Something You Can Do About The Financial Situation
Congress is currently debating using hundreds of billions of our money to fix problems that they caused. Most of what they are planning on doing will not fix anything, it simply will throw more money at the problems.
Ask yourself, how did a three page emergency bailout bill become a 450 page behemoth? Everybody who touched it loaded their own giveaways onto it, of course. Do you think the senators who passed it last night have read all 450 pages? Do they know where they just agreed to spend our money?
Here's something you can do. Visit this link and read what Dave Ramsey has to say about the situation. Then, take action.
Remember, socialism is not the answer to fix runaway taxing and spending. When regulations change capitalism and force companies to make bad decisions based on feel-good wishes, eventually the bad decisions hit home. The answer is not to enforce even more regulations.
Labels: Dave Ramsey, financial crisis
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