dulles International Airport.

Many of the commercial flights, which are subsidized by federal transportation dollars, carry only a handful of passengers. On a recent visit, all of the departing flights were less than half full, and one had only four passengers -- screened by seven federal airport personnel. "

Four passengers, on taxpayer subsidized flights, screened by seven personnel paid by taxpayer money. Sounds like a huge military hub to me.

"Nobody wants to say no to Congressman Murtha or make him mad because he controls defense appropriations," said Melanie Sloan, executive director of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, a government watchdog group. "Murtha wanted an airport, and he knew he could get one. It's like he's a billionaire, except it's not his money."

It's OUR money.

"Murtha also pushed for the Pentagon to install a state-of-the-art digital radar surveillance system to spot weather systems more than 100 miles away. But the $8.6 million radar tower has not been used since it was completed in 2004.

The National Guard Bureau says this kind of radar is not part of its plans or priorities, though the Pennsylvania-based unit argues that the radar is a "perfect complement" to its air traffic control unit's mission. The Guard has been paying roughly $1,500 a month to keep the unmanned radar spinning and says it hopes to get staff in the future for the facility.

A spokesman said the Guard has "no problem" paying the electric bill."

$8.6 Million for a radar that has never been used. $1500 per month for five years to keep it spinning, and it's NEVER BEEN USED.

Of COURSE they don't have a problem paying the bill. It's OUR MONEY, not theirs.

Face it. If this were a Republican, the media would be all over this story. Couric, Olbermann, Chris Matthews, and all the other leftie goobers would be coming unglued over this obvious waste of taxpayer money.

This is not just misappropriations. This is grand theft.

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Later We Can Yell "Fire" In A Theater

Hey, here’s a great idea. Let’s fly a huge plane really low over New York City. Let’s get a fighter jet to tail it. And to top everything off, we won’t tell anyone in the City that we are doing it, including the mayor.

What do you mean, that’s a bad idea? Why would that be insensitive? What could go wrong?

Maybe next week, we can film a fake robbery in a bank without alerting the bank or the police.

UPDATE - Here you can create your own photoshop picture of a flyover and enter a contest.

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One More 100 Day Post

You want an addition to 100 day accomplishments by O?

How about record borrowing by the government, leading to record deficits?

How about spending $1 Billion per day on the “stimulus”?

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More 100 Day Goof Ups

NewsMax lists some of the worst gaffes by Obama during his first 100 days.

Listed below are some of my favorites.

Calling for the nation to sacrifice during his inaugural speech, which tripled the cost of W’s first.

Bill Richardson, Tom Daschle, Tim Geithner, Nancy Killefer, Annette Nazareth, Sanjay Gupta, and Caroline Atkinson, to name a few – all nominees who had some sort of trouble being vetted, usually over taxes.

Campaign promises to not employ lobbyists, give 48 hours to review any bill before signing, and others not simply broken but destroyed.

Forcing congress to sign the humongous stimulus bill late Friday without having time to read it, then jetting off for a weekend and getting around to signing the bill finally on Tuesday.

Giving the British PM a boxed set of DVD’s that don’t work in the UK, then giving the Queen an iPod filled with his speeches. Michelle touching the Queen. O bowing to the king of Saudi Arabia. Accepting the anti-American book from Chavez. Getting his hat handed to him by Castro and Medvedev.

Claiming American invented the car. Trying to make veterans pay for service-related injuries. Special Olympics. Being embarassed of Jesus. Being unaware of tea party protests. 9000 gallons of fuel spent on Earth Day.

The Teleprompter.

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100 Days, 100 Mistakes

The NY Post lists 100 Mistakes made during the first 100 days.

Imagine that.

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Lost Hope? Or Reality Kicking In?

This Obama supporter has lost her Hope. Seems that reality has set in, and Big O has not descended from the skies to give her that Change she was promised. She still has to get through life each day.

The Horror!

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She's Effective? Let's Get Rid Of Her!

A principal takes over and turns a school around, raising test scores. She gets a reputation of being strict but fair.

Turns out she has a history of being a bit different, holding a child who bit several students so they could bite him back. I myself a similar tactic on my own child. When he bit his sister, we bit him to show him what it felt like. He stopped. It was effective.

Now the principal has been fired. Parents have rallied behind her, supporting her actions.

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I Guess We Are All Traitors

It’s now official – you are not a patriot unless you pay every tax without complaint, accept Obama and his spendspendspendspend attitude, allow the government to take over every single phase of your life and run everything you do. Unless you sit back and accept all of these without even a peep – you just don’t love your country.

Thus Sayeth the same people who not only said it was their patriotic duty to stand up to the administration (just a few months ago, say before 20 January), but it was damned unpatriotic to even question them for doing so.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Biggest Part Of Global Warming Is The Hot Air Coming From DC

AlGore is scheduled to appear before a congressional subcommittee and rant about the myth known as global warming. Republicans line up a speaker to counter AlGore’s speech, to give the other side of the debate, allowing for objectivity in the hearings.

As you might guess, the Democrats refuse to allow the other speaker, a world renowned scholar in the area of climatology and weather, a chance to be at the hearing, much less the chance to refute Al’s ravings. Seems they don’t want Al to be embarrassed.

AlGore then lies to congress, saying he has not made a penny from the global warming scam. Strange, considering he had $2 Million in assets when he left the VP slot, and now has invested over $35 Million in hedge funds and other accounts.

Still think he’s on the up and up?

Strangely enough, even with the lefties stacking the deck, they themselves take potshots at global warming, as evidenced by John Dingell (D-MI) admitting that “cap-and-trade is a tax, and it’s a great big one.

Next week, the Democrats admit the sun rises in the east.

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I Would Believe That She Knows Nothing

First come reports that Wicked Witch Pelosi was briefed on waterboarding as early as 2002.

Then come the denials from WW Nancy.

This much is absolutely true – Nancy the gasbag either knew about waterboarding, or she didn’t.

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However, He's Better With Interns

Hillary says that she does not consider Cheney to be a reliable source of information.

In a shocking example of irony, she says in the same story that her first 100 days are “pretty good.”

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Maybe They've Given Up Hope For Change

Why has the number of youths who are volunteering declined for the first time since 9/11?

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Mainstream Media Bias Alert, Part 4

When you work for NPR, you get to learn big new words to use. Nina Totenberg shows us how much knowledge she has by using “cockamamie” to describe people who support the Tea Party protests.

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But What Is He Saying Now?

An anniversary passed last week. It’s been two years since Harry Reid declared the war in Iraq to be lost.

What a patriot.

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The King Of Pork

John Murtha is the king of pork. Your tax dollars (and mine) have gone to keep a personal airport running for good ole John.

