Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Some Just Don't Get It

Yet another example of how some people just don’t get it. The Tea Party protests were not about taxes. They were about out-of-control spending and the unprecedented power grab by a government hellbent on turning this country into a Socialist state.

By the way, repeating ad nauseum the lie that 95% of the people got a tax cut will never make it true. There aren’t that many people paying taxes, so it’s physically impossible to cut taxes on someone who pays no taxes.

Now, if the government wants to admit they are instituting a wealth redistribution scheme, then we’ll agree to that. But taking my tax dollars and giving it to someone who doesn’t pay taxes in the first place can never be honestly described as giving that moocher a tax cut.

Since we are on the subject of taxes, why doesn’t the government admit they just raised taxes on every single smoker in the country?

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