Friday, May 29, 2009


Words Of Wisdom From Neal Boortz And Ollie North

I was listening to Neal Boortz this morning on radio and caught an interview with Ollie North, who has written a great new book honoring the military. Ollie said he caught a bumper sticker in DC recently that read, "Still Got Hope? How's Your Change?" Neal replied his favorite bumper sticker lately says, "Sheep Up Or Ship Out." Great stuff.

However, There Was A Marked Increase In Hot Air From The Left

You won’t hear this from the mainstream media, but air quality improved during the Bush administration.

Must Be All That Lying Bringing Her Down

Cheney’s poll numbers on the rise, while Pelosi’s are dropping like a rock

One More Step Towards Socialism

Obama has decided to do away with those pesky journalist type people and produce his own news reports.

What A Ringing Endorsement

An Asian analyst says that Obama’s foreign policies are doing in one year what Jimmy Carter took three years to achieve – to portray America as weak and ineffectual. You can't dismiss this as just another Republican shill.

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Try A Different Perspective

Ask yourself if a man went on record as saying men were smarter than women and would naturally make better decisions, and then that man were found to be a member of a White Power group, would that man stand a chance in hell of nomination for the Supreme Court, much less being approved.

Now read here about Sonia Sotomayor, who has said Latin women are smarter than men, and belongs to La Raza.

Meanwhile, CBS can’t decide if Sotomayor can be called “liberal” or not.

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Is The White House Punishing Businesses For Backing Republicans?

The controversy about politicizing the dealership closings is gaining momentum. Some sites are reporting that the White House was behind which dealerships were closed.

One report claimed that the CEO of Chrysler did not even approve of the closings, and thought it to be a bad idea.

Stay tuned to see if this grows legs.

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They Think They Are Outnumbered, One To Nine

The University of Chicago has a new organization on campus – Men In Power, a group formed to help males get ahead professionally.

In case you needed to hear it, there are protests coming out of the woodwork against this group.

In a stunningly ironic and hilarious section of the article, the author quotes from members of two of the nine women’s advocacy groups on campus regarding this group – the sole male advocacy group.

“Jessica Pan, president of Women in Business and a fourth-year student, questioned whether Men in Power's goals were being met by existing student groups."

"I'm not sure we really need another student organization that focuses on pre-professional development for men," Pan said, noting that, in just the area of business, there were five or six students groups that were gender-neutral."

(and yet she is completely comfortable with nine other organizations that focus on women)

Back to the article

"Similarly, Ali Feenstra, a third-year student and a member of the Feminist Majority, questioned Men in Power's utility."

"It's like starting 'white men in business' -- there's not really any purpose," she said.”

(wow, racist and sexist)

I am sure those two had no idea they sound so feeble, especially with most of the recent job losses hitting men hardest, and women earning most of the bachelor's and master's degrees currently.

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Carjacked…By Goofy and Donald?

This is the bizarre story of a 38 year old woman who faked 911 calls and took her daughter to Disneyworld.

The Pennsylvania woman is married with three children – two daughters from her first marriage and an infant. For some as-yet-unknown reason, she cleaned out about $12,000 from bank accounts over the last week, then took her middle child, a 9 year old daughter, and boarded a plane to Orlando.

Before flying to see Mickey, she called 911, hatching an elaborate kidnapping scam, saying she was rear-ended and forced into the trunk of a car with her daughter. She then made at least 6 more calls to 911, each time adding more details.

When they found her car the next day, they found no collision damage. They did find, however, security footage of her and her daughter walking away from the parked vehicle after she had placed several of the calls and was supposedly locked in a car trunk. They also found video footage of them boarding a plane for Orlando. And when they checked Orlando, they found she had checked into the Grand Floridian hotel at Disneyworld.

I wonder how the ex-husband, who has taken custody of the 9 year old, the current husband, the older daughter, and the baby all feel about this lady’s actions. I also wonder about the co-worker whose license she borrowed to buy the plane tickets. This lady has left a trail of mistrust and deceit from PA to FL.

I am sure we have not heard the whole story on this one, and it should be most interesting to get some further detail.

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Thursday, May 28, 2009


Okay, She Can Be The First Puerto Rican Female Activist

Oops. Turns out that no matter what happens with the confirmation, Sotomayor can’t be the first Hispanic to serve on the Supreme Court. That’s because there’s already been one on the Court, compliments of a Republican president.

How About We Ask If She Plans To Uphold The Constitution?

Here are some good questions that should be asked of Judge Sotomayor at her confirmation hearing.

I Could See This In NY Or CA, But Texas?

A hospital supervisor in the Dallas area was forced to remove an offensive article from her work area recently. What was the offending article? An American flag. Actually, it was removed by a coworker who moved here 14 years ago from Africa. I wonder what offended her most - the fact that America welcomed her with open arms and provided her with the chance to make a living, or the fact that she is free in this country to be as stupid as she wants?

Well, One's Flat And The Other Is...

A good look at a flat tax versus the Fair Tax.

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What She Proved Is That A Master's From Yale Does Not Equate To Intelligence

Here is a great story about someone actually doing something about the environment. This Yale grad student calculated her rent for the two years she will be working on her master’s degree. She then put the money towards building a new building, but a small one.

This is a true success story. Except that the building is extremely small and probably can’t be used for anything else.

And the fact that had she paid rent, she would have been living in an established building which would cause less environmental impact than building a new building, even a tiny one.

And the fact that she had to beg for building supplies, because the cost far outweighed the two years of rent she would have paid.

And the fact that she had to beg for labor to help build it.

And the fact that she had to beg for land to put the building on.

And the fact that she has to beg her neighbors every time she needs to use the bathroom, because this tiny building doesn’t have one.

So it all worked out, other than those things, and the fact that she had to rely on all these other people for her building, and the fact that those people have been doing exactly what it is that she seems to be trying to say you can do without.

Yeah, except for those things, this was a total success.

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The Only Time You’ll Hear Algore’s Name Associated With The Word Ripsnorter

Algore says that Dick Cheney is wrong in coming out so soon to criticize the current administration. Algore says he himself waited for “two years” and that his critiques focused on policy.

Thanks to a great job of research by Best Of The Web Today, we know that in 2004, Algore said that during September of 2001, he had plans in place to deliver a “real ripsnorter of a speech” that would totally blow Bush out of the water, and that he only put it aside due to the terrorist attacks of September 11.

It can certainly be argued that Cheney’s critiques have been focused on policy, and that Algore screaming, “He betrayed this country! He played on our fears!” hardly qualifies as policy critique.

Well, Algore has never been honest about global warming, so why should we expect him to be honest about this?

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Mainstream Media Bias Alert, SCOTUS Edition

Read here and here and here for stories on how the media has treated SCOTUS nominees from Republican Presidents in the past. Do you think there’s a chance in hell they will even come close to such scrutiny with Sotomayor?

Not if you judge by Chris Matthews, who said the only opposition to Sotomayor is coming from “crazies” and “whack jobs” like “The Cheneys, the Newt Gingriches, the Rush Limbaughs.”

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Economics 101

Okay, I want you to repeat after me. Raising taxes does not mean more tax money is collected. Raising taxes does not mean more tax money is collected.

Raising taxes does not mean more tax money is collected.

Read this story. It’s about Maryland deciding the way to solve a budget deficit is not to even consider cutting spending, but by raising taxes on (of course) only the wealthy. So they raised the tax rates on millionaires.

Pay very close attention to this section of the article.

Governor Martin O'Malley, a dedicated class warrior, declared that these richest 0.3% of filers were "willing and able to pay their fair share." The Baltimore Sun predicted the rich would "grin and bear it."