That military-hating goober who should be retired as soon as possible.

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Some Just Don't Get It

Yet another example of how some people just don’t get it. The Tea Party protests were not about taxes. They were about out-of-control spending and the unprecedented power grab by a government hellbent on turning this country into a Socialist state.

By the way, repeating ad nauseum the lie that 95% of the people got a tax cut will never make it true. There aren’t that many people paying taxes, so it’s physically impossible to cut taxes on someone who pays no taxes.

Now, if the government wants to admit they are instituting a wealth redistribution scheme, then we’ll agree to that. But taking my tax dollars and giving it to someone who doesn’t pay taxes in the first place can never be honestly described as giving that moocher a tax cut.

Since we are on the subject of taxes, why doesn’t the government admit they just raised taxes on every single smoker in the country?

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What Will He Do Next?

Now that President Obama has fixed the banking and housing industries, as well as global warming, itchy scalp, bad breath, and the pitching woes of the Chicago White Sox, he has decided he will fix the Republican Party.

Let us all bask in the radiance that is Him.

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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Arlen Showing His True Colors Today?

Word is spreading that Arlen Specter will announce today that he is officially switching to the Democratic Party, a move that should surprise absolutely no one. The only effect this will have on Specter's office is they have to get new stationery. Arlen Goober has been a leftie for many years now, and the "official announcement" simply means we won't have to suffer the embarrassment of calling him a Republican anymore.

Good Riddance, bozo.

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Earth Day Message - Use Lots Of Energy

Good Grief, even CBS noticed that Obama wasted over 9000 gallons of jet fuel on Earth Day.

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Give a Man a Fish, Feed Him For a Day. Give a Beggar a House, Watch Her Keep Taking

The woman who used an Obama stimulus rally to publically beg for free stuff including a house continues to be in the news.

This was the original story, and here is the followup about her milking the system, when the truth began coming out about her selling land, etc.

Now, it seems that she may lose the temporary housing she was given after the rally. Oh, by the way, all the media outlets reported how big O was so touched, and how he laid hands on the woman, and how he said he was going to do everything in his power to help her. But, if you recall, it was the wife of a Republican who actually did something. The only thing you heard from the media after that was unfounded rumors that the wife was somehow using that for personal glory. Yeah, O sure didn’t try that tactic, did he? It’s fine to promise to help, but if you actually do help, you’re a glory hound.

Back on topic. After reading the story, I just have a few comments.

She and her son have taken a computer class at the center to help land work. Hughes said she has applied for as many jobs as possible but has struck out. Her son has had no luck either.”

The woman and her son, who supposedly is able and willing to work, both spend all of their time at the employment center, waiting for lightning to strike and someone to walk in offering them jobs. It doesn’t sound like they have searched very hard. They say the son has applied for many jobs but has been turned down for every single one. What is he applying for? Bank president? CEO? University professor?

According to the homeowner (you remember, the wife of the Republican?), Henrietta’s concern “is that she doesn't want to be a freeloader.”

How does Henrietta define freeloading? Standing up in front of the most powerful man in the world on national TV and begging for free handouts, followed by accepting free housing does not make one a freeloader?

I think the most appropriate thing about the article is the identification of the CNN affiliate – WINK.

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He's More Popular With MSNBC, Though

Joe Biden is less popular at this stage of his VP tenure than Cheney was at the same stage.

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Those Are Some Serious Rose Colored Glasses

Just in case you want to read how the White House is crowing about big O’s 100 days.

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Maybe They Considered Them An Unreliable Source?

The NY Times put a story on their website admitting that torture techniques were very successful. However, the story was nowhere to be found in the print edition.

Wonder why…

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There Was No Time To Read It

Your government is spending Your tax dollars to investigate possible fraud in 20 cases (so far) in the massive bailout that spent Your money.

Gee, Wally, wouldn’t it have been nice if they had taken an hour or two to actually read what they were doing, and maybe spent a few minutes on qualifying who was getting Your money?

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Monday, April 27, 2009

Has Your Child Never Disagreed With You?

John McCain’s daughter does not get along with her dad. These things happen.

Meghan McCain supported Kerry in 2004 and Al Gore in 2000. She spoke to the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay rights group that would not endorse Bush. She has called Karl Rove “creepy.”

So, in light of all this, it stands to reason that MSNBC would publicly muse if Meghan could become the leader of the Republican Party.

In their sweetest dreams filled with candy canes and socialists on every street corner, she could.

I wonder why MSNBC has never wondered if Joe Lieberman could ever become the leader of the Democrat Party? That would be extremely more likely than McCain’s daughter running the GOP.

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Who Will Hook Up The Teleprompter Now?

The White House Communications Director is leaving.

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Ever See A Pirate Cry?

The kid pirate (with all due apologies to Lyin’ Al Sharpton) was all smiles when he was brought to NY to stand trial. After being informed he is being rightfully tried as an adult and faces life in prison, he did what any self-respecting Somali Pirate would do.

He cried.

What a shame.

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Black Farmers Mad At Obama

The National Black Farmers Association is upset with Obama for trying to change legislation he himself introduced allowing black farmers to sue for a case that was settled and paid out years ago.

First, why is there even a National Black Farmer Association? Yes, I know it’s merely a money and power grabbing tool. That was a rhetorical question.

Second, why is ANYONE surprised that Obama said one thing to get elected and completely changed course after taking office? Every Democrat that came down the pike has done that. Heck, a lot of Republicans have done it as well.

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Chavez Recognizes A Socialist

Even Hugo Chavez recognizes socialism when he looks at Obama, and he should know.

Unless…could it be? Could Chavez be a conservative plant, a sleeper planted by Reagan to be used decades later to destroy the reputation of a Leftie President?

At least we now know there is one thing that Chavez and conservatives can agree on.

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What Inspires You To Not Approve Of Criminal Behavior?

The National Director for Immigration for La Raza states that money “inspires” the anti-illegal immigration stands taken by talk show hosts and Lou Dobbs.

Two comments. First, I am neither a talk show host (although I would love the opportunity) nor am I Lou Dobbs. That being said, my “inspiration” for not approving of criminal behavior is my desire for a great, law-abiding country for my children and their children. I have this strange thing in me where I actually want people to not break the law, so call me crazy.

Secondly, I wonder what “inspires” Ms. De Castro to make her race pandering proclamations? I wonder how much she makes as a race pimp? Could money be one of HER “inspirations?”

There is a huge difference between bigotry and disliking lawbreaking, unless you are trying deliberately to tie lawbreaking and those of the Hispanic culture together. I don’t think that is Ms. De Castro’s goal, so let’s assume she is just another of those who thinks if you don’t call it illegal, you can convince the illiterate among us that it’s okay to sneak across the border in the middle of the night.

