If We're Comparing People To Animals, How About The Media Being Pack Mules For The Left?
There is an old adage about if you give enough chimpanzees enough typewriters and give them enough time, one of them will eventually type the complete works of Shakespeare. This was obviously the inspiration for the cartoon that depicted the chimpanzee that was killed in NY after attacking a woman. The chimp was lying on the ground dead and two policemen were standing over it while one said, “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.”
You can certainly question the wisdom of posting such a cartoon in today’s PC world, where racebaiters will jump on any and every chance to acquire more power by screaming “racism” over every perceived slight, minor or imagined. Needless to say, Al Sharpton, HuffPo, and countless other lefties crawled out of the woodwork and quickly made the connection that they themselves say is racist. THEY were the ones who tied the cartoon to Obama, which is funny, since Obama did not write the stimulus bill. But then again, lefties never let the truth get in the way of a power play.
So now the Post has caved and created a “diversity council” after needlessly apologizing for publishing a cartoon that had absolutely nothing to do with Obama that racebaiters howled in protest about.
Was it funny? Not really. Was it racial? Nope. Was it ill-advised? See the results. Was it in bad taste? Certainly not as much as any joke at a conservative’s expense by Letterman, cronies on the View, or any other of the thousands of jerks on MSM.
Funny, I can’t seem to find anything by HuffPo or Sharpton or any other leftie media outlet condemning eight years of comparing Bush to monkeys.
Labels: Al Sharpton, cartoon, chimpanzee, Huffington Post, NY Post, race baiting, stimulus bill
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