Monday, September 13, 2010

Boortz nails it

Neal Boortz writes this on his website today.

"The Community Organizer is demanding these tax increase on these evil wealthy people for one reason .. and one reason only. Barack Obama has a deep-seated hatred of wealth inequality. He feels it is wrong for one person to have significantly more than another. That's why he preached the idea of income redistribution to Joe the Plumber. That's why he said that capital gains taxes had to be increased, even though it would mean less revenue, because of "fairness." That's why he said that at some point we have to recognize that some people have "just made enough money." To Obama it doesn't matter what effect tax cuts would have on the economy or on the jobs picture. Those people just shouldn't have that much money, period. The government will simply take the money and then the government can spend it for job creation and everything will be OK."

That is all exactly correct. However, I would add one small caveat to his statements.

"Barack Obama has a deep-seated hatred of wealth inequality"...unless that inequality belongs to either himself or one of his crony friends.

"He feels it is wrong for one person to have significantly more than another"...unless that person is himself or one of his crony friends.

"That's why he said that at some point we have to recognize that some people have "just made enough money"...unless that person is himself or one of his crony friends.

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