There is a huge difference between those who came here legally and are producing members of society, and those who snuck here ILLEGALLY, making them criminals by definition, and suck on the government teat, raking in billions of taxpayer largesse.

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Those Crazy Tea Party People

The chairman of the NH Democratic Party says those involved in Tea Party protests “looked like they lost their minds” and “didn’t even know what they were protesting.”

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Friday, April 24, 2009

He Was Always Such A Good Boy Before He Was An Islamic Terrorist Pirate

The mother of the Somali Islamic Terrorist Pirate wants Obama to pardon her son, using every excuse in the book – he was too young, got suckered in, didn’t know hijacking ships and killing people was wrong, etc. etc.

By the way, the mother and father can’t even agree on how old this pirate terrorist is, and his friend says he was enamored with piracy and dreamed always of joining up and hitting a rich payday.

A widow of one of the Islamic Terrorist Pirates wants the remains returned to her, and also is demanding compensation because now her children are desperate. Reminds you of the person who kills his parents and throws himself on the mercy of the court because he’s an orphan.

The mother of the same dead Islamic Terrorist Pirate also wants compensation. She says it was wrong to kill the hijackers and murderers. She insists there was a peaceful solution that would have saved everyone.

Perhaps they should have discussed these peaceful solutions with their husbands and children before they left to hijack, kill, and pillage for money.

These jerks were Islamic. They were Terrorists. They were Pirates. They forfeited their right to live in a peaceful world when they took up arms against innocent civilians for extortion and piracy.

Having said all that, consider this. If it were any other President, would you for one nanosecond think the families of these Islamic Terrorist Pirates would be taken seriously? But, since it’s Obama, are you concerned in the least that he just might agree to their outrageous demands?

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Party of Tax Cuts and Safe Borders

Chris Matthews wants to know "if the Republican Party really wants to be branded right now as the party of tax cuts and torture?"

Works for me, especially if we can then rightfully brand the Democrat Party as the party of tax raises and surrender.

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Thought Crime Legislation Coming Back

A great article on the false precepts of ‘hate crime’ legislation and why it violates the 14th Amendment. And yet the thought crime bill is working its way through the Democrats yet again. When did George Orwell become a congressman?

Big Obama Brother (BOB) is watching you.

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Trying In Vain To Make Sense Of Garofalo

On, a writer undertakes a completely impossible task of trying to look at screecher Janeane Garofalo’s comments on the Tea Party protests while using logic and common sense.

While he makes a valiant effort, you simply cannot apply logic or reasoning to anything this harpie spews. Labeling everyone who disagrees with her as racist is simply impossible to fit into the realm of logic. Ms. Garofalo has sailed away from Logicland into the Sea of Stupidity, and her last port call was years ago.

Still, if you are interested in reading a breakdown of her proclamations about conservatives, including how they have brain damage that precludes them from thinking clearly, you can follow the link and read away.

Good luck.

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Take This For What It's Worth

Not exactly sure what people will make of this, but here goes.

Men are bearing the brunt of the job losses. The gap between unemployment in males and females is the largest it’s ever been since they started keeping records in 1948.

Nobody is making any fuss over this, as you know it would be if the situations were reversed.


Mr. President, Math Don't Lie

Obama has asked his cabinet to trim $100 Million combined from the budget. He thinks that will get the Tea Party crowd off his back.

Marketwatch points out that amounts to 1/36,000 of the money in the budget. To put it in perspective, they say, “if the budget were a yardstick, the administration would be proposing to shorten it by 1/1000 of an inch. That's 25.4 microns, or about half the width of a human hair.”

Let’s look at some other examples. Let’s say you make $36,000 per year. That’s a paycheck of $1500 every two weeks. Your employer proudly announces that you are getting a raise…of $1.00 per year. Are you making reservations at Ruth’s Chris Steak House to celebrate?

How about this – Emmitt Smith holds the all time career rushing record in the NFL with 18,355 yards. Imagine that the record keepers announce they are reducing his total by a foot and a half. Do you think Emmitt will go into a deep depression?

This is fun. Let’s do one more. 36,000 days ago from today was September 30, 1910. How much of an impact would it have on you to talk instead about October 1st of that year?

Mr. President, math don’t lie.

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How Many Mexicans Live In America?

11% of all people born in Mexico live in America.

Eleven Percent.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Perfect Day For The Braves

What is a perfect day for the Atlanta Braves? When they win, and the Mets, Phillies, Marlins, and Nationals all lose. That means they gain a game in the standings on every team in their division.

For the Tampa Bay Rays, it was a win, but a little less perfect, because some teams in their division also won. But hey, it was a win.

I love baseball.

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Lefties Coordinating Attacks On Talk Radio

The attacks on talk radio are being ramped up.

This Socialist bozo from San Fran is crying in his soy milk about there not being a “progressive” voice equal to Rush on the radio. There’s not any voice on the radio equal to Rush, but that’s another topic.

What is entirely hilarious and completely unintentional on his part is he mentions Rachel Maddow, who used to be on Air America (more on her later). He forgets conveniently that Air America got a huge push, including cost breaks and free air time, and it failed miserably. In fact, every time a leftie has been on air, even with endless promotion, it has failed miserably. This is a true example of free enterprise. No one wants to listen to that junk.

The writer pretends to back up his desires by stating “facts” that people accidentally listen to Rush, and then are slowly hypnotized into believing what Rush says. In other words, if you listen to Rush, or Glenn Beck, or Sean, or Neal Boortz, you are a mindless moron…at least according to this buffoon.

He also bends, twists and otherwise simply states untruths as accepted facts, in order to back up his claims. This next line is strictly for the writer: It is not a ‘fact’ that the “conservative destruction of reasonable regulation” caused the economic problems. It has been traced back to the economic policies started by Carter, enlarged by Clinton, and pushed by the Democratic congress, especially Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. I wonder if the writer has even heard of the Community Reinvestment Act. I wonder if he has any knowledge of subprime mortgages and what dangers they present (and have brought forth).

In an unrelated story, except in how angrily it attacks talk radio and how many lies it contains, we have a rant against talk radio by someone who used to run a talk radio conglomerate.

Except he was running Air America, the leftie “answer” to normal talk radio, that failed miserably, despite concessions in most markets and getting free airtime in others. The truest example of a free market proved that leftie thought is for the elite and uninformed, as every market AA ventured into was a resounding mistake.

Now that this goober has been handed his hat by the general public, he presumes to tell us what we should and should not listen to on the radio. The sad truth is, he’s only an expert in what people will not listen to.

