Thursday, August 06, 2009

You know how those baptisms get out of hand

The headline says it all.

“Pregnant mother tasered at baptism party.”

Police in Prince William County, Virginia, responded to complaints of a loud party at a residence in Manassas. They wound up tasering two people, the homeowner and godfather of the children who were baptized, and a pregnant woman.

How it happened is where the police and partygoers differ in their versions.

According to the man’s son who acted as interpreter, the man simply walked up to the several officers who came into his yard, answered a couple of questions, and innocently pulled out his ID when requested and handed it towards an officer. At that point, he was shot with tasers in the front, side and back simultaneously. Evidently, at least three officers were trigger-happy buffoons who just could not wait to break up a children’s party. Then, according to the son, a woman was tasered for no reason whatsoever as she bent down to help the poor man.

The police version is that the party was loud, they responded, asked the intoxicated homeowner several times to turn down the music, and used non-lethal means to subdue the man after his refusals to cooperate and his growing belligerence. He was arrested for disorderly conduct. The woman, who turned out to be the mother of the baptized children and pregnant (but not obviously so), is being held by immigration officials.

I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle of the two stories, as it usually is.

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