Biggest Flip Flopper Since...Kerry?
Back during the campaign, Obama ridiculed Republicans who said that he wanted terrorists to have Miranda rights read to them. Notice I did not say "their Miranda rights" - this is because terrorists attacking a country during an agression DO NOT have rights to a trial by jury or a lawyer. But I digress.
BTW, tip of the hat to the Weekly Standard and John McCormack for the above.
Forward to December 2008, on a little program called 60 Minutes, where Obama said terrorists don't deserve Miranda rights.
Now forward to the present, where President Obama has directed the military to begin Mirandizing terrorists caught during battle.
And, since Flip Flops always come in pairs, here's another for you.
Back during the campaign, Obama, according to CNN, “believes the Bush administration has downplayed the importance of catching the FBI's most-wanted terrorist because it has not been able to find him.” That was Obama's team describing the hunt for bin Laden.
Also, during a debate in October 2008, Obama said, “We will kill bin Laden; we will crush Al Qaeda. That has to be our biggest national security priority.”
Forward to the present, where Obama now says catching or killing bin Laden is no longer a priority.
Labels: 60 Minutes, barack hussein obama, bin Laden, CNN, flip flop, hunt for bin Laden, John McCormack, miranda rights to terrorists, Weekly Standard
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