Friday, October 03, 2008

Keith Olbermann's Self Destruction

Yes, absolutely everyone is telling you today who won last night's debate and why. However, I just felt compelled to add a small thought to this avalanche.

Last night, after the debate was over, I did a bit of channel surfing. The networks had on their predictable liberal mouthpieces, and they almost without exception said that Gov. Palin did a credible job. Of course they were not going to say she won, but they did give her credit.

Fox News did a text message poll, and at last count, the public had voted Palin the winner by a margin of 86-12. The group assembled by pollster Frank Luntz overwhelmingly voted for Palin.

And then I turned to MSNBC where Keith Olbermann began his show by accusing Palin of lying. I watched the first few minutes of his show (as much as I can stand of his show at any one time), and he pounded the Governor. Anyone listening only to MSNBC came away thinking that Palin lied, lied, lied and all Biden did was catch her and slam her constantly with debunking facts.

I have refrained from saying too much about Olbermann since he surfaced on the Mini Socialist Nationwide Broadcasting Schlubs, mostly because I enjoyed his days as a sportscaster. Back then, he had a quick wit and a sarcasm that shined. He was one of the best.

Things began going downhill after he reached his popularity heights. He pitched a hissy fit because he felt ESPN, his old employer, should allow him to do his show from New York, instead of the ESPN studios in Connecticut (the employee telling the boss where they can locate their business). ESPN held firm, and Olbermann walked.

After bouncing around several jobs for a few years, Olbermann surfaced on his current network and began coming unglued on a nightly basis. Since Countdown has begun, this sad person has increasingly sunk to new lows as he panders to the most extreme left wing liberal people. He has been unendingly critical of the Bush administration. He slammed Hillary Clinton because she dared oppose Obama. If there is a stand on something, you can safely wager your life savings that Olbermann will be on the liberal side of the issue.

It's almost depressing to watch the once witty talking head descend into the depths of angry vitriol. Olbermann has a very small audience of koolaid-consuming allies, and he does nothing but preach to the choir. Even his liberal network fired him from hosting the conventions because he could not rein in his personal feelings enough to be objective.

Olbermann has turned what was a stellar career into a joke, and for that, I'm sad. I can't think of anyone who could watch him do sports reporting now and not think of his regular screech-filled outbursts of rage aimed at anyone not toeing the line for the supreme left.

Good night, Keith, and good luck.

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At 3:21 PM , Blogger Sahil Kapur said...

I find it amusing how you criticize Keith for his alleged partisanship and then quote Fox News, the network that defines and embodies partisanship better than anyone else can hope to.

I challenge you to find me any other non-Fox News poll that says Palin won. Every other network says that although Palin exceeded expectations (in other words, was able to construct a full sentence), Biden was the clear winner.

Here's one by CNN:

If you want to criticize Olbermann, tackle his arguments and not that fact that he's a progressive. All I hear against Olbermann are ad hominem attacks by the same people that listen to racist hacks like Sean Hannity. Most right-wingers are usually very aggressive in trying to bully and intimidate liberals, but with Keith Olbermann, even the Bill O'Reillys and Rush Limbaughs cower away and hide. Conservatives have yet to prove they can stand toe to toe with Olbermann.

Olbermann is the voice of millions of people who refuse to continue letting the fringe right drag this country into the toilet.

At 8:40 AM , Blogger ramblingman said...

What I find amusing (and yet sad at the same time), is that you want me to criticize by tackling arguments, not by labeling, and in the same breath you call Hannity a "racist hack." Wow.

Also funny is that you attribute agressiveness, intimidation and bullying to right-wingers. That's called projection.

At 12:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's funny is criticizing one commentator for being biased while invoking an entire news network that is dedicated solely to a single point of view. What you criticize Olbermann for, I can easily make the same argument about any "journalist" or commentator on Fox News.

You see, there's nothing wrong with commentators having a bias; every intelligent person does and should have a point of view. If I wrote a blog post criticizing Hannity, I certainly would address the statements I was referring to. Instead of criticizing Olbermann for having a point of view, you should address his arguments and explain why they're off.


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