Bean in hot soup
It seems that congresswoman Melissa Bean took a beating for charging $25 admission to her town hall meeting, so they simply changed the name of the event.
Later, after having to change the name of the event, she decided to do a telephone town hall meeting. Of course, the details leaked out rather slowly, and people were not able to find out about it in time, others did not get called as they were supposed to in time, and yet others did get to listen in but were not able to ask any questions. They did not allow a lot of people to call in, saying only those who had asked prior to the announcement were on the list to be included.
In other words, they put up a ton of hurdles for everyone to have to jump over just to get to talk to their representative.
Typical leftie response.
You can read about all these details at Michelle Malkin's website.
Labels: charging for town hall meeting, Melissa Bean, Michelle Malkin, town hall meeting
You are wrong. The "paid" event was always a meeting of the Lake Zurich Chamber of Commerce. It's a breakfast meeting, and they (not the Congresswoman) charge $25 admission. The money goes to the Chamber of Commerce, not to the Congresswoman.
Meanwhile, Rep. Donald Manzullo required people attending his "town hall" today to join a right-wing organization and make a payment. Where's your outrage over that?
Republicans are hypocrites. You have no integrity.
I am going to address this in a post so it's highly visible.
I hope you return to read it, and are not just a drive-by flamer.
By the way, your info appears to be completely wrong. I invite you to prove what you say.
Thanks for stopping by.
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