Monday, August 17, 2009

He “misspeaks” while we “intentionally spread disinformation”

We have been told by the White House that disinformation is being spread, and they imply it’s malicious, when it comes to government run health care.

Funny thing is, the only misinformation that has been proven so far has come from the mouth of Barack Hussein Obama. It seems he claimed the AARP backed his ObamaCare, but the AARP said, back up, champ!

Then Robert Gibbs says during a press conference that the President only “misspoke” and, to his knowledge, there has been no intentional disinformation.

Thanks for clearing that up.

Meanwhile, Obama trots merrily along claiming that opponents are lying and scaring seniors while just making stuff up. One prime example he gives is the “death panels” that critics such as Sarah Palin have brought up and been savaged for doing so. Obama denies there being any death panels in the bill. Of course, he also denied that he wants the federal government to take over health care.

I guess then, that the US Senate is lying as well, because they just removed the “death panels” from the bill. Those are the death panels that Obama says were never in the bill and anyone who says different is lying and trying to scare people.

Someone PLEASE ask Robert Gibbs how the senate was able to remove something from the bill that never existed.

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