Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Some people won't be happy unless the rich are paying 120% of the taxes

Still “confused” when it comes to wealth envy? Still think that the evil rich are not paying their “fair share?”

Be confused no more. Here are the latest facts. That’s right, I said facts. These numbers are courtesy of the Tax Foundation and come straight from the IRS themselves. They are for the tax year 2007, which makes this data the most current available.

Let’s begin the fun, shall we?

In 2007, the top 1% of income earners took in 22.8% of the adjusted gross income. How much do you think they paid in taxes? 40.4%. These numbers include people with adjusted gross incomes of $410,000 or higher. That’s a lot of small businesses.

Top 1% of earners. Took in 22.8%. Paid out 40.4%.

Just so you know, that means the top 1% of earners paid more in taxes combined than the bottom 95% of earners combined.

For the first time, they broke it down even further. Let’s look at the top 10% of the top 1%. That’s the top .1%. They earned under 12% of the income and paid over 20% of the taxes.

Let’s expand on this, shall we? How about if you made over $66,532? Congratulations, you are in the top 25%. Your group earned 69% of the income. Bad news is that you paid 87% of the taxes.

Now is it hitting home? Okay, some more fun facts.

Over 47 Million tax returns were filed that either paid zero in taxes, or received extra money thanks to the generosity of the taxpayers who actually pay taxes.

The top 50%, making over $32,879, earned under 88% of the income while paying over 97% of the taxes.

The bottom 50%, making under $32,879, earned 12% income while only paying 2.89% of the taxes.

Tell me again how it is that the evil filthy rich are “not paying their fair share?”

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