This Is How The Civil War Started
Despite what you will read in leftie-promoted books in government schools, the Civil War was about States Rights and the federal government asserting more and more power over states. There is a reason most Southerners call it The War Between The States. Was slavery a part of it? Absolutely. Was it the only reason for the war? Absolutely not. Is it possible that the South had good reason, other than slavery, to do what they did? Positively.
For some years before, several states, mostly located outside the northeast part of the country, were complaining that the federal government was poking their noses where they ought not. Sound familiar?
So, what do we have happening today? How about Texas Governor Rick Perry, who has been going around the country reasserting the truth that the constitution limits what the federal government can do with regards to states rights.
“I believe that our federal government has become oppressive in its size, its intrusion into the lives of our citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state,” Gov. Perry said. “That is why I am here today to express my unwavering support for efforts all across our country to reaffirm the states’ rights affirmed by the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I believe that returning to the letter and spirit of the U.S. Constitution and its essential 10th Amendment will free our state from undue regulations, and ultimately strengthen our Union.”
I'm not saying another civil war is coming. I'm not advocating for states to secede. I'm certainly not advocating a return to slavery. That last part was put in for the benefit of any lefties who read this who will come unglued at a Southerner talking about states rights. All they will hear/think/understand is "hey, this redneck is a racist who wants slavery to come back." At the least they'll try to use that to discredit my reasoning. So, here is your disclaimer for you leftie goobers.
What I am saying is that the federal government is running roughshod over the constitution, states rights, civil rights, capitalism, free enterprise, and just about anything else that stands in the way of the power grab they are implementing, that they hope will result in a socialist society where all power lies in Washington. Doubt me? They want all tax power, control of all money, control of businesses, control of all healthcare, control of all education, and control of all media.
Wake up, people. We are heading down an extremely dangerous path by allowing socialists and facists to gain further control of our government.
Listen to Chuck Schumer who says traditional values are dead.
Wake up and get involved. I know that most of us work and don't have time to attend every rally, protest, march, etc. That puts us at a distinct disadvantage against lefties who have all the time in the world because most of them are collecting a fat government check, riding on our backs while they spit on our way of life.
Do what you can. Let's not give up on this country. It's our country.
Labels: Civil War, Rick Perry, Schumer, States Rights, traditional values
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