“One year later, nobody's grinning. One-third of the millionaires have disappeared from Maryland tax rolls. In 2008 roughly 3,000 million-dollar income tax returns were filed by the end of April. This year there were 2,000, which the state comptroller's office concedes is a "substantial decline." On those missing returns, the government collects 6.25% of nothing. Instead of the state coffers gaining the extra $106 million the politicians predicted, millionaires paid $100 million less in taxes than they did last year -- even at higher rates

Go back and re-read that last sentence. Here is your economics 101 lesson. Raising taxes discourages spending and investments, and results in lower tax revenues.

This has been proven time and time again. If only those who have the attention span of a gnat would digest this and quit voting for tax-and-spend lefties who are taxing our country into ruin.

You want more tax revenues? LOWER tax rates, encourage spending and investments, and watch as the revenues flow in.

You want to run achievers and earners out of your state? Then by all means, raise taxes and watch the exodus of the people who actually pay taxes, leaving you with all those whose main goal is to get more handouts.

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Twin Sons Of Different Fathers (tip of the hat to Dan Fogelberg and Tim Weisberg)

A woman who has 11-month-old twins has DNA testing and is shocked to find that they have different dads.

Ready To Lose Your GPS?

England is warning that the GPS system could begin failing by 2010.

Only in San Francisco would you find a butt tax.

Sure, I Stole His Words, But They Weren't Written Down

Leftie journalist Maureen Dowd evidently believes it’s okay to plagiarize someone, as long as you take their words when they speak them, making it harder to prove.

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Big (Obama) Brother Is Coming

Here is another view pointing out that nationalizing an industry such as the car industry is a bad idea.

By the way, nationalizing the banking industry, financial industry, and automotive industry has worked out exactly as they planned so far, hasn't it? I just can't wait to see how they handle the health care and media industries.

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Can A Leftie Flapping His Gums In California Cause A Hurricane In Maine?

You know those commercials where the guy writes a letter protesting child labor being used to make his jeans, which results in him receiving a coupon for 10% off a pair of said jeans, and winds up costing more trees to be cut down by child labor. The point of the commercials is that it’s a lot harder to have an effect on something without affecting something else. It’s a quick explanation of the Butterfly Effect. For those of you who did not get it, the title of this post is a take-off on the speech that discussed the effect in 1972.

This article reflects just such an effect. Well-intentioned humans worked hard for years to save bald eagles from extinction. Now that the birds are in vast supply, they are eating other species of animals to near extinction.

Oops. To those of you who think you are going to save the planet by decreeing which animals are to be saved, and how much of which gas can be expended, and all sorts of other regulations - what are you going to do about this one?

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Waging War On Talk Radio

Dick Morris, a very smart man, says that Obama is waging a war on talk radio.

Let’s say you are in charge of counting how many items are in a certain place. You have always done it the old fashioned way, picking up one item at a time and counting it by hand. Now along comes a machine that scans the items and keeps count of them so the person doesn’t forget before they write it down. You find out that the old method is unreliable and some items were undercounted while others were overcounted.

You would expect everyone to approve of the new method, especially since it is a better and more accurate method of counting. This is where you would be wrong when it comes to lefties. They don’t care about accuracy, they only care about power.

Arbitron, the company that counts radio listeners and is the bible for radio advertising, switched to an electronic means of recording what stations people were listening to on the radio. It turns out that the old method, which involved people having to keep written diaries of what stations they tuned in, is very unreliable and inaccurate. People would not fill out the diaries until later, and they were not always accurate. It turns out the hip hop stations were overestimated and the talk radio audience was undercounted.

This has angered many lefties, who see it as their manifest destiny to destroy talk radio and any other form of free speech that disagrees with them. Lawsuits have already been filed, claiming the ever-popular mantra of the leftie – racial discrimination.

If you value your freedoms, and you enjoy being able to speak out when you choose, you should be paying close attention to the lefties who are seeking to squelch free speech. Remember, a leftie will protest at the drop of a hat, claiming they alone have the right to free speech, but let a conservative try to speak somewhere and the same lefties will act like petulant children, desperately trying everything to shut the speaker up.

UPDATE - Here's another story on the lawsuits against Arbitron.

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Mainstream Media Bias Alert, Dick Cheney Edition

Here’s a journalist whining that Dick Cheney has “changed this debate in a way that has made it much, much harder to close Guantanamo, which the President is already committed to doing.” How dare he!

Later, she added, “Cheney really did damage to the effort to keep our country secure by turning this into a political issue.”

She’s worried that Republicans are turning Guantanamo into a political issue? Where has she been for the last several years while lefties were using Gitmo as a mantra to denigrate the Bush administration?

Meanwhile, Anderson Cooper says that by pointing out that we are weaker now, Cheney is “emboldening our enemies.” Where was Mr. Cooper when Harry Reid was declaring the war in Iraq was lost? Where was he when John Murtha was accusing American Marines of cold-blooded murder? Did he think that any of the comments made by lefties were ever “emboldening" to our enemies?

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Supreme Court Turning Left

If you did not think Obama was going to nominate a leftie judge who will be one of the biggest activists on the bench, you were just plain wrong.

People were warning of this weeks ago. Now it looks like his choice is Sonia Sotomayor. Stand by for heavy rolls, America.

Looks like not everyone is overjoyed with her selection, especially those who worked with her in the past.

Obama said he wants a judge with “empathy” for particular groups of people. In other words, someone who will overturn the constitution when convenient.

Sotomayor is on record as claiming that women, especially Latina women, will come to better decisions than men.

MSNBC is already trying to pave the way for her confirmation, asking of Republicans would "dare" vote against the first hispanic female. I guess they forgot that lefties had no problem at all voting against Clarence Thomas, not to mention lying and trying desperately to destroy his reputation.

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He Was Helping Her Along

Not sure if it’s photoshopped or not, but this picture of Bill Clinton with Fran Drescher is priceless.

She Said She Would Not Say Anything Else, So Why Won't She Shut Up?

Wicked Witch Pelosi has declared she will not say anything else regarding her denials of being briefed on CIA interrogations or her accusations of the CIA lying about it. Would she let someone on the hot seat use that as an excuse to not face a congressional hearing?

Do As I Decree, Not As I Do

President Obama is traveling the country, speaking to young people, admonishing them (and all of us) to live within our means, to cut back on spending, to be frugal. Have the Obamas ever lived under their own suggestions? Take a look.

Medicare Proud They Only Screw Up 10% Of The Time

An outside review of Medicare payments revealed an error rate of 70% in approvals. An internal review said, “Uh uh. We only mess up about 10% of the time.”

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Why Not Release The Memos That Show The Results?

Go here to read the text of a recent speech by Dick Cheney. The speech addresses interrogation of terrorists and the arm-flailing going on about it now. Here are some quotes I pulled from the text.

I might add that people who consistently distort the truth in this way are in no position to lecture anyone about "values." . . .

But in the fight against terrorism, there is no middle ground, and half-measures keep you half exposed.”

Triangulation is a political strategy, not a national security strategy. When just a single clue that goes unlearned, one lead that goes unpursued, can bring on catastrophe -- it's no time for splitting differences. . . .”

Powerful words from a man who was there and saw the results of the interrogations.

Cheney also speaks of his call to release the memos that show the results of the interrogations. These are the memos that Obama won’t release. He has only released memos that might reflect badly on the Bush administration.

The Wall Street Journal has joined with Cheney in calling on the President to allow the public to decide if the interrogations were successful.

Whatever happened to transparency in government? The only thing transparent in this story is that Obama clearly wants to only damage Bush’s reputation and is unwilling to reveal any truth that might be favorable towards it.

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Why Does These Things Always Happen In Walmarts?

This story details a simply wonderful woman who decides to shoplift while in a Walmart. She is horrible at this as well, so she gets caught, of course. While they are apprehending her, she takes a baby, her niece according to the headline, and throws the baby at the officer, trying to get away.

What a sick piece of garbage, and a total waste of oxygen.

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After The Italian Did It, The German Government Did It To Her As Well

Some time ago, there were reports of a college student auctioning her virginity online in order to pay for her tuition.

