Those Evil Rich Speculating Firefighters And Teachers
I just can’t get over the indignity of the President deciding he alone has the authority and ability to decide who can make how much money and who can succeed or who can fail.
Is he going to run our entire lives? Are we one day going to have to ask Obama’s permission to paint our house or go to the store to buy groceries? Where does it end? Why do you think it’s okay for Big (Obama) Brother to run every minute of your life?
Obama decides to spend YOUR money to bail out a company that has made poor business decisions that, coupled with fat union contracts, have driven the company into the red. Of course it doesn’t help, so the company files bankruptcy, opening the door for Obama and union goons to assume control of the company.
Obama then decides by royal fiat that secured bondholders should take a back seat to unions when it comes to collecting debts. Do you realize how dangerous this is? It could effectively turn the economy on its ear, as lenders decide not to offer any further secured loans, because Obama has rendered them worthless.
Obama threatens the secured creditors, using the bully pulpit to beat them towards submission. Name calling is the least of his actions. People who follow the law become “speculators” in a vain attempt to delude the vast collection of idiots who do not know better that these are bad people, not deserving of their money.
We have been telling you all along that these are not rich “speculators.” Rather, these are everyday people. Who do you think holds the majority of secured bonds? Now, you don’t have to wonder any more. Now you can actually read that it’s firefighters, and teachers, and everyday people just like we’ve been telling you.
Wake up, America. It’s not too late to stop from losing all freedom.
Only terrorists pose a bigger threat to America than the march towards socialism.
Labels: bailout, barack hussein obama, Big Obama Brother, secured creditors, socialism, speculators
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