The main thrust of his rant is that most talk radio is for personal freedom and responsibility, which means they are against the Democrats and socialized government, which means they are against most every move by Obama. He calls Obama “an actual “uniter””, despite the fact that a recent survey showed the largest gap in decades between his starry eyed followers and his detractors. How can you unite when your idea of bipartisanship means every conservative must bow to your wishes. Can any leftie explain that? Come to think of it, can any leftie explain any of their policies, without calling the other side names?

My favorite moment in the rant comes when the author uses as an authority the “media pundit and political scientist Rachel Maddow.” If the name is not familiar to you, don’t worry. Maddow was one of the stars of Air America, and has now become a sock puppet for Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. Of course, nobody listened to her radio show, and no one is watching her tv show either. On both radio and tv, her modus operandi is to relentlessly attack anything conservative. She has made a living, although barely, by calling President Bush evil names and making accusations from outright lies. But she is a media pundit now, who is used to decry anyone who dares to oppose the current administration.

Nah, there’s no irony there at all.

The whiner also brings up the tired old complaint about Rush wanting Obama’s policies to fail, as if no leftie ever publically wanted Bush to fail. That has been blasted out of the water so many times to be not even funny anymore. Nice try.

The second funniest part of the screech comes when he tries to claim low ratings as a reason to ignore Rush and Glenn Beck. Again, this comes from the founding president of Air America. Nuff said.

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Dems Blame Bush for Economic Woes Started By Dems

Wicked Witch Pelosi wants to have hearings on the economic problems. If she had one ounce of honesty in her body (don’t hold your breath), the first witnesses would be Barney Frank and Christopher Dodd. After that would be officials from the Carter and Clinton administrations, followed by Jamie Gorelick, Franklin Raines, and Rahm Emanuel.

Like I said, don't hold your breath. They will make damn sure to blame all of this on Bush, despite the truth. Don't get me wrong. Bush shares a small portion of blame, for going along with the Dems on this one. But the wheels were in motion long before he ran for president, and the liberal congress would have rammed it through anyway.

The blame game has already begun. Barney Frank says the fault of the current economic crisis lays with the “Bush-era policy to help low-income families become homeowners instead of renters contributed to the sub-prime mortgage crisis.”

Perhaps Barney forgot the policy was started by Carter, enlarged by Clinton, and pushed extremely hard by himself and Chris Dodd. Bush did support it, due in large part to his strong desire to get along with Democrats, but this is a overwhelmingly Democrat policy.

No amount of lying or amnesia will change that.

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Journalism Lesson

A journalism school was handing out a journalism award, named for a famous journalist, to a famous journalist, and refused entrance to a journalist practicing journalism, shortly before having the journalist arrested…for refusing to stop practicing journalism.

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Napolitano and DHS

Secretary Napolitano caved and apologized to veterans for the absolute junk in the DHS report that claims anyone opposing anything by the administration is a right wing nutjob capable of becoming an extremist at any time, including war vets returning from duty.

While it was most likely not heartfelt, and it was too late (see below), at least this is a small victory over the Socialist forces. We’ll take it.

Now it turns out that veterans were being scrutinized by the administration less than a month after Obama took office as possible extremists. Obama is more concerned with veterans and conservatives than he is with Islamic Terrorists. Go figure.

In latest developments, Napolitano now says the report doesn’t say that vets will be extremists, it says they can be victims who are suckered in by right wing extremists.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Also on the DHS front, Napolitano says that crossing the border from Mexico to America in the middle of the night without a visa is legal.

However, she does blame the border with Canada for allowing the 9/11 hijackers access (a myth that was debunked years ago).

Don’t you love what the Department of Homeland Security is becoming?

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It's Everyone Else's Fault, Not Mine

Some people will take an opportunity to blame anyone else if they can avoid responsibility for their screw ups. So it is that in a recent survey, there are people who blame media and advertising companies for the fact that they themselves overspend and have gotten in credit trouble.

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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

How's This For An Open Administration?

Secretary Napolitano goes on a talk show, but the administration only “permits” one question and no followups relating to the DHS report labeling just about anyone who questions the administration as an extremist.

How long before they change the name of Congress to the Politburo?

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We Love Free Speech, Unless You Disagree With Us

Another shining example of how the left hates free speech and will shut it down whenever given the opportunity. The only “free speech” they defend is speech they agree with, and that is not the definition of free speech. Anyone can defend speech they agree with. What is tough is defending speech that you disagree with, and lefties fail miserably at that qualification.

What is truly sad but not surprising in the least is that a professor joined in the crowd of goobers who shouted down free speech.

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Top Ten Gadgets Going Bye Bye

Here’s a list of the top ten technology gadgets about to go the way of the horse buggy, or the saber toothed tiger.

You might be surprised by #10.

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Survey Says...

A report of a “survey” on illegal immigrants, focusing on the huge numbers of children they are spitting out, and how likely they are to live in poverty.

One number I did not see listed is the number of illegal immigrants who are criminals. That would be 100%. Why, you ask? Because, despite the garbage they spew and which the media laps up like good little lapdogs, crossing into our country without legal permission is a violation of a law, making ANYONE who does so a criminal. That is kind of the reasoning behind the term illegal immigrant. Because they are both. I don’t care what they want you to call them. Look up the definitions. They are simply trying to deflect the fact that they are criminals.

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Don't You Love Unions

This is your typical union story. A low level worker has filed for compensation for missing his lunch break. Only this happens to be for the day that his workplace was attacked by a gunman leaving 13 people dead. Yep, I’m talking about the immigration work center in Binghamton NY.

Since the Department of Social Services, the object of the deadly attack, went into lockdown to protect the lives of the workers, this idiot did not get to take his union mandated lunch break. However, pizza and drinks were delivered to them during the four hour lockdown. I guess they weren’t worried about the pizza delivery guy.

Let’s all cry a river for this jerk. Maybe the children of the dead workers could write him a letter saying how sorry they are that their parents being massacred interfered with his lunch.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Al Who?

Al Sharpton, that pillar of truth who gave the world Tawana Brawley, has jumped on the liberal bandwagon that thinks by changing the name of something, you can change how it’s viewed by the public.

Sadly, lefties have found this to be very effective. Why? Two reasons. First, the media lapdogs follow their every lead and do whatever they are told, just waiting for that promised pat on the head. Second, and most dangerously, there are enough of their voters who are complete idiots that believe whatever they are told, as long as that government check keeps coming.

This time, Lyin' Al wants to stop calling Islamic pirate goons by the P Word, and refers to them as a "voluntary coast guard", an insult to every member of the Coast Guard, of which I know many.

Does Lyin’ Al think he is still relevant? Maybe a better question is, was he ever relevant?