It turns out this Romanian woman is studying in Germany, and Germany has decided they are taking at least half of the $13,827 winning bid, submitted by a middle-aged Italian man. They are labeling her as a prostitute, who work legally in Germany but pay 50% tax rates.

Additionally, since she made so much money in a short time, she may be liable for a Value Added Tax on top of that.

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Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day and Honor Flight ramblings

Today is Memorial Day. I hope you know and understand the true significance of this day. It’s not about beginning summer, or cooking out, or heading for the beach. All of those things are fine, and you are encouraged to do them today if possible. But do not forget the meaning of the day.

I’m a veteran. I am proud of that status. My wife is a veteran. We know a lot of veterans, some of whom are still on active duty.

I appreciate the service of each of the people I served with over the years. A lot of them I consider to have been my friends, despite losing touch with them over the years and miles.

That is what Memorial Day is about. Remembering. Appreciating. Understanding. Honoring those who gave their lives in defense of their country.

When I encounter someone now who is either on active duty or is a veteran, I make it a point to thank them for their service. It’s a small gesture but I feel a necessary one. I hope you will join me in doing this small task.

Too many times, people who are serving or have served watch as their reputations are dragged through the slime by liberal media and leftie protesters who don’t understand that the freedom that gives them the ability to wave their signs and shout their slogans without any fear of reprisal came directly from those they disparage.

A couple of weeks ago, I had the honor and privilege of welcoming home an Honor Flight group from a tour of Washington. If you do not know about Honor Flight, it’s a non profit group designed to transport veterans to DC to see the memorials. Priority has been given to World War II vets, as their numbers are diminishing quickly. They fly the vets round trip at no cost and give them the opportunity to view all the memorials in the nation’s capital.

When the flight returned home, a group of over 90 WWII vets were met by hundreds of well-wishers, high school bands, ROTC units, boy scout troops, cheerleaders, active duty military, local politicians, and just about everyone who could fit in the airport. The entire airport was lined 4 and 5 deep on either side of the walkway from the gate to the furthest exit door, creating a tunnel of goodwill the vets traveled through on their way to the buses.

The last group posted by the doors was a high school band playing a medley of songs representing the various services. I watched and took pictures as many vets wiped their eyes as they stood proudly, refusing to leave. After a full day of travel that had to leave them totally exhausted, here they were inundated by hundreds of people shaking their hands while a band played loudly. It had to be a lot to process, and it had to be tiring for them. But they all hung around, making the buses wait just a bit longer, while they took the time to accept the hands of all these strangers, surrounded by friends and family. There were very few dry eyes in that terminal that night.

I am including a few of the pictures from that night. They do not do justice to the waves of emotion that swept over everyone involved.

Please, enjoy your cookouts today. Head for the beach if the sun is shining. Relax on your day off.

But, should you happen to meet someone who served, take the time to give them a heartfelt "Thank You."

It'll mean the world to them. I guarantee it.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

ramblings, Friday edition

Twice Zero Is Still Zero

According to a recent poll, 32% said they would be willing to pay higher taxes for universal health care, while 54% say they are not. No breakdown on how many of that 32% pay no taxes now as it is, or how many of those were willing to pay more even if it meant a severe degradation in the quality of care.

Of Course Mom Won't Blame Her Daughter, Or Take Any Responsibility Herself

Read here and here about the high school girl who decided to not wear panties on the day pictures were being shot for the yearbook, and the inevitable conclusion to that decision. Of course the mother is placing all blame on the school.

Wherever He Goes, We'll Help Him Pack

If Alec Baldwin ever goes through with his promise to move from the US because Bush was elected, he’ll want to find somewhere to go other than the Philippines.

It's Called Perspective

This widely circulated chart shows the vast differences between the overspending by Presidents Bush and Obama.

It’s kind of like looking at a man running a 100 yard dash in the Olympics and then looking at a car zipping down the backstretch at Talladega at over 200 mph, and saying, “they’re both going fast.”

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Peggy Noonan On The Two Great Fears Of America

This is a very good article by Peggy Noonan. She asserts that there are two great fears among the American public right now.

The first fear is that the current administration will kill or cripple the free market system that made America great.

The second fear is that the number of takers will one day outweigh the number of givers in our society.

Both are viable fears, given the current climate and the current administration.

Ms. Noonan also wonders if the doublespeak so prevalent in government today is a byproduct of the speaker not being able to help themselves, or could it be purposefully done in order to confuse the masses.

Good question.

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Someday We Will Have To Pay The Piper, and Someday Is Coming Soon

If you are so inclined, you can read a very informative article explaining why everyone’s tax burden would have to rise by 81% to pay just for Social Security and Medicare benefits.

You know the lefties love to spend, spend, spend. You know the Republicans have been going along with them for years now, out of fear of bad treatment by the media.

Do you have any confidence that any of the currently elected officials are ever going to slow down the spending sprees they have put in motion?

Do you not see the spending train speeding full tilt straight towards the brick wall that is the economy? What do you think is going to happen?

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Mainstream Media Bias Alert, Polar Bear Edition

Don't hurt yourself when you spin like that.

In October, the NY Times published an editorial blasting the Bush administration for proposing a regulatory change that would “free the government from considering the effects of greenhouse gas emissions on polar bears and other imperiled wildlife. “

Barely (bearly?) six months later, the NY Times published an editorial agreeing with the Obama administration for upholding a regulatory change from the previous administration that would…well, you get the picture, it’s the exact same regulatory change.

Clearly, the Times make up their collective minds whether an action is bad or good based solely on who performed the action, not on the action itself.


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It’s All In How You Spin It

Compare these three headlines from three different newspapers, all covering the exact same report.

"Immigrant Homeownership Proves Resilient in the Face of Slowdown; Boosted by Boom, Rate Virtually Unchanged During Bust"
Washington Post

"Housing Boom Aided Minorities; Homeownership Reached Record Levels, Narrowing the Gap With Whites"
Wall Street Journal

"Homeownership Losses Are Greatest Among Minorities, Report Finds"
New York Times

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The Wicked Witch Getting Caught In Her Own Web

Here is a collection of articles on the whole Pelosi mess.

Article on CIA saying she was briefed.

Media hiding any controversy.

Mark Steyn weighs in on the issue.

As Pelosi's approval ratings plummet, Mike Huckabee writes a funny poem.

Newt says it best, “The fact is she either didn't do her job, or she did do her job and she's now afraid to tell the truth.”

I love this.

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


There Is Hope

A new Gallup poll shows for the first time since they began asking in 1995 that more than half of the people in America are Pro Life.

Sadly Many Graduates Of Public Schools Can't Read This

This is a scary but valuable essay on the state of public education.

It is my hope that all who read it come to fully understand it with all its implications.

Mainstream Media Bias Alert

How many times has Chris Matthews proven himself to be a leftie shill? Now he decries the RNC as using “schoolyard” tactics, then spends the rest of the show calling conservatives names like “troll,” “Neanderthal,” and trying in vain to make fun of Sarah Palin.

Health Care Industry: Obama Said WHAT?

Obama says he has the health care industry agreeing to cut $2.2 Trillion in costs over the next decade. The health care people say whoa, not so fast there, buddy.

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That's One Expensive Walk In Closet

A city spends builds a home that is completely solar powered. The idea is to show off to people that you don’t need that nasty evil electricity. You can live with only solar power.

First, the house is 800 square feet. That’s about equal to your standard studio apartment.

Second, the house cost almost $1 million to build. Expensive studio.

Third, the house has never opened. It seems the house has numerous problems, with the biggest being the flooding caused by heating pipes that froze over the winter and burst, causing $16,000 in damage to the floors.

One side says the heaters drained the batteries and the loss of power caused the freezing. The other side says someone turned off the breaker causing the loss of power.

Whatever happened, it’s not exactly a great advertisement for solar power.

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Dodge Pulled The Carpet Out From Under A Dealer

Read this letter from the owner of a Dodge dealership in Florida. Then tell me you approve of the government taking over private businesses and turning us into a socialist state.

