Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Home Stretch

One week from today, a lot of people are going to cast votes. In some cases, dead people will vote. Imaginary people will vote. The Dallas Cowboys may vote in Nevada. Even Mickey Mouse might get in the act.

No matter. One way or another, one week from today, America will either legally or illegally have a new leader chosen.

Neither one thrills me. One scares me, while the other has never been my first choice for a candidate. The best person is on the undercard part of the ticket, and she has been viciously attacked since day one, revealing just how much her promise frightens the lefties and their media lapdogs.

Either way, the socialists in congress will keep raising taxes when able, will spend like drunken sailors (and being an ex-sailor myself, I've seen a ton of those), and will generally create more harm than good by answering every problem with "More Government!!".

Regardless, we will soon see a new person chosen to be President. Things will either get better or worse. I have my choices. Anyone who has read any of my writings will understand that. But should the Democrats take over all branches of the government and begin wreaking havoc previously unseen, I will still prevail.

This will be due to the fact that I am not dependent on the government. I do not rely on Big Brother for anything. I am solely responsible for my life. My family will endure. We will prosper. We will get through whatever obstacles are there.

My family suceeds not because of the government. We suceed despite the government.

So go and vote. If your choice loses, don't whine about moving to France, unless you're a hollywood bigshot (and in that case, let me call the movers to pack you up). If your choice loses, hunker down and be ready when the next election cycle arrives.

One last word of advice. If you have not done so, educate yourself about the candidates before you cast a vote...in ANY election.



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