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Matty's Sad

Matt Lauer is upset and worried that a business might want to run their private business the way they want to, and not the way Big (Obama) Brother, also known as BOB, tells them?

Have we, as a country, seriously lost that much of our collective minds that we can’t understand what private enterprise means?

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$25 Million Per Mile

Do you ever wonder why California is going broke?

How about spending $25 Million per mile to fix a road?

I have an idea to save the government taxpayer dollars. Pay me $50 Million, save the other $25 Million, and I’ll get the 3 miles of road paved. I’m sure I can get it done by a reputable company for $5 million, maybe 6, and I’ll keep the rest for my administrative costs.

Whaddya say, Obama?

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Girls Gone Wild, Catholic Edition?

Do you really think it was an accident that a “Girls Gone Wild” promo ran on a Philadelphia station during a live telecast of the Good Friday service from the Vatican?

According to Comcast, the ad “was aired inadvertently due to a test of the Emergency Alert System, during which the channel airs regular programming -- which in this case included an advertisement for "Girls Gone Wild’s Search for the Wildest Bar in America" DVD.”

The producers of the video are now claiming a record spike in sales, by the way.

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Don't View This Over Breakfast

If you are eating, wait for awhile before viewing this link.

This could be the nastiest McDonald's in the world. Ugh.

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Saturday, April 18, 2009

Is This What Your Future Looks Like?

The socialized medicine in the UK is the model for what the lefties have in mind for us here. So, here is a story of how a 21 year old girl had all of her teeth removed. They had to be pulled because she went for such a long time trying to find a dentist who would work on her.

You have heard and read stories for years of people waiting years for treatments, or being denied treatment because they are too old, or too risky, or too whatever. But there are a lot of you who are either too stupid to realize that will happen here, or you just don’t care, as long as you get your piece of the pie. My guess is it’s a bit of both.

Hope you enjoy your free health care that everyone is “entitled” to.

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Way To Be Responsible, Vermont

Vermont is considering a bill that would legalize a 13 year old sending a nude picture of herself to her 13 year old boyfriend by cell phone.

Considering how many of those wind up on the internet, how is it not possible for anyone to see that Vermont is pushing child pornography?

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Why Do The Other Networks Hate Fox?

If you're wondering why Susan Roesgen targeted Fox News in her on-air rant against the tea parties, this might clear that up for you.

Here are the latest ratings for cable news networks, courtesy of Drudge.

Total viewers Wednesday from 8:00 to 11:00 PM:
FOXNEWS 3,390,000
MSNBC 1,210,000
CNN 1,070,000

Fox has more viewers than the other three combined. That's enough to stir up some serious leftie hate.

Viewership for specific shows:
FOXNEWS BECK 2,740,000
FOXNEWS SHEP 2,185,000
CNNHN GRACE 1,336,000
CNN KING 1,292,000
MSNBC MADDOW 1,149,000
CNN COOPER 1,021,000

Any wonder why Cooper and Maddow were making the teabagging jokes with the vulgar references? Look at their viewership.

The top six shows are all from Fox. And yet you'll be lied to time and time again by the lapdog media when they insist the tea parties were not grass roots, and is not significant at all.

The answer to the title question? Because they're losers.

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More Tea Party Lies By The Lefties and Their Media Lapdogs


Wicked Witch of the West Nancy Pelosi joins in with the media lapdogs and the other lefties in denigrating anyone who attended or supports the Tea Party movement.

Pulling out an old leftie trick, she decides to change the meaning of something by renaming it, refusing to acknowledge a grassroots movement by deriding it as “astroturf.”

After CNN's Cameras Stopped Rolling

What happened after Susan Roesgen stopped the cameras from rolling. In other words, after she had her hissy fit tirade against anyone who would DARE badmouth Obama.

More Media Lies About The Tea Parties

This time from Canada.

Here We Go

Anyone who attended a tea party event or supports the movement is a racist. Thus Sayeth Janeane Garofalo.

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Friday, April 17, 2009

Singing Surprise

If you have not yet seen this video, you need to watch it. It will put a smile on your face, and we all need that these days. This video is simply amazing.

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Tea Party Coverage Fallout

I want you to remember this. The mainstream media is making fun of you. If you supported the Tea Party protests in any way, CNN and MSNBC thinks you are a loser. How do I know this? Because they turned the protests into a bunch of frat boy jokes, using the slang term for a particular sexual position involving parts of a male and someone else’s mouth or chin. Instead of treating the events with any sense of decorum, they treated you like scum.

Here is the video of the CNN reporter antagonizing protesters, stepping out of her reporter shoes and slipping into her editorializing, leftie-promoting, I-Love-Obama, High Horse slippers.

This same reporter almost came unglued because she saw a sign drawing comparisons between the state of the current administration and Nazi Germany, a comparison on which many, many plausible comparisons can be made. Even though she now declares that comparing a sitting president to Hitler is abhorent, she laughed at a Bush mask that had a Hitler mustache drawn on it and devil horns placed on it during her coverage of the Katrina aftermath. Can anyone say this skank is anything but a liberal mouthpiece?

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Is Obama Ashamed of Jesus?

At the “request” of the White House, Georgetown covered up a symbol representing Jesus that was visible in the background when President Obama gave a speech there.

Maybe Obama considers Jesus to be competition.

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The Mote In Her Eye

A congresswoman from IL has proclaimed the Tea Party protests as “despicable” and “shameful.”

This is the woman whose husband is a convicted felon who served time in federal prison for tax violations, bank fraud, and writing bad checks.

This is the woman who served on the board with her felon of a husband while he was bilking over $2 million dollars from financial institutions.

This is the woman whose felon of a husband openly campaigned for Obama.

This is the woman who was in discussions with Gov "Gimme" Blago for Obama's senate seat, you know, the one that was for sale.

You would think with that kind of resume, the embarassment from IL would recognize “despicable” and “shameful” when she saw it.

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This Is How The Civil War Started

Despite what you will read in leftie-promoted books in government schools, the Civil War was about States Rights and the federal government asserting more and more power over states. There is a reason most Southerners call it The War Between The States. Was slavery a part of it? Absolutely. Was it the only reason for the war? Absolutely not. Is it possible that the South had good reason, other than slavery, to do what they did? Positively.

For some years before, several states, mostly located outside the northeast part of the country, were complaining that the federal government was poking their noses where they ought not. Sound familiar?

So, what do we have happening today? How about Texas Governor Rick Perry, who has been going around the country reasserting the truth that the constitution limits what the federal government can do with regards to states rights.

