Monday, February 16, 2009

ramblings part 1

This is becoming a trend

The fertility doctor who implanted 8 embryos into the mom who already had 6 toddlers, creating the octuplet mom, is now involved in a second case.

This latest one is a 49 year old woman with no health care that he implanted with 7 embryos. The woman, now pregnant with quadruplets, has been hospitalized and you and I are paying for her stay.

RIP Dirtbag

A 49 year old dirtbag has mercifully and rightfully been executed in Alabama.

This total waste of oxygen raped and strangled his 12 year old stepdaughter. His 26 years on death row living on our tax dollars amounted to more than twice the amount of time she was alive before her brutally killed her.

Good Riddance. If you think you spent a long time on death row, you’ll love eternity in hell. Say hello to Gacy, Bundy, and Dahmer.

What’s The Rush?

Funny, isn’t it? The huge ‘stimulus’ package, the Confiscation Of Your Hard Earned Money To Be Given Away As A Reward To Liberal Cronies Ac t of 2009 had to be rushed through. That was the excuse we were spoon-fed by the lefties and their media lapdogs to explain why promises to give everyone time to look it over were broken and the vote was pushed through almost as if they were embarrassed by it.

Remember PBO making that campaign promise that no bill would be signed until after it had been posted on the web for days, giving the public time to look it over? Broken.

Remember the standard for Congress to post a bill and give the members time to look it over before they vote on it? Broken.

Well, it just had to get done, right? No time to waste letting people actually know what they were voting on, right?

So, it gets voted in. What next? Well, just toss it on the desk, the President will sign it. After his three day weekend, of course.

Sooooooo glad they rushed it through, with no chance of anyone finding anything to not vote for.

You idiots who voted for the lefties slamming this socialism on us – again, let me thank you for your actions.

Supply Side What?

Oregon wants to raise the tax on beer by 1900%. One Thousand Nineteen Hundred Percent.

The tax on a barrel of beer would rise to almost $50. This would be the single largest tax increase on beer in American history. Opponents warn the price of a pint of beer could rise from $4.50 to $6.00. Many small breweries could be forced out of business.

Read into the story, and you’ll notice this passage. “Brewers say it’s that low tax that makes Oregon such an attractive business climate for crafting beers, though.”

What’s that? When you lower taxes, it encourages spending and growth by businesses? Raising taxes would discourage companies from relocating to Oregon, and force others to close their doors? Higher taxes might result in less business, less jobs, and less tax revenue?

Where have we heard that before?

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