Monday, July 13, 2009

You Can’t Fly Over Christians, That Would Upset Everyone

The God and Country Festival is an annual event honoring things that have made this country great. It has been held in Idaho for over forty years now, and every year, the Air Force has done a flyover to help the participants celebrate the military.

This year, however, something changed. The Air Force all of a sudden cancelled the flyover, saying that doing so would promote religion, and God knows the current administration does not want anyone anywhere at any time promoting religion…cause you know, religion’s a bad thing. Fortunately, the event was still a success.

The poor sap sent out by the Air Force to explain why this has absolutely nothing to do with President Obama claimed that the USAF always participated before because they did not realize for over 40 years that the God And Country Festival had anything to do with religion. They just thought it was all about patriotism and nothing else.

Poor guy sounds like the wandering husband caught sneaking in at 3 am and having to make up some excuse about why he smells of alcohol and perfume.

Predictably, the lefties are happy. Well, as happy as professional whiners can be. A contributor to the Daily Kos is overjoyed with the fact that Obama refuses to attend a church regularly, and that he refused to attend the National Day Of Prayer events, bucking the trend of former administrations. The writer is also giddy with Obama for making Georgetown cover up a religious symbol before he could be photographed in front of it while speaking.

According to the Kos article, the Idaho festival consisted of “Christian fanatics” so that fact alone made it acceptable and even admirable for Obama to say no for the first time in over 40 years. Some one needs to tell the lefties that "Christian fanatic" is two words, just like "Conservative Extemist."

Personally, I am proud to proclaim my support not only for this country, but also for God. I think a God and Country Festival is a perfect setting, and it deserves the full support of the military.

Like it or not, this country was founded on Christian values. The Founding Fathers understood the importance of religion.

I know atheists and secularists, who have now taken control of most aspects of the government, will howl and complain and chant their favorite mantra about The Separation Of Church And State.

It’s just a sad thing that they have no clue as to the true meaning, that the government is not supposed to designate an official state-sponsored church. They did this not to keep religion out of the government, or to squash religion and try to kill it off completely, as today’s secularists want. No, they did it for precisely the reason of allowing people to choose how they wanted to worship.

You just can’t draw a logical line from “no state sponsored religion” to “you can’t allow a moment of silence at a high school football game” or “no flyovers for you because you actually admit that God exists.” Only someone with an agenda of hate towards religion will make that leap, and only a fool will believe or accept it.

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