Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Here's To You, Sarah

I personally don’t blame Sarah Palin for resigning her job as Governor of Alaska, and I could care less if she doesn’t run for Senator next year, or whether or not this hurts or helps her chances.

I will tell you this. I admire the woman. She is a great conservative and a wonderful leader. She is a straight talker, which got her in constant hot water with the lapdog media, because she rightfully burned a lot of democrats who developed PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) and came absolutely unglued with their vitriolic hate.

They continue with the hate to this day, and I am sure it will continue, because they are afraid of her. Reagan and W inspired this level of hate, and it was because they whipped the lefties and they did it with ideas, not emotion, and that is something against which the lefties cannot compete.

Credit for the PDS origination goes to Michelle Malkin, to the best of my knowledge.

If you look at the vile spewn by the lapdog media in the direction of the classy Governor, you will not blame her if she decides to never again run for public office, which is exactly what lefties want.

I would personally love to see Sarah run for president. I would love to see her in the Senate. I would vote for her in a minute. There are the beginnings of a rumor trickling out there that something big might be on the horizon, so keep tuned.

But I will not begrudge her leaving public office behind for a chance at a normal family life. She’s earned it.

So, this is for Sarah. Whatever you decide to do, more power to you. Thank you for what you have done for us, and best of luck in your future. If you keep fighting the good fight, you have my support. If you choose your family over everything else, you have my support. Either way, you are a winner.

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