This is scary, and it’s wrong.

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Are You Pro-Children or Pro-Union?

School vouchers only help students.

School vouchers only hurt underperforming schools, staffed by underperforming teachers.

School vouchers are supported by a majority of people.

School vouchers are opposed most strongly by teachers unions.

Republicans, as a rule, support school vouchers.

Democrats, as a rule, oppose school vouchers.

Teachers unions, as a rule, oppose Republicans and support Democrats.

Obama and most Democrats exercise choice on where their children attend school.

Obama and most Democrats don’t want you to have a choice on where your children attend school.

Borrowing a page from the abortion debate, I have decided to begin calling those who oppose school choice Pro-Unions. This would include Obama and most Democrats. I will also begin calling those who support school choice Pro-Children, since vouchers help children. This would include most Republicans.

Are you Pro-Children, or Pro-Union?

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Being Audited By Pure Coincidence

Judy Chu is a Democrat. Teresa Hernandez is a Republican. Chu is running against Hernandez for congress. Chu’s office, the California Board of Equalization, decides to audit Hernandez’s restaurant the week before the special election, the first time it’s been audited in over 18 years. Additionally, the restaurant was burglarized this week as well.

Raise your hand if you think this is all on the up and up.

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Maybe Real Vets Should Protest Fake Wars

It’s bad enough that the only veterans that the mainstream media ever discover are the extremely small minority who speak out against current military members. Strange how they never notice the 98% or so who fully support the military.

It gets even worse, however, when many of the “vets” who side with lefties turn out to be…wait for it…complete frauds, like this bozo who was a bigwig with Iraq Veterans Against The War. Except he never served in Iraq. And he was never in the military. And he never went to the Naval Academy.

What he did do was spend time as a mental patient.

Kudos to This Ain’t Hell, But You Can See It From Here for uncovering this total fraud who was even highlighted in a TV ad for a congressional race in Colorado (funny, you have to go a long way to find out the man running for congress is actually a Democrat).

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Oops, My Bad, Vol 4

A major Republican fundraiser was convicted of violating campaign finance laws. The story was the major story on all major networks, as every single anchor called for the immediate resignation of every Republican associated with the felon. Additionally, another major Republican fundraiser was sentenced after being convicted for posing as a lawyer.

Oops, my bad. The finance law conviction was for Norman Hsu, longtime Democrat fundraiser, who had close ties to Hillary and many other major Democrat players. The lawyer wannabe was Mauricio Celis, who also raised tons of money for Hillary and others.

Let’s just sit back and watch how the networks react…or if they even notice.

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Denying An American Hero His Due

There is a bill in the Senate to honor the 100th birthday of Ronald Reagan. Unfortunately, Russ Feingold, a leftie from Minnesota, has decided it’s more important to play partisan politics than to honor an American hero. Feingold has blocked the bill from coming for a vote, at least so far.

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Cap And Trade, Or Cash And Tax?

The Heritage Foundation has done your homework for you. Here is an analysis of the cap and trade legislation being pushed by the socialistic lefties in congress.

If you think cap and trade is about saving the environment, you are so sadly mistaken. In fact, you are off base if you think it is about anything other than consolidating more power in the federal government.

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2 Plus 2 Equals A License

Barely one fourth of teaching candidates in Massachusetts passed the part of the licensing exam that covered elementary school math.

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Hopefully It Stays Dead

Looks like American free enterprise dodged a bullet.

Really? Cost Of Business Affects Businesses?

If you don’t understand that raising the minimum wage results in job losses, read this.

Power Corrupts, and Union Power Corrupts Completely

This is a great article about how unions have grown to become power hungry behemoths.

Maybe After They Register Ice Water In Hell

A courageous Republican congresswoman is proposing that federal funds be denied to ACORN. Yeah, good luck with that. Federal funds are only to be denied when the recipient DOESN’T go along with Obama’s plans.

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Is this Discrimination, Reverse Discrimination, or Double Secret Probation Discrimination?

A black woman is the President and CEO of the Black Equities Alliance. She announces her intention to support Michael Bloomberg in his race for NYC mayor next year. Bloomberg is white.

The Board fires her. She files suit claiming she was fired because of her support for a white man. She says a board member told her that “would not look good.”

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They Say Musicians Have A Way With Words

Bono, the lead singer of U2, wrote a poem about Elvis.

In the poem, Bono called Elvis, among other things, “spastic” and a “white nigger.”

Let’s see if there’s any outcry over this. I would imagine I'll get in more trouble over reporting it than he did for writing it.

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I Misspelled What?

Kudos to Beth Biskobing, an English teacher in Milwaukee, who responded to a crude example of graffiti (is there any other kind?) with a flyer that corrects the grammar for the goober who spray-painted the insult.

We as a nation have let our standards suffer. Spelling and grammar rules have been allowed to suffer in the name of political correctness.

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Mainstream Media Bias, Bipartisanship Edition

Diane Sawyer, showing her true feelings, is afraid that by changing his mind on releasing photos of prisoners allegedly being tortured is a result of a “cave-in to Dick Cheney and the political right.”

I guess it's bipartisan when Republicans give Democrats everything they want, but if Democrats give so much as an inch, it's caving in. And let's not even talk about keeping our troops safe. Right, Diane?

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Is Joe Even Awake?

People used to make fun of Dan Quayle for his supposed verbal missteps. Unfortunately, they pale in comparison to what Joe Biden will say on any given day. Just as unfortunately, the mainstream media will not dare poke fun at a leftie, even if he is a tremendous goober.

Now, the Vice President has revealed the existence, and the location as well, of the secret bunker that was designed to keep the VP safe from harm in a case of national emergency.

Sometimes you have to wonder who dresses this man in the morning.

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Monday, May 18, 2009

Whatever happened to Make Every Vote Count?

Counting every vote has never applied to the military, because they don’t usually vote the way democrats would like, and therefore, lefties don’t consider their right to vote worthy of fighting for.

This is why a recent study shows that at least one fourth of the absentee votes from military personnel stationed overseas went uncounted.

You have the right to vote, as long as you are going to vote for a leftie.

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Why Did They Even Bother?

In a complete exercise in futility, the Media Research Center did an extensive study into how the media treated Obama during his first 100 days.

Let me save you the trouble of reading it.

The mainstream media bows at the altar of Obama.

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He Was Either Psychic Or Very Intelligent

Let’s see if you can identify this writer.

This author says that people today are being governed by "an immense, tutelary power" determined to take "sole charge of assuring their enjoyment and of watching over their fate." The author says this power is "absolute, attentive to detail, regular, provident and gentle," aiming for our happiness but wanting "to be the only agent and the sole arbiter of that happiness." According to the author, this governing power wraps people in "a network of petty regulations -- complicated, minute and uniform."

He also writes, "It does not break wills; it softens them, bends them, and directs them" until people resemble "a herd of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd."

Does this sound familiar? Does it describe what is happening today in DC?

The author is Alexis de Tocqueville, and the passages are from “Democracy in America,” written in 1863. De Tocqueville warned of an all consuming government that would provide people security, anticipate their needs, direct their industries and divide their inheritances.

Read this great article by George Will to find out more.

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Liars Of A Feather

First Specter lied and changed parties to save his political career. Then he lied and promised to continue his opposition to the card check bill, a bill that basically allows unions to strong-arm people and force them to unionize. Then the Dems lied and withheld seniority from Specter.

Now Specter has shown his lying ways again by reversing course and saying he is “open” to the card check bill.

Anyone not understand this is all about one thing – power?

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Gee, Maybe Bush Wasn’t As Stupid As They Thought

While campaigning, Obama joined other lefties in soundly criticizing Bush for most every move he made. Now it seems Obama is having second thoughts on a lot of Bush policies and realizing that Bush was actually right on many things.

First he decided to change course and block release of the pictures of prisoner treatment. He said this decision was based on the fact that release of the photos might endanger US troops. That is exactly what Bush said.

