Monday, February 02, 2009

The Audacity of Hubris

The quote of the week comes courtesy of PBO's press secretary, not exactly a job thriving on honesty right now.

Robert Gibbs actually stood there and said the following today:

"if Daschle is confirmed he will closely follow the ethical guidelines and rules of the administration."

My first reaction was Did he actually say that? Has he ever heard the names Timothy Geithner? Bill Richardson? Hillary Clinton? Charlie Rangel? Chris Dodd? Eric Holder? David Obey?

Granted, Rangel, Obey and Dodd aren't technically part of the O Administration, but they are closely aligned with it.

But still, hasn't Gibbs heard about Bill Clinton accepting money from foreign countries, which will deal directly with Hillary now? How about Geithner overseeing the IRS - will "I Forgot" be acceptable to escape punishment now? For everyone else other than liberals, I mean.

Is Gibbs aware why Richardson removed his own name from nomination? Think he has ever heard of the Marc Rich scandal? Might he be aware that Eric Holder was in that up to his neck?

Try to think of one single nomination...that has not had some taint associated with them after the nomination? And now he is going to say HHS is going to be run with the same ethical guidelines.


side note - try in your wildest dreams to imagine the press skipping merrily along swallowing every bit of koolade served up by the administration if this were a Republican in office. Now tell me there's no bias in the sloppy media.

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