Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Woman asks for, and Receives, House at O Rally

At a rally for PBO in southern Florida, the audience was given the opportunity to ask the President of the United States questions. One woman promptly begged for a house. How about that for your typical leftie voter base?

So, a woman who fully supports PBO begs for free stuff. What does he do? PBO hugs her and kisses her cheek and plays it up for the camera but does absolutely nothing. An aide gave her the number for the local housing authority.

Later, the wife of a state Representative offers a house to the woman and her adult son. You can read about it here and from ABC and even at the Huffington Post. There’s even been a website created especially for this woman.

Strangest thing – can you find anywhere in any of those links a party affiliation for the state rep? Of course not. Why? Because the representative is a Republican, that’s why.

Democrats hug, Republicans solve the problem.

What you can find on these sites are comments from readers. Several run in the same vein. I wanted to reprint one here for you.

"I believe the president is a very educated individual and hope that change does come in a positive way. As far as the whole story about the lady being "homeless". We should be pointing some fingers at the lady who offered her the house. Come on people think about it. There must be hundreds here in Lee County who are homeless or losing their homes. Why hasn't that house been rented or better yet given to somebody sooner. She wanted to make a hugh impression in front of Obama and the news. It's all a show."

So, the President who did nothing is glorified while the Republican state representative who solved the problem is vilified for a) not doing it sooner and b) putting on "a show". I should be, but am no longer surprised by the total lack of intelligence displayed by some people.

Other comments run along the "sniff, sniff, she got a home, where's my stuff?" line.

Last note on this – what are the odds that at the next appearance by PBO (and every appearance after that), someone will exhibit a similar shameless display of pandering and beg for something from the President?

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