Now Obama is considering keeping terrorists imprisoned indefinitely without trial. Other than they won’t be physically located at Gitmo, how is this different from Bush’s policy? Bringing them to American soil makes it much more murky, with terrorists likely using lawyers to claim rights they are not due. That’s why they were being held in Gitmo. But Obama stepped in it and promised to close Gitmo. Now he has to figure out what to do with the terrorists.

Face it, Mr. Obama. Bush was smarter than you gave him credit for being.

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Children Having Children Is Usually Not A Good Idea

This is the story of a 19 year old child who has a child of her own. The child develops bottle mouth, a form of tooth decay common among infants and toddlers. Medicaid won’t pay for treatment, and the mother refuses to seek help by trying to get child support payments from the father. According to reports, she also refused to try and find another dentist who would accept Medicaid or any other solution to the problem. The grandmother begs her to take the child to a dentist, as the child suffers with pain for over a year. After letting her child develop severe tooth decay, the mother is charged with felony child neglect.

You are doubtless going to hear how sad this teen’s life is. You will read that her situation is pitiful and we should all feel sorry for her.

Bull. She let her child down. She did so because she is lazy and would not take any steps to find a solution. I guess it was too hard for her to try.

I hope the child is placed in a good home with someone who will love them and care for them.

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She Was Obviously Inspired To Do It

A woman decides she wants a picture of Obama. It doesn’t matter that the picture belongs to someone else. She’s entitled to it. So she walks into the home and tries to take the picture by force. She fights with the homeowner and winds up in jail, along with her friend who was driving the getaway car. By the way, the driver had her 3 year old son in the car while they were committing burglary, aggravated assault and theft.

Gotta love all this change and hope and love and peace and bipartisanship and let’s-all-get-along kumbaya drivel. It’s really working out great, isn’t it?

Best part of this story? It was her mother she fought with over the picture, and this happened two days before Mother’s Day.

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Sliding Further Down The Slippery Slope

Sweden has declared that killing an healthy unborn child because you don’t want a child of that sex is perfectly legal and cannot be stopped.

The case revolved around a lady who already had two daughters and wanted a son. Twice she got pregnant. Twice tests revealed another daughter. Twice she aborted a completely healthy child simply because she wanted them to be a boy.

I know abortion devotees are jumping for joy at this news. They have to figure it won’t be long before you can have abortion on demand for any reason whatsoever. Life has no value, obviously.

Perhaps after that, the next step will be retroactive abortions for those who suffer post partum depression or just can’t handle raising a child.

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What Will He Fix Next?

Now Obama has decided to take over the education sector after straightening out the auto industry and the financial sector. He wants to close the lowest performing schools, 1000 per year, and reopen them later with “new” principals and teachers.

I have yet to see what will happen to the principals and teachers from the closed schools. Since they will all undoubtedly have tenure, they will simply be shuffled around to other schools to continue their failing ways.

How does this help solve anything? It's like a baseball team saying, "our 3rd starting pitcher is performing horribly, so we are moving him to the 4th starter spot and that will solve the problem." No it doesn't, you still have a horrible pitcher.

It's like Walmart saying, "we have an employee who is horrible. They are always late and won't help customers. Therefore, we are moving them from clothing to electronics. Now the problem is solved."

One more question comes to mind, other than the obvious one (where does he get this type of power?). As long as you rank things, there has to be, by definition, something on the bottom. Someone HAS to be the worst performing out of a group.

Will Obama just keep on closing down the bottom 1% every year ad nauseum?

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This Union Is Standing By Their...Man

Most of you should have heard about the trolley car crash in Boston the Friday before Mother’s Day. Now we find out that the driver was not hired for his driving abilities. He was hired because he used to be a she. Great qualifications for the job, eh?

The driver was hired under a minority hiring process because of his “female to male transgendered” status. They ignored his multiple speeding tickets, some of which he got before he was hired. He brags on the internet he was one of the transit authority’s first transgendered hires.

The crash was caused by the driver, who admitted he was texting his girlfriend instead of noticing the stopped trolley car in front of him. The trolley ran a yellow light, then ran a red light and slammed into the parked trolley, injuring 46 and causing almost $10 million in damages.

There was a hearing after which the driver was justifiably fired. He could still possibly face criminal charges. Stand by for all kinds of advocates to come out of the woodwork to support the driver, despite the fact he was dead wrong and deserves to be canned and charged.

The only peep out of the union so far has been to challenge the new regulation issued that a trolley driver caught using a cell phone while on the job will result in immediate dismissal. They could care less for the safety of the passengers, they only care about those who pay dues, like most unions.

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ramblings part 2

They've Been Working For Him, Might As Well Get Paid For It

At least ten MSM journalists have landed cushy jobs with Obama’s team. Go figure.

Is He Naïve, Or Does He Want To Weaken The US Economy?

A great article about Obama and his economic policies.

Change You Can Believe In

Congratulations to all of you who voted for change. The Obama administration has given you a monthly budget deficit in April. That’s the first time in 26 years there has been a shortfall in April.

Now We Can Condemn Israel And Ourselves While Ignoring The Rest Of The World, Too

Great news. Obama has reversed the ban on the UN Human Rights Council, which has resulted with us getting a seat on this great group, right alongside such human rights stalwarts as Cuba and China.

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ramblings part 1

Cleaning out the old grab bag today. Time to get some of this stuff off my to-do list.

Will They Go On Strike Against Themselves?

GM is responding to the bailout by moving jobs overseas. How will the new owners, the unions, react?

He Says Jump, You Say...

Accept gifts from the Devil and you have to dance to his tune. Accept money from Obama, and you have to do his bidding from now on.

Live Long And Spend?

Obamabots are comparing their favorite socialist leader to Spock, claiming they both faced prejudice. Plus, they say it’s like having a Vulcan in the White House.

They Define Sycophant

Diane Sawyer and George Stephanopoulos make me sick with their sucking up to Obama.

I Don't Think His Problem Was A Lack Of Alcohol

A paramedic in uniform is denied purchasing alcohol by a store, so he strips to a thong and asks, “will you serve me now?”

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She Obviously Needs A Better Writer...Or A Better Teleprompter

Don’t bother watching this if you are easily offended by lefties lying through their teeth to score easy political points. It’s a video of Obama laughing and enjoying himself while an unnamed comedienne makes things up completely about Rush Limbaugh and then tries to make jokes based on the lies she just uttered. I know who she is, I just refuse to acknowledge her because of her inability to ever be funny.

Sad. She could not make jokes about what he actually said, because they are so true, so she just makes stuff up.

Her whole premise is based on Rush saying he hopes the entire country fails, and then she attacks him as being just like a terrorist, and she hopes he dies. This is what made Obama guffaw with laughter. The only problem is, Rush never uttered the desire that the country fail.

For those of you who don’t remember, or did not pay attention, Rush said he wanted Obama and his policies to fail. He also explained how that would be best for the country to survive. Don’t take my word for it. Here’s the transcript.

These are his opinions and I certainly don’t recall any lefties coming out saying they hoped Bush was a raging success during his terms. I do recall many times where lefties and their media lapdogs wished for Bush to come to harm. I wonder how funny it would be if someone were to say publicly, “I wish Obama’s kidneys would fail.”

You want to make jokes about what someone said, fine. I have no problem with that. But to take the easy way out and make up lies in order to say something you think is funny, that’s cheap and unethical. Of course I did not expect better of this joker. She’s a buffoon.

Here’s another take on the subject.

UPDATE - Way to jump on the bandwagon, Obama.

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Thursday, May 14, 2009


Or Wasted A Good Crisis

Never let it be said that Obama passed up any chance to spend more of your money.

Could We Reach The End Of The Internet One Day?

Why don’t we get AlGore to work on this? He could invent a solution, couldn’t he?

They Are Adorable

Check out this cute older couple playng a piano duet.

