Friday ramblings
Mainstream Media Bias Alert!
Compare the treatment of Michelle Obama to the way Laura Bush was treated in 2007 by the same ‘journalist’, Robin Roberts.
Go ahead, deny a bias in the media. It only makes you look like a goober.
Top 5 Myths About Obama
No, walking on water is not mentioned anywhere. Being a great communicator is.
They Don't Trust People In CO
State lawmakers in CO have decided that people in New York and California know better who should be president than people in their own state.
Vast Left Wing Conspiracy
Lefties accuse conservatives of being a “vast right-wing conspiracy” all the time. Now comes word that it’s the lefties who get their talking points from an online ‘community’ where they gather to compare notes.
Labels: barack hussein obama, CO, conspiracy, Laura Bush, mainstream media bias, Michelle Obama
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