Thursday, April 23, 2009

Lefties Coordinating Attacks On Talk Radio

The attacks on talk radio are being ramped up.

This Socialist bozo from San Fran is crying in his soy milk about there not being a “progressive” voice equal to Rush on the radio. There’s not any voice on the radio equal to Rush, but that’s another topic.

What is entirely hilarious and completely unintentional on his part is he mentions Rachel Maddow, who used to be on Air America (more on her later). He forgets conveniently that Air America got a huge push, including cost breaks and free air time, and it failed miserably. In fact, every time a leftie has been on air, even with endless promotion, it has failed miserably. This is a true example of free enterprise. No one wants to listen to that junk.

The writer pretends to back up his desires by stating “facts” that people accidentally listen to Rush, and then are slowly hypnotized into believing what Rush says. In other words, if you listen to Rush, or Glenn Beck, or Sean, or Neal Boortz, you are a mindless moron…at least according to this buffoon.

He also bends, twists and otherwise simply states untruths as accepted facts, in order to back up his claims. This next line is strictly for the writer: It is not a ‘fact’ that the “conservative destruction of reasonable regulation” caused the economic problems. It has been traced back to the economic policies started by Carter, enlarged by Clinton, and pushed by the Democratic congress, especially Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. I wonder if the writer has even heard of the Community Reinvestment Act. I wonder if he has any knowledge of subprime mortgages and what dangers they present (and have brought forth).

In an unrelated story, except in how angrily it attacks talk radio and how many lies it contains, we have a rant against talk radio by someone who used to run a talk radio conglomerate.

Except he was running Air America, the leftie “answer” to normal talk radio, that failed miserably, despite concessions in most markets and getting free airtime in others. The truest example of a free market proved that leftie thought is for the elite and uninformed, as every market AA ventured into was a resounding mistake.

Now that this goober has been handed his hat by the general public, he presumes to tell us what we should and should not listen to on the radio. The sad truth is, he’s only an expert in what people will not listen to.

The main thrust of his rant is that most talk radio is for personal freedom and responsibility, which means they are against the Democrats and socialized government, which means they are against most every move by Obama. He calls Obama “an actual “uniter””, despite the fact that a recent survey showed the largest gap in decades between his starry eyed followers and his detractors. How can you unite when your idea of bipartisanship means every conservative must bow to your wishes. Can any leftie explain that? Come to think of it, can any leftie explain any of their policies, without calling the other side names?

My favorite moment in the rant comes when the author uses as an authority the “media pundit and political scientist Rachel Maddow.” If the name is not familiar to you, don’t worry. Maddow was one of the stars of Air America, and has now become a sock puppet for Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. Of course, nobody listened to her radio show, and no one is watching her tv show either. On both radio and tv, her modus operandi is to relentlessly attack anything conservative. She has made a living, although barely, by calling President Bush evil names and making accusations from outright lies. But she is a media pundit now, who is used to decry anyone who dares to oppose the current administration.

Nah, there’s no irony there at all.

The whiner also brings up the tired old complaint about Rush wanting Obama’s policies to fail, as if no leftie ever publically wanted Bush to fail. That has been blasted out of the water so many times to be not even funny anymore. Nice try.

The second funniest part of the screech comes when he tries to claim low ratings as a reason to ignore Rush and Glenn Beck. Again, this comes from the founding president of Air America. Nuff said.

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