Perhaps someone will explain it to them one day
Obama holds a “town hall meeting” and not one person asks probing questions. They welcome the One with standing ovations and shouts of love. He even dares them to question his plan and no one will.
This happens in the midst of daily reports of town hall meetings across the country that the lefties have to now bus in union thugs in order to beat up average people who oppose government run health care.
AP, in writing about Obama’s little love fest, does not mention that it’s packed with his own volunteers, but they do say that, although the President was “braced for a fight he never got,” the “friendly crowd” was all sunshine and lollipops.
And the intrepid writers at AP do not understand why that happened. Nor do they ask why. They mention they think it might be out of “traditional deference for the president.”
Really, AP? You think that’s why?
Do you even know the meaning of the word propaganda?
Labels: AP, barack hussein obama, obamacare, propaganda, staged town hall meetings
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