Being An Illegal Immigrant Gives You License To Run Amok

Evidently, it’s now better to be an illegal alien (translation – someone who has already BROKEN THE LAW) than it is to be a citizen, especially if you are living in LA and you commit a misdemeanor offense.

I Vote Yes...I Mean I Vote No

Marion Barry voted for same sex marriage in DC, then asked for his vote “back” and voted against it.

Maybe it was the coke.

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I Hear They Contend The Sun Will Rise Tomorrow

Look at this story on the budget and the huge record deficits that PrezBO is giving us courtesy of the land of Socialism.

Take note of this line.

Republicans contend Obama's agenda would sharply increase the size of government and add to a mountain of debt.”

Let’s look at those two items.

Will Obama’s agenda sharply increase the size of government? Obama himself is proud of this, and he talks about government taking over aspects such as auto manufacturers, banks, financial institutions, etc. So this is a fact, admitted to by the administration.

Will Obama’s agenda add to a mountain of debt? Again, even the White House admits to this, as proven by the first paragraph of this story.

So, why does Reuter’s choose to phrase it as “Republicans contend” that these facts will be true, when the White House has admitted to both?

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More Of Your Tax Dollars Being Spent Wisely

$2.6 Million dollars taken from US taxpayers will be spent to teach Chinese prostitutes to drink alcohol responsibly on the job.

$2.6 Million dollars taken from US taxpayers will be spent to teach Chinese prostitutes to drink alcohol responsibly on the job.

$2.6 Million US Taxpayer dollars.

Chinese prostitutes.

Drink alcohol responsibly on the job.

I had to type it three times because it kept coming out like a punchline. It is, actually – to a really, really bad joke. The joke is on the American taxpayer.

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Another Month And They Would Have Found Her

Why have 10,000 dead people received stimulus checks from the Social Security Administration, including one woman who died in 1967?

The agency blames the error on the strict mid-June deadline of mailing out all of the checks, which didn't leave officials much time to clean up all of their records.”

Yep. Giving them another month would have assured they found that lady who died over 40 years ago and gotten her off the rolls.

Remember, you want government running things. You voted for this.

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Notice He Did Say "You", Not "We," Can't Go To Vegas On The Taxpayer's Dime

You can't get corporate jets, you can't go take a trip to Las Vegas or go down to the Super Bowl on the taxpayer's dime."
President Obama, February 2009

President Obama is scheduling a trip on the taxpayer’s dime to Las Vegas to attend a fundraiser for Harry Reid, who has a ton of money already raised and basically no opponent.

You can supply the rest of the comments yourself. This is just too easy.

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A Short Economics Test For Lefties

California has one of the largest economies of any state. They have some of the highest tax rates for every conceivable tax. Personal income, corporate income, sales, fuel – you name it, theirs is among the highest. They also don’t have as many exemptions as lots of states.

The reason I listed all of that was because lefties will insist that raising taxes will always result in increased revenues, and they ridicule the theory of supply side economics, despite the fact that it’s worked every time it’s been used.

So, my question to every leftie out there is this. Why is California in such dire straits? If raising taxes is good, and increases revenues; and if California has some of the highest tax rates; then why isn’t California doing better?

I’ll even make it simple as I can for you lefties. Let’s make it multiple choice.

A. Their tax rate is not high enough.
B. They spend way to damn much.
C. Their high rates have driven away businesses, resulting in lower revenues.
D. Punishment by taxation has failed.

If you are a leftie, and you chose anything other than A, there’s hope for you yet.

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Somebody Get A Dictionary and Look Up Irony For Obama

During the campaign, McCain suggested taxing health care benefits. That would be offset by a tax credit given to everyone who could then use the credit to shop for their own health care if the company did not provide it.

Obama attacked the plan, launching a withering assault on McCain for daring to tax employer provided health care benefits. In several TV ads, and in campaign speeches, he labeled it the “largest middle class tax increase in history” and the media dutifully parroted everything he said as if it were written on two chunks of stone from the top of some mountain.

As I warned you back in March, the Obama administration is considering taxing health care benefits in order to help pay for their unabashed march towards socialism. Their plan, however, does not contain any offsetting credit to help you purchase your own health care.

Unions who are in Obama’s pocket (or is it the other way around?) went after McCain. There has not been much of an outcry yet on Obama’s plan from the same groups, according to the NY Times.

Obama’s plan as I have seen it calls for the tax but not the credit. He has also raised taxes already on cigarettes, and plans on raising taxes on sodas. If the Republicans had passed these taxes, the outcry about them being unfairly disproportionate towards the poor would be deafening. Ask yourself, have you heard one single negative word from the media about the huge increase in cigarette tax?

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Thought Police Are Coming For You

Maryland has added homeless people to the list of peoples protected under hate crime laws. When passing the new law, lawmakers referred to a 2001 case where teenagers stomped 3 homeless people to death.

Some thoughts come to mind.

1. Does anyone care that hate crime bills increasingly prohibit thought?

2. Does adding “hate crime” to this make killing three people more serious?

3. Why is killing homeless people considered worse than killing non-homeless people in Maryland?

4. For that matter, if a man is shot to death in a dark alley in the middle of the night and his wallet is stolen, why is it somehow a worse crime if the victim is gay?

5. If killing three homeless people had the added stigma of being a “hate crime” in 2001, would those teens have thought twice about doing what they did? Are we to believe they were willing to violate murder statutes, but a “hate crime” law would have stopped them dead in their tracks?

6. If the same people who push hate crime legislation on us would stop opposing capital punishment, we could have executed these teenagers for triple homicide. How is calling them guilty of committing hate crimes going to be worse than that?

7. Every crime that has “hate crime” added to it is already against the law. Can anyone show us one instance, from any time at any place anywhere in the entire history of the world, where labeling a crime additionally as a “hate crime” resulted in one single instance of added protection for a potential victim?

8. I’ve asked this earlier, but it still bugs me. Why is it okay to stomp a person to death if they own a house? Or, why is it better than stomping a homeless person? You want us to believe it’s “worse” when they stomp a homeless person, then logic dictates it’s better when the victim is not homeless. Why?

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Tastes Like Rejection

Ever notice that whenever Oprah does a giveaway, she gets all the credit, but it’s always someone else’s stuff she gives away?

This time it’s KFC chicken. Only problem is, the stores are refusing to honor the coupons.

Now, KFC has begun some program where you sign up, they send you a raincheck and you have some specified amount of time to get your free chicken. Just not right now, evidently.

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No Wonder There Are So Many Lefties In Massachusetts

On Welfare? Live in Massachusetts? No job? No car?

No problem, because the state will confiscate money from hardworking taxpayers and give you a car free. They’ll even pay all your fees and fees. They’ll even cover your repairs and AAA membership.

I guess it's only acheivers who have to pay for their stuff in a leftie dream world. Well, that and they also have to pay for everyone else's stuff, too.

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Perez Hilton, You're Fired

Donald Trump nailed it when he said that Miss California’s opinions on traditional marriage are the same as Obama’s.

Trump said this at the news conference where he announced that Carrie Prejean can keep her crown. Kudos to the Donald.

So why is there so much hatred directed towards her? Why are they trying so desperately (and failing miserably) to remove her title? Could it be there is so little tolerance, compassion, and empathy among the pro-gay marriage crowd?

UPDATE - After the announcement that she rightfully keeps her crown, the media stepped up their ugly attacks on her, getting personal and forgoing any semblance of propriety. Why does anyone call these people journalists?

Read what one idiot had to say. And here, you can read what another goober said.

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That Didn't Take Long

After admitting their own estimates for the budget were woefully inadequate, and having to reveal the truth that they needed tons more tax revenue to cover the tons more spending they plan, the administration revealed more taxes, of course. Why would they EVER lower spending?

I love the line from the source, who “who could not be identified under the ground rules of a briefing for reporters,” as if that ever stopped reporters before.

