Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Head of Ethics Commission Resigns After Ethics Lapse

A man appointed by the Mayor of Lexington KY to head a commission on ethical business practices has resigned after it was discovered he lied on his resume.

Some of these lines sound like they came from a Saturday Night Live skit.

"I wasn't anticipating this sort of witch hunt."

On his two years of study at University of Toledo growing into a BA with a double major - "Mitchell said he never intended to deceive anyone, and the mistakes in his professional biography were based on simple misunderstandings."

"Mitchell said he and the governor's office might have misunderstood each other the first time they prepared his official biography. When the governor's people asked about his college degree, he said, he might have thought they were just asking where he went to school and what he studied, because he did take some political science classes in Toledo.

I honestly can't say that maybe I didn't say I had a degree when I meant to say 'I majored,'" he said. "I don't know. That's tricky."

On the claim that he founded a successful company when he actually was hired by the founder - "Mitchell said he did not "technically" found Premier, but he built it into a successful company before its merger in January. Last year, Commerce Lexington named Premier its Minority Business of the Year (and described it as "founded in 1998 by D. McGinnis Mitchell").

"I mean, I did found what that company became, so in that sense, I am the founder, even if I'm not in the technical sense," Mitchell said. "I don't see that as anything untruthful."

This was the most qualified man to head an ethics committee? What was the purpose of the committee, anyway? To "encourage" lower mortgage rates for minorities. Anyone remember this thing called Fannie Mae? Community Reinvestment Act ring a bell?

Do liberals never learn?



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