“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”

I'm not saying another civil war is coming. I'm not advocating for states to secede. I'm certainly not advocating a return to slavery. That last part was put in for the benefit of any lefties who read this who will come unglued at a Southerner talking about states rights. All they will hear/think/understand is "hey, this redneck is a racist who wants slavery to come back." At the least they'll try to use that to discredit my reasoning. So, here is your disclaimer for you leftie goobers.

What I am saying is that the federal government is running roughshod over the constitution, states rights, civil rights, capitalism, free enterprise, and just about anything else that stands in the way of the power grab they are implementing, that they hope will result in a socialist society where all power lies in Washington. Doubt me? They want all tax power, control of all money, control of businesses, control of all healthcare, control of all education, and control of all media.

Wake up, people. We are heading down an extremely dangerous path by allowing socialists and facists to gain further control of our government.

Listen to Chuck Schumer who says traditional values are dead.

Wake up and get involved. I know that most of us work and don't have time to attend every rally, protest, march, etc. That puts us at a distinct disadvantage against lefties who have all the time in the world because most of them are collecting a fat government check, riding on our backs while they spit on our way of life.

Do what you can. Let's not give up on this country. It's our country.

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Don't Let Government Get In Your Way

On this side, you have the government, saying they can’t fix the road that is the sole access to a state park in Hawaii, because it will cost $4 Million of taxpayer money and will take 2 years to repair.

On this side, you have…nobody. Because the locals got together and did the repairs themselves, at a taxpayer cost of zero, completing the repairs in 8 days. Now they are off surfing and enjoying life.

You have to love the quote from one business owner, who said, "We can wait around for the state or federal government to make this move, or we can go out and do our part. Just like everyone's sitting around waiting for a stimulus check, we were waiting for this but decided we couldn't wait anymore."

If God waited for the government to create the world, would it be done yet?

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More Wealth Redistribution

According to Joe Biden, parents “shouldn't have to worry about finding affordable, quality day care.” That’s why your hard earned money has been stolen confiscated by the socialist leftie government to pay $2 Billion Dollars for child care for the “less fortunate.”

What makes them less fortunate? Is it…

a) They are handicapped for some exotic reason and cannot pay for their own way? That would be no, because he says these people are worried about losing their jobs, so they are working.

b) They are stricken by ill fortune? Who knows? How would you evaluate that?

c) They are stupid enough to buy the manure sold them by the lefties in exchange for buying their vote?

I’ll pick “C” and go all in.

If you still think the “stimulus” bill was about anything other than payback and vote buying, you are sadly mistaken.

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Two Pirates Walk Into A Bar...

Just what does Hillary find so darn funny about Americans being hijacked and held hostage by Islamic Terrorist Pirates?

Looks like Somalia is just a laugh riot to her.

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When God Sends A Message, Listen

Look at these pictures of a plane that was struck by lightning.


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Friday, April 10, 2009

Government Funded Programs Running Over Cost Estimates?

The CBO has revised their estimate of taxpayer cost from the TARP program…you know, the one started by Bush before leaving office. Originally, the government told us the cost would be $189 Billion dollars, give or take a few million. And you know the government’s estimates on cost to taxpayers NEVER go up. They would NEVER deliberately give low estimates to gain public support for spending.

Well, in less than six months, the estimated cost has nearly doubled. That’s Doubled. In Six Months.

Wake Up.

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Nothing Like A Little Perspective

The Executive Editor at the NY Times says that saving the Times is the same as saving Darfur.

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Credit Where It's Due?

Biden has claimed credit for the stimulus bill by touting a new fire station in rural NC. The only trouble is the station was funded under the Bush administration.

Does Biden really think federal money flows that quickly, that weeks after the signing, construction would have already started?

Or could it be just another case of a leftie saying whatever he feels is necessary to advance his agenda, truth be damned?

Will the media ever care?

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Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Filling Potholes With 17 Herbs and Spices

Obama’s adopted hometown Chicago turns down an offer by KFC to fill potholes at no charge. They would rather take more money from hardworking taxpayers.

Your Government at Work

Social Security is clogged with claims with some people waiting over a year for a hearing. Also, the Treasury dept is refusing to give any details on the bank bailouts.

These are the people you want deciding how much you can be paid, and how much healthcare you will get, and where you can go eat, and who you can marry, and what clothes you should wear tomorrow, and how many kids you can have…and on and on and on.

Help, I'm Locked In

911 call of a woman locked in her car.

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Opening Day Has Arrived

Happy Opening Day!

Okay, so I am a day late (two days late for Braves fans like myself).

No matter. It's a great time of year when baseball starts up. The Braves got the season off to a great start Sunday night by whupping the Phillies 4-1. It wasn't as close as that. Derek Lowe was outstanding in his Atlanta debut, and Jordan Schafer homered in his first major league at bat.

Unfortunately, the national announcers pretty much downplayed the event yesterday. Today, however, they spent a lot of time talking about the Mets winning. They couldn't talk about the Yankees, who lost, or Boston, who were rained out. That only left the Mets for the national announcers, who seem to operate under the impression that baseball is only played in New England, same as any other sport.

It just doesn't matter. The Braves won, and the Rays are geared up for a great season.

Let's Play Ball.

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Friday, April 03, 2009

Call Hillary, Get a Sex Line

Okay, not sure if this should qualify as good news or not, but what the hey. It's funny.

Journalists calling in for a conference call with Secretary of State Hillary and National Security Advisor Jim Jones were greeted by a throaty woman's voice that asked, "Do you have any hidden desires? If you feel like getting nasty, then you came to the right place."

Evidently, someone in the White House had misdialed the toll free number and connected the journalists to a sex line. They say it's not going to happen again. Probably surely not by that particular aide, who next week will most likely be saying, "would you like fries with that?"

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Husbands Rejoice!

Here is a story that should please most husbands. A woman in Germany has divorced her husband. Her reason for filing for divorce was that he cleaned too much.

Why should that please husbands? Well, the next time the wife complains that you don't help out enough around the house, just tell her that you are simply trying to preserve the marriage.

And let me know how that works out for you.

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In The Name of the Father, and the Cola

A priest in Oslo had a dilemma. The water was turned off due to freezing temperatures, and he had a baptism scheduled. What to do?

Exhibiting quick thinking, the priest used lemon flavored water that had gone flat. The only problem was the lingering smell, which prompted the priest to inform the parents after the baptism was complete.

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Hole In One, Then Hole In One

A 70 year old retired man from W VA made consecutive hole-in-one shots on a golf course this past Tuesday.

What makes this story even more remarkable is the fact that he took up golf ten years ago after retiring. His first set of clubs cost him $4.95. His first hole-in-one came three years ago.

Not a bad return on your investment.

