Thursday, October 16, 2008

ACORN Being Defended

Here's a shocker. Left-wing liberal wacko groups are coming to the defense of ACORN, the group that has been linked to voter fraud for years and years and years, and is currently under investigation in 13 different states for voter fraud.

You've got Mickey Mouse, the Dallas Cowboys starting lineup, hundreds of dead people, one young man in NY over 70 times...the list of offenses goes on and on. And yet these groups that don't even hide their liberal agendas are blaming...wait for it...Republicans!

Of course! If you believe in voting as a sacred duty, and you think that a vote should count properly, you might just get a bit perturbed at seeing hundreds of thousands of fake registrations flooding states across the land. But if you dare say anything, you're "trying to supress voting." What a pile of garbage.

Here's some quotes, after which I thoughtfully correct it for the speakers.

From Julian Bond, head of the NAA(Liberal)CP: "This latest attack on ACORN follows a sorry pattern, played out in election after election...Republicans have practiced an assortment of subtle and overt methods to suppress and smother voter registration and turnout.”

This latest attack on by ACORN follows a sorry pattern, played out in election after election...Republicans Democrats have practiced an assortment of subtle and overt methods to suppress and smother illegally dilute voter registration and turnout.

And from the President of People For the American Way (talk about wrongly named!): "It’s a sad day when a campaign’s success strategy is dependent upon keeping voters away from the polls.”

Here's her quote, cheerfully fixed - It’s a sad day when a campaign’s success strategy is dependent upon keeping voters away from the polls cheating by using any illegal means necessary to inflate voting numbers.”

Glad to be of service.

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