Wednesday, February 04, 2009

ramblings part 2

Found a couple of items as I was cleaning up the computer.

A couple in PA has three children. They name their children JoyceLynn Aryan Nation, Adolph Hitler, and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie. Then, they get upset because a local store refused to decorate a cake wishing happy birthday to Adolph Hitler. Aryan Nation? Adolph Hitler? This is why some people say there should be requirements before you can raise children.

UPDATE - young Adolph and his sisters have been removed from the home by Childrens Services. Go figure.

PC Alert #1 - The Salvation Army was forbidden in the UK to shake their collection tins in time with the music being played before Christmas…because it may offend other religions. Because it may offend other religions. Because it may offend other religions. Yep, it’s just as funny and stupid the third time you type it.

PC Alert #2 – first guide dogs for the blind are forbidden in taxis, and now they are forbidden from a restaurant. Why? Because they offend Muslims. When is enough going to be enough? When are we going to stand up and say, Hell no, this is not going to happen, in fact, you get out, because stupidity offends me.

The NY Times published an anti-Iraq War editorial by Obama during the campaign. A week later, they refused to publish a response editorial by McCain, claiming it was not newsworthy or some other such bunk. Later, however, they deemed it newsworthy to allow a terrorist to write an editorial full of lies by giving Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground space in their pages. I dare anyone to say the Times is not a liberal mouthpiece rag.

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