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ER bowed out last night after 15 seasons. I know this will not be seen as good news by some people, but this post is to honor the show, not its passing.

It's hard to remember a Thursday night when NBC did not have a great drama on air at 9 pm on Thursday night. Hill Street Blues was followed by LA Law which was then followed by ER. Must See TV became a staple for millions.

ER was an intelligent drama with superior writing and great acting. It was one of those shows where stars came and went without affecting the popularity.

It doesn't matter that ER slowly ebbed in popularity, or that I slowly stopped watching some time ago, like many millions of others evidently. What matters is the legacy this show leaves in the world of entertainment.

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Time for Some Good News

Okay, enough doom and gloom about lefties. Let's do some good news for this Friday.

First up, the Baseball season is upon us, and for that reason alone, there is reason to be optimistic. Here are sites for my two favorite teams - the Atlanta Braves and the reigning AL Champions, the Tampa Bay Rays.

In honor of the last couple of days of Spring Training, today I will only post good news items.

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Thursday, April 02, 2009

Obama Broken Promise Watch

An example of a broken Obama promise. It goes right along with the transparent government promise and the promise to post bills online for days before signing.

I should probably keep count of these.

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ramblings about Obama

A revealing story about Obama’s gaffes.

Please Hold

Hilarious text of a likely call to the White House Auto Warranty Hotline.

Yet One More Nominee In Tax Trouble

Ho hum, another Obama nominee in tax trouble. How many is that? More than enough for a baseball team. A couple more and we could fill a bus, and then drive it off a cliff.

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Mainstream Media Bias Alert

the NY Times killed a story before the election that could have shown the Obama campaign had ties to ACORN, because they thought it might hurt the O’s chances of election.

Is it any wonder why, in the words of the guys who wrote the Glenn Beck article, that Fox is the favorite channel of conservatives?

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Sham Pow

You know the Sham Wow guy. Well, it seems he met a nice girl when he was in Miami in February, and took her to his hotel room and paid her for sex. Trouble brewed when he attempted to kiss the hooker. She bit his tongue and would not let go until he pounded her a few times.

Here are the mug shots and story.

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Glenn Beck

This article is probably about as close to unbiased as we can expect on Beck. The authors don't go out of their way to show their liberal leanings, they just slip out naturally. Like the off-handed remark, "Fox News — long identified as the favored channel for conservatives and Republican leaders — is enjoying a resurgence just two months into President Barack Obama's term." Perhaps they should know that Fox has always clobbered the competition, and that it may be favored by conservatives because it's the sole place they can get fair treatment and news that's not filtered through a leftie loincloth.

First Terrorism, Now Immigration

Ms. “There Are No Such Thing As Terrorists” Napolitano has delayed immigration raids. I'm sure the illegal immigrants....oh, I'm sorry, I mean undocumented workers...are happy she's in charge. Just like the terrorists are.

A Good Conservative In Hollywood

There are so few conservatives in hollywood, thank goodness for people like Angie Harmon. You may remember her from Law & Order, famous for fellow conservative star Fred Thompson.

Power Corrupts

And absolute power corrupts absolutely. John Murtha admits to being corrupted. I guess he figures he has so much power, he doesn’t care.

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Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Priest Imam? Father Ali?

An Episcopal priest who converted to Islam has been defrocked for refusing to renounce her Muslim faith. The former priest says she is saddened that the church has such narrow views.

The Church found out she had become a Muslim when she recited the Islamic creed in 2007. This creed basically proclaims your belief that Allah is the only god and you refuse to acknowledge anyone but him. Additionally, Mohammed is proclaimed to be the true prophet. Muslims also have this little thing where they deny Jesus was the Son of God, or that he died on the cross. Both points are rather important to the Episcopalians.

Color me goofy, but don’t you think if you are ordained as a priest in a Christian faith, and you decide to stop believing in Christianity and to begin following a totally different religion, that maybe…just maybe…the Church is not out of line for asking you to give up your position, especially after giving you almost two years to decide which faith you want to follow? That is what this lady considers a “narrow view”?

It’s not like the Church reacted strongly. They gave her almost two years to consider her options. They still call her a “a woman of utmost integrity” and said “conversations over the past two years have been open, honest and respectful.” So it’s not like they burned her in effigy.

So, what exactly is narrow about the views of the Church? I would love to ask Ms. Redding that question. I would also love to ask a follow up question – How would a Mosque react if the Iman converted to Christianity and stood up one day and read the Lord’s Prayer aloud?

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Oprah's School For Sexually Abusing Girls

This is the second sex scandal at Oprah’s School For Disadvantaged Girls in South Africa in less than two years. The first involved a female adult teacher molesting girls. This latest one only involves girl students molesting other girl students.

No wonder lefties don’t support school choice. Although I do find it funny that people like Oprah support private schools for people in other countries, just not here. Oh, no that would be wrong. They approve of private schools…for their kids.

UPDATE – seven girls are involved in this latest scandal at the Oprah School.

Just what is the disadvantage these girls face? Could it be that they are students at this hotbed for sexual abuse?

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Bootlegging Detergent

A story on “bootlegging” dishwashing detergent in Spokane Washington after intelligent county lawmakers there outlawed detergents that actually worked…I mean that had ingredients in it that worked…I mean that had phosphates. The only detergents legal to sell in the county don’t work worth a flip, driving consumers across state lines to purchase the real thing. Although the story admits it later, the importing and use of such detergents is not illegal. Of course, that’s only for now.

Yet another example of government interference and regulations that infringe on our lives.

And how is that law, that was aimed at improving the environment, working out? I would guess all the extra driving people are doing is working wonders for the environment, if you ask the supporters of the ban.

For those who don’t drive extra miles, they wind up washing dishes again by hand to get the grease off. That’s a great increase in water usage, another wonderful side effect of the law. One resident says he has to use the pots and pans cycle to clean his dishes, and that takes up to five gallons more per load, also using more energy.

I would also have to guess that it’s not costing the state any monies in lost sales tax revenues, say from sales across the state line, since we all know that all leftie plans never fail.

Oh joy of joys – deep in the article about how poorly this new law is working is this choice little nugget:

“A bill on Capitol Hill would impose a nationwide ban.”

Will they ever learn?

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This Story Makes Me Sick

9 people in Austin Tx area have abused the health care system by making hardworking taxpayers pay for 2678 trips to emergency rooms over a six year period.

One person made 145 visits last year alone and 699 since 2003. That’s one trip to the ER every three days for 6 years.

Every Three Days...For Six Years.

Have you ever met anyone, anywhere, at any time who needed emergency treatment every three days for any length of time? How is this person still alive, if they are indeed that sick?