The source said the loopholes were “unjustifiable tax breaks that we simply can not afford.” That’s right, it’s THEIR money, and they simply can’t AFFORD to let you have THEIR money. You earn it but it’s theirs to spend as they wish.

The State will take all and care for you. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.

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Who's Running The White House?

The state of California is in financial trouble. Big time. In trying to save their economy, they negotiate a new contract with a large labor union that involves reduced wages.

The Service Employees International Union, a separate union, doesn’t like any union getting lower wages, even in these economic times. So, they go to DC and whisper in Obama’s ear. Obama promptly threatens to withhold stimulus money from California if they don’t throw out the contract that was perfectly and legally negotiated between two entities, and agreed upon by both sides.

You do know, don’t you, that the SEIU is a labor union organized by the same man who created and organized ACORN, that group accused of breaking voter registration laws in multiple states. This is also the same man who had to resign from ACORN after it was discovered he and his brother embezzled almost $1 million (that we know of).

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It's Their Right To Choose This, Correct?

You can go here to read about the courageous seniors who will take a stand by not attending their own graduation ceremony this weekend at Notre Dame due to the guest speaker who they feel is in direct opposition to the Catholic position on abortion. That speaker, of course, would be President Obama.

You can also watch the video they have produced. It’s very well done and the entire page is respectful and intelligent. It stands in stark contrast to most any page that would oppose Bush in that it does not get personal, nor does it involve name-calling and insults.

Instead of attending the graduation, people are exercising their right to choice by attending a rally and prayer gathering at another part of the campus. They have an impressive list of speakers lined up as well.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up

Obama announces plans to alter laws (yeah I know, go figure) and close tax loopholes for overseas shelters. While he was discussing the shelters, he mentions two people who have “highlighted” overseas tax havens and taken “far-reaching steps” to catch tax frauds.

The people he mentioned? Charlie Rangel, who is under investigation for tax fraud involving overseas shelters, and “Tax Fraud Timmy” Geithner.

I swear I did not make this up.

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Maybe They Knew Something

Take a guess who was the only Republican Senator to receive money from the UAW last year. Go ahead, guess.

Here's a hint. He definitely will not be winning a Republican primary next year.

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Another Broken Obama Promise

Remember when President Obama said taxpayers could track every dime being spent from the stimulus bill, otherwise known as the Confiscation Of Your Hard Earned Money To Be Given Away As A Reward To Liberal Cronies Act of 2009?

In case you forgot, here is what the President said in his prime time news conference in early February.

"It also contains an unprecedented level of transparency and accountability, so that every American will be able to go online and see where and how we're spending every dime."

Another lie/broken promise from the White House.

Where are you, media?

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Hola Y'all

There is a town in Alabama that has some Hispanic businesses. Their signs are in Spanish. The mayor wants any sign in Spanish to have an English translation as well. He says this is for public safety, saying emergency personnel can respond quicker if they can read signs and find businesses.

A Hispanic advocate responded with a proposal that all signs period be in both English and Spanish. The mayor says that is “ludicrous”.

I have to go with my gut on this one, and come down squarely on the side of less government interference. If someone wants to put a business sign up in only Spanish, or Lithuanian for that matter, it’s their business.

One thing we don’t need in this country is even MORE governmental regulations for small businesses.

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It's A Mutual Love

It seems that others are noticing the media bias, and it has even stretched to comedians. Of course, there are lots of people who think Letterman and Jon Stewart’s political jokes aren’t that funny to begin with, but that’s another post.

And for those who are STILL not convinced, despite the overwhelming evidence of media bias, how about White House staffer Kareem Dale admitting that at the administration, they “love MSNBC.”

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I Didn't Think He Would Come After Me

Rich people who helped Obama get elected are now figuring out that he is full of class warfare and wealth envy.

How did these people make any money at all, if they are indeed that stupid to only now realize that? Read this quote from a top fundraiser.

I'm appalled at the anti-Wall Street rhetoric. It was OK on the campaign but now it's the real world. I'm surprised that Obama is turning out to be so left-wing. He's a real class warrior.”

He actually thought Obama would turn 180 after the election and be friendly to successful people? He thought Obama would not be an enemy to capitalism?

This guy actually makes money managing hedge funds?

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We're Too Busy Taking Over Banks and Car Companies To Speak Up

Obama’s hugging buddy, Hugo Chavez, has used the military to seize more privately owned property, including two American-owned gas facilities.

I guess Chavez figures his good ole boy buddy won’t do anything to stop him, especially since they both believe in socialism and the state running everything. It’d be hypocritical of Obama to say anything or do anything to Chavez when he is working up to the same thing here.

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Monday, May 11, 2009


Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?

A man was caught by customs agents flying into California from Vietnam with 14 songbirds in his pants.

NBC has proclaimed Hillary the Foreign Policy Superstar

Oh My Goodness! They’re In Trouble Now!

Drug dealers from Mexico have committed the unpardonable sin – they have openly mocked The Big O Himself.

Hell hath no fury like an Obama scorned. As soon as he finishes straightening out the auto industry, banking industry, health care, education, rewriting the tax code, and designing hurricane proof buildings, O is going to turn his attention down their way. Then they’ll be sorry!

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It's All In The Packaging

Another example of lefties refusing to accept defeat of their ideas by simply changing the name of the idea and repackaging it for the people they represent.

Sadly, it usually works, because the typical leftie voter is as smart as a box of rocks, and buys into their rhetoric. Lefties are like used car dealers who can bait-and-switch with the best of them. That massive new entitlement program? It won’t cost too much…yet. Hate those who are successful? We can punish them and make things “even” or “fair.”

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The King of Pork Strikes Again

I have shown you many times how the military-hater John Murtha has become the King of Pork with his personal airport, at a cost of millions to hard-working honest taxpayers.

Now comes word about money funneled to his nephew. Without competition, Robert Murtha has been awarded millions in defense contracts.

The saddest part of this whole saga is that John Murtha is a former Marine, but has made a living disgracing the ideals of the Corps lately. Why is this man still in congress? Why is he not facing indictment?

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When To Call A Goober A Goober

Good article about how lefties are often nasty in their attacks on non-lefties.

For the record, I call many people “goobers” on this site, and I have used the terms stupid and idiot. I do try to limit the times I do so, and I always back up my views with reasons why I believe this is so. I don’t just throw insults out indiscriminately in order to score points.

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I'm Almost To The Point Of Not Commenting On This One

Massachusetts is debating a law that would render anyone over 60 and some people with disabilities incapable of consenting to having an erotic picture taken of them.

While I think there are better things to debate than the sex lives of senior citizens, I have to fall on the side of personal freedom on this one, if for no other reason than consistency.

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Saturday, May 09, 2009

Don't Give Up, Read It Again

If you already are aware that Obama’s economic policies will never work, you’ll understand this article.

If you support Obama, and think he’s descended to help pay your mortgage and gas bill, you probably won’t understand this article anyway, but at least give it a try. Maybe something will get through to you.

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Oops My Bad, Lobbyist Edition

Republican lawmakers cozied up to lobbyists and let them help write sweeping legislation that will wind up costing taxpayers billions. Networks fiercely attacked the move, led by MSNBC who declared all Republicans traitors who should burn in…well, they would burn in hell if MSNBC believed in God, but since they don’t, I guess the dirty, evil, nasty, filthy Republicans will have to burn in Texas, which must be the closest thing to Hell to a leftie.

Oops, my bad.

It is actually the Democrats who are in bed with lobbyists. You know, those patrons of change who promised no lobbyists in our administration. Those same Democrats who attacked Republicans for years for even acknowledging the presence of lobbyists.

Now, let’s all sit back and enjoy the reaction from the media.

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Ready For Higher Gas Prices?

Obama’s budget proposes large tax increases on those evil nasty oil companies.

Ready to pay more at the pump? After all, you asked for this.

And after all, he will get away with everything he can, as long as you and the media allow him.

