Friday, June 19, 2009

Government Wants To Make Murder Victims Unequal Under The Law

This article discusses congress debating expanding hate crime legislation (as if we really need even more worthless laws) and points out the total dichotomy of the Holocaust Museum killer having yet to be charged with a hate crime.

My problem with this is the same problem I have with any hate crime law. The article says it’s intended to stiffen penalties. Yet the article points out that Von Brunn will face the death penalty for the murder. So, where is the stiffer penalty? What are they going to do, execute him twice?

Hate crimes are a bad, bad, bad idea. They are intended to criminalize thought, not deeds. That by itself makes it Orwellian. However, hate crimes go the additional step to Wrongsville by intentionally making some murders worse than others. By it’s definition, a hate crime law says killing this person is worse than killing that other person. It places more of a value on certain lives, and that value is based solely on race, gender or some other trait that we are supposed to be ignoring.

When it’s not murder, hate crimes are even worse. Hate crime supporters believe that if a person is mugged, they deserve X punishment. However, if the victim is black or gay, then punishment should be X + Y. Why is that? They can’t be saying that punishment can be a deterrent. We know that because they have insisted for decades that capital punishment is not a deterrent. Why are you placing more value on a black or gay victim than a victim in general?

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