Or…could it perhaps be that, knowing that you can’t be turned down in the ER for a visit, this person might have gone in there for aspirin, or drugs (8 of the 9 have a drug problem), or because they were feeling lonely, or had a tummyache, or were hungry, or God knows what else.

Just so you know, it cost you and me over $3 million dollars for these visits. I’ll save you the math. We paid over $55,000 per person per year for their health care. How much do you pay for your own health care? I will bet you a month’s pay that it’s less than $55,000 per year.

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And For The Queen, An iPod

Obama has met the Queen of England, and gave her an iPod as a gift. What class. I guess he was out of gift certificates to IHOP.

At least this gift will work in England, unlike the DVD box set he gave Gordon Brown last month.

UPDATE - an aide is telling reporters that the President also gave the Queen an autographed songbook by Richard Rogers, a much more appropriate gift.

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I Owe Ted Stevens An Apology

I believed in his guilt after he was convicted of improper taking gifts while a US Senator from Alaska. A short time later, he was defeated by a Democrat.

Now that the election is over, things have been coming to light, such as the gross misconduct by prosecutors in the case. They withheld evidence from the defense, disobeyed direct orders from the trial judge, and committed other offenses that has resulted in the US Attorney General to drop all charges against Stevens.

In addition, the Justice Department will not oppose defense’s request for a new trial, and they will not refile, meaning that the conviction will be overturned and vacated.

One thing that bothered me, though, was the line in the article that Atty Gen Holder “decided late Tuesday to pull the plug. His decision is said to be based on Stevens' age — he's 85 — and the fact that Stevens is no longer in the Senate.”

He’s no longer in the Senate…so the damage has been done…mission accomplished?

Maybe it’s not just me that owes Stevens an apology…or more.

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Gitmo IS a Nice Place

Don’t you “love” how when editors or writers do a story on something conservative, something they don’t like, they use “little ways” to let you know their opinions? How smart of these “intelligent” people to use tools to try to sway opinions. Of course, these people are true “journalists.”

On to the story, which tries to illicitly poke fun at Miss Universe for saying she enjoyed her trip to Guantanamo Naval Station. You see, lefties hear “Gitmo” and all they can think of are terrorist holding camps.

Gitmo is so much more. It’s long been a US Naval base and I have had the dubious pleasure of being there a time or six.

It used to be every Navy vessel homeported on the East Coast would go down to Guantanamo every 18 months for Refresher Training. This would entail getting up before dawn and drilling long and hard for 18 hours or more each day for about six weeks. You would practice everything from first aid to mass casualty drills. There would be regular fire drills. On a low visibility drill, the windows would be taped over and the crew would have to navigate without being able to see anything through them.

Every ship would have to pass all of the drills before they could leave. It was a feared rotation, but it was something that would usually bring the crew together as a team. When you left Gitmo, you knew you were battle ready.

Now, as your time there grew longer, and you had passed most of the drills, you began to get time off each day. Things relaxed just a bit, and the crew would enjoy some of the pleasures of the Caribbean. The scuba diving and snorkeling are fantastic there, and there are indeed a couple of beach areas that support cookouts, beach volleyball, or just soaking up some tropical sunshine.

Gitmo was one of the best kept secrets of the Navy. The base was small enough that there was one stop light. At the intersection was a restaurant where once a week you could buy a steak and cook it outside on the grill yourself. Across the street was the only shopping center. In the parking lot was a huge screen where they showed free movies every night like a drive-in. They had seats from a theater bolted into the ground where you could sit and enjoy your popcorn while watching the movie. It didn’t rain enough there to mess up movie night.

How sad that a “journalist” decides to write a story with a closed mind and the conclusion of the story already in mind before doing their research. Maybe if they had open minds, they would actually learn a thing or two. Then they could write informative articles instead of spitting out propaganda pamphlets.

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Proof That The Other Side Hates Children

Well, that is what I would say about this story if I were a leftie and the story was about conservatives opposing school choice. I would call the opponents Anti-Choice. I would have bumper stickers made up saying, “I Support Choice” or “It’s For The Children.”

What this story is actually about is the divide over school choice. On one side are those who favor children getting a good education, even if that means giving them tax credits and allowing them to opt out of failing government schools and moving to private schools that work.

On the other side are those who favor government schools and teachers unions, even if it means forcing children to attend failing schools.

I truly don’t think lefties hate children. I do think, however, that they care more about teachers unions and indoctrinating children and their own power than they care about whether or not a child gets a good education.

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Zero Tolerance Stupidity Watch

Don’t you just love completely over the top reactions to problems? Here is a school in CT that has banned all forms of physical contact between students. This means if you are in middle school, and you give someone else a high five or a hug, you can be expelled.

This was in reaction to a student being kicked in the groin, hardly a high five or a hug. Surely, they already had in place rules against kicking someone in the groin.

How did that rule work out for them? Now answer how these new rules will help. Then answer how they will cause disruptions and examples of stupidity.

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NY Gov's New Taxes Chasing People Out Of The State

The governor of NY has gotten his deal on raising taxes on those evil filthy rich people. If you make over $500K per year and you continue to live in NY, your taxes are going up by 31%. If you make over $250,000, your rate increases by 14.5%.

That’s not the rate, that’s the increase.

How many people do you think are smart enough to make over $500,000 a year but are not smart enough to move out of NY to avoid higher taxes?

Rush Limbaugh is a great example. On his show yesterday, he was discussing this issue. He moved from NY to FL a few years ago to get away from oppressively high taxes. However, he maintains a backup studio in NYC in case of hurricanes or other weather forces him to leave FL temporarily. Yesterday, he said he would find another state with no income tax to relocate his backup studio. He mentioned Texas as a possibility.

Glenn Beck said basically the same thing on his program yesterday. He said that if he were not doing his TV show, he would move his radio show in a heartbeat because of the higher taxes.

The Governor says that will bring in an additional $4 Billion in tax revenues. Fat Chance. History has proven time and again that tax increases result in lower revenues. What will the governor say when that happens? Will he find a way to blame racism, as he has for nearly every other problem he has faced?

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Tax Fraud Timmy Doesn't Understand How The Economy Works

Tax Fraud Timmy declares that the free market will not fix the economy and only the government can save the world.

"We came through a period where people borrowed too much and we let our financial system take on much too much risk," Geithner said. "And the consequences of those choices, made over years, were a huge boom. And that boom, the air is now coming out of that and that's causing enormous damage."

I wonder if he realizes that people borrowed too much because of government interference, not the free market. I wonder if he understands that the reason the financial markets took on too much risk is that government, not the free market, demanded they do so. Laws were passed forcing companies to do what they did not want to do, in effect nullifying the free market. What we have today is the result.

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