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Cut $1, Spend $200

Someone smarter than me has pointed out that the proposed spending cuts in Obama’s budget is less than one half of one percent of his budget. So he increases spending out the wazoo but then “cuts” spending on a tiny portion. The “cuts” aren’t savings at all, they are merely funds shifted to pay for some other program. Plus, these “cuts” are less than half of the cuts proposed by Bush last year. In fact, half of the cuts are the exact same cuts as Bush proposed but were ignored by Congress. Congress usually ignores the proposed “cuts” anyway.

After all that, and adding in the record deficits (you do understand that this president, in just over 100 days, has doubled the amount we owe that every other president combined has given us), and all the media is talking about is the “cuts” in the budget.

Look at it this way. Let’s say you make $1000 every week. You decide that next week, you are going to start spending $1500 every week. Then, after six months, you say to your family, hey, I’m cutting back. I am cutting $20 out of that spending. Of course, I’ll be adding another $500 of new spending as well. But did you see how I am cutting our budget?

All Hail Obama. Let’s just ignore the tax and spend actions, especially when the Big Man himself tells us what to write.

Okay, if some of you don’t completely trust the MSM, here is a look at those “cuts.”

One thing that is cut is the budget for the people who enforce laws on unions. Now that is a cut I believe will actually go through, seeing as how unions own the Democrat Party.

Another cut is money for helping states keep illegal immigrants in jail. Of course we don’t want to put criminals in jail. Why would we want that?

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Friday, May 08, 2009

Mainstream Media Bias Alert, Presidential Respect Edition

Still deny media bias? Watch this video, where White House reporters won’t even stand up when W enters the room, but jump to their feet for O.

Reporters attempted to explain the dichotomy of treatment by saying the briefing room has always been more informal, and reporters did not rise for Bush because they did not want to block the view of the camera people in the back of the room. However, when Obama entered the room, they simply forgot.

Every reporter in the room forgot that the briefing room is informal? Every reporter forgot there are camera crews in the back?

Basically, this is admitting that they are so swept away by Obama’s presence that they forgot basic rules for the office where some of them have worked for years.

This is supposed to be a better explanation?

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Youse Play Along Or We Destroy Youse Guys

The White House is turning into a goon squad for unions and other leftie organizations.

More stories are coming out daily about how the White House is becoming drunk with power.

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We Have To Believe It, It's A Poll

Blacks support Obama 96-0.

If you are black and you don’t support Obama, you are invisible, or you don’t exist, according to CBS.

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Here's A Canadian Who Gets It

What a great article. It lists the major events of the 100 Days of O, or at least the events that the MSM refuses to acknowledge.

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Plant An ACORN, Grow An Indictment

What happens when you let ACORN hire census workers for the government? What happens when Democrats put themselves in charge of the census? What happens when the census changes from an apolitical event to a liberal fundraiser?

This happens.

By the way, here is the 1000th instance of ACORN being accused of voter registration fraud. Okay, I don’t know if it is actually #1000, but it’s been so commonplace since the 90’s, it surely seems that number is not far off. This one is in Nevada.

Ho Hum. More ACORN workers accused of falsifying voter registration forms, this time in Pennsylvania. Oh, and by the way, the sun rose today.

But Thank God ACORN has been contracted to help with the census. We know that will all work out, don’t we.

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In That Case, I Think I Am Getting A $5000 Tax Refund

Obama said he has “already saved or created over 150,000 jobs” despite job losses of more than one million since he took office.

Turns out they just pulled the number out of thin air, calling it an “estimate” of how many jobs were pulled from the chopping block by the stimulus bill.

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They Do Have Their Priorities

What is going to be one of the top priorities for the new Secretary of Labor?

Ensuring that illegal immigrants are being paid.

Let me repeat that. The Department of Labor’s main goal is going to be making sure that criminals who are trespassing in our country illegally are getting their full pay.

Will the last one out of the mental ward turn off the lights?

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We Were Going To Spend That Money Anyway

So apparently, the White House has changed their collective mind about releasing the NYC flyover photo that caused so much flap recently. Good thing, too. Now we can have hundreds of people do a photoshop image that looks better and compare them.

What bothers me most about this story is the quote from “military officials” who try to justify the cost of the flyover by saying, “the hours would have been flown regardless, and the expenses would have been accrued on a different mission.”

Okay, try this sometime soon. Go out to a strip club and blow all of your paycheck. Then come home reeking of beer and perfume, and tell your wife, “but honey, we were going to spend the money regardless, and the expenses would have accrued on different things.”

Let me know how that works out for you.

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Thursday, May 07, 2009

Adios, Manny

Manny Ramirez is the latest baseball player to be suspended for 50 games for violation of the drug use policy.

Manny says it was not steroids, but a prescription drug given to him by a doctor for a personal issue.

If you are making $25 Million per year at your job, you should probably make sure you are following the rules of the job and relying solely on the word of others might not be the best course.

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Birds Of A Feather?

Another politician is borrowing Obama’s campaign slogan, Yes We Can.

Dream Press Conference

I would love to put two ordinary middle class people side by side at an Obama press conference and ask the following question:

Mr. President, you recently strong-armed companies with secured credit against Chrysler to accept much less than the law allows in order to give more back to unions who had unsecured credit against Chrysler. It’s a well-known fact that many of these companies, such as hedge funds, are investing the retirement money of ordinary people who are no different from the ordinary people who belong to unions. Mr. President, can you stand here and look at these two ordinary, middle class people and tell which one is going to lose his retirement money as a result of your actions, and can you look this person in the eye and explain why the person standing next to them deserves more consideration than they do, despite the fact their money was unsecured, and by law it was more at risk? Can you explain why one person’s retirement means more to you than the other?

UPDATE - Obama has now decided that we don't need repayment of the $7 Billion in taxpayer money he gave Chrysler since January as a bailout to keep them from going into bankruptcy. So, let's get some ordinary, middle class taxpayers to stand right beside the person mentioned above and O can tell us ALL why labor unions deserve their money but we don't.

5...183...What's The Difference?

The media was all over the fact that one of the terrorists behind 9/11 was waterboarded 183 times.

Turns out to be a gross exaggeration. Bet you won’t read or hear about this in the MSM.

Stands To Reason

Since the government has already stepped in and taken ownership of banks and financial institutions based on their bailouts, I have wondered why the government did not take ownership of the auto companies as well. Instead, the unions are taking ownership, including 55% of Chrysler.

I guess it stands to reason, though, since the unions own 87% of the Democratic Party.

He's Happy We're Suffering

You know someone is profiting from the bad economy. Want to know who is happy as a pig in mud whenever America suffers? Take a look here.

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The Groundswell Is Gaining Momentum

Oklahoma is another state proclaiming State’s Rights and fighting back against the socialist onslaught coming out of DC.

The movement is gaining. It’s going to pick up speed and snowball soon.

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Rielle Hunter Will Not Be Appearing Today On Oprah

The wife of John “Gigolo” Edwards writes in a new book that the news that her husband was cheating on her made her throw up. If you recall, this is the “squeaky clean” VP candidate whose wife was battling cancer while he was attacking Bush and getting a little side action with a photographer honey. After it was revealed by the National Enquirer that the adultery resulted in a baby (because the mainstream media refused to go near a story that might harm a Democrat), Edwards strongly denied the adultery, claiming that anyone who dared insinuate that he would be unfaithful was a right wing nut job.

Can you say Mainstream Media Bias?

Of course the truth finally came out, but Edwards convinced his wife to stand by his side as he tried to salvage his political career.

Now, Mrs. Edwards says that her life is tragic, but the photographer’s life is “pathetic.”

I agree. Anyone who would sleep with John Edwards would have a tragic and pathetic life.

In an update, Elizabeth is out promoting her book by appearing on Oprah and playing the victim card to the hilt. The one condition (Rielle Hunter) was that Oprah could not even mention (Rielle Hunter) the name (Rielle Hunter) of the mistress (Rielle Hunter).

Rielle Hunter.

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