Tuesday, March 17, 2009

How About "Domestic Fear Engineers"?

First lefties stopped calling them Islamic Terrorists. Then they stopped calling them terrorists, period. Now, Obama has decided that the scum who are being held at Guantanamo should no longer be called “enemy combatants.”

Why do lefties think that simply renaming something will change not only how the something is viewed, but also will change the basic meaning of the something?

The answer can be found in the abortion debate. In one of the most well-known and most successful name-purging events in history, lefties decided that they were losing the ideological debate on abortion, and they knew they could not counter the argument that abortion kills a human. So, they just decided that they would start calling themselves “pro-choice”, because after all, pro and choice are two positive words, not like the negative word abortion. Press releases went out and lo and behold, the press lapped it up like pablum. The other side said, well, okay, then we will now call ourselves “pro-life.” Today, decades later, most leftie lapdog media outlets still refuse to use the term, opting for the double negative “anti-abortion” when describing pro-lifers.

Want another example? Try and find a mainstream media outlet who will identify Obama’s “tax cuts” for those who don’t pay taxes as what it is – more welfare payments.

Welcome to 1984 newspeak.

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