Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Who's Running The White House?

The state of California is in financial trouble. Big time. In trying to save their economy, they negotiate a new contract with a large labor union that involves reduced wages.

The Service Employees International Union, a separate union, doesn’t like any union getting lower wages, even in these economic times. So, they go to DC and whisper in Obama’s ear. Obama promptly threatens to withhold stimulus money from California if they don’t throw out the contract that was perfectly and legally negotiated between two entities, and agreed upon by both sides.

You do know, don’t you, that the SEIU is a labor union organized by the same man who created and organized ACORN, that group accused of breaking voter registration laws in multiple states. This is also the same man who had to resign from ACORN after it was discovered he and his brother embezzled almost $1 million (that we know of).

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