Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Economic Catch 22 and Wealth Envy

In 1993, Leftie Bill Clinton stoked the fires of class envy and hatred by pushing the law that changed the tax code barring high salaries to executives in large corporations. This gave rise to the current structure of executives signing contracts that pay a small salary and high bonuses.

Now, Leftie (socialist) Barak Obama comes along and tells companies that bonuses are bad. Not just excessive bonuses, or bonuses paid by companies receiving bailouts. All bonuses. Period.

It was government interference that started this whole economic fiasco we find ourselves in now. It was government interference that almost destroyed our economy. The answer is most certainly not more and more and more government interference.

If gasoline ignites and starts a fire, you don't put it out by dousing the fire with more gas.

So go ahead. Sit back and do nothing while Obama 'punishes' success by telling companies what they can and cannot pay to top execs. Sit back and watch while the top execs flee to overseas companies that aren't stupid enough to limit compensation.

Sit back and wonder why this country is going to hell in a handbasket. Believe when the lefties ram it down your throat that all blame lies with those evil rich people who work hard and earn their money. Buy into the wealth envy. Why should someone who works 80 hours a week make more than someone who sits around playing video games all day? Hey, it's your RIGHT to make a living, isn't it? How dare someone drive a nicer car than you? It's not FAIR that someone lives in a better home than you. You should be given a home and a car. If you don't pay for it later, who cares? *BOB will bail you out.

* BOB = Big Obama Brother

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