Monday, July 27, 2009

Obama Guilty Of Racial Profiling? You Tell Me

Two men are seen trying to force their way into a very nice home late at night. The home’s owner has been out of town. A neighbor calls the police and files the report. She describes the two men as black. Police respond and find the two men had forced their way inside.

One of the men says he lives in the house but had to force the door open because it was jammed. The police ask him to produce ID which will prove his statement. At that point the man screams at the policemen and accuses him of racial bias. He refuses to calm down when ordered to do so. He is arrested until they can sort things out.

It turns out he is indeed the homeowner, and is released and charges are dropped.

That would be the end of the story, except that his supporters are pushing the whole racial profiling accusation.

Just what about that story entails racial profiling? Unless the new and improved definition now includes questioning anyone of color for any reason whatsoever, in which case it’s pretty much a stupid definition, correct?

I thought so.

Let’s ask Mr. Gates’ supporters if they would prefer that the police accept any reason at face value given to them by a black suspect. They should have said, oh it’s your house? You had to force the door open? Don’t bother showing ID, it’s okay, we believe you, have a nice night.

Yeah, that’ll work.

And of course, now Obama has jumped right in the deep end, calling the cops stupid for doing their job. And, of course, Obama had to back off the statement and do what can best be called a clumsy apology, because he was forced to admit he did not know the facts of the case when he mouthed off about racial profiling. Gee, who would ever expect someone to jump into a fray about racial profiling before finding out the facts?

I consider it racial profiling to accuse white police of racial profiling before finding out the facts. Since he had no facts, he had to rely on the only thing he knew, and that was the fact that a white policeman had arrested a black man. Based on that fact alone, Obama whipped out the race card and made Al Sharpton a happy man.

You tell me which one is racial profiling - arresting someone after they can't produce ID and get angry with you and resist police, or accusing someone based solely on the color of their skin?

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