Update on Financial News
Who can afford $28,500 per plate for dinner during this financial crisis? Oh yeah, that's right - Obama celebrity worshippers. Maybe things aren't as bad as we hear.
Obama is getting a bump from all the bad financial news. Those who are providing the bump are obviously oblivious to the facts, such as the responsibility for the current crisis with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac lie squarely at the feet of democrats. It was democrats who pushed for lower standards in housing loan requirements, opening the door for poorly-advised loans that were not going to be repaid. It was Clinton who signed the Community Reinvestment Act. It was Democrats who stopped passage of the bill McCain sponsored in 2006. This was when McCain warned of the dangers posed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac making ill-advised loans and executives allowed to cook books.
Perhaps if the MSM were honest, and presented the facts instead of their opinions disguised as news while feigning shock at being accused of bias, maybe some of those who form their opinions based on ten second soundbites would realize who is actually responsible for the current financial news.
Labels: financial crisis, Obama
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