Here Is Your "Teachers Union Hates Students" Moment Of The Day
1. A charter school in Baltimore is the most successful middle school in Maryland
2. The charter school pays its teachers 18% above average.
3. The teachers at the charter school work 9 hours 15 minutes each day and every other Saturday.
4. The state says charter school teachers must belong to the union.
5. The union contract calls for workdays of 7 hours, 5 minutes, with no weekends.
6. The teachers have no problem with the hours or the pay.
7. The school has no problem with the hours or the pay.
8. The students have no problem with the hours or the pay.
9. The students are performing better than any other middle schoolers in the state.
10. The union decides this cannot be tolerated and steps in to stir the pot.
11. The union tells the school they must pay the teachers 33% above average.
12. The school is now laying off teachers, who never complained, and cutting class hours so the students, who never complained, get less instruction.
13. The school suffers, the teachers suffer, the children suffer most, and the union thugs rejoice.
14. The lefties win again.
Who in their right mind does not see the sheer stupidity in this line of events? Who is the union protecting? Answer – themselves, the union thug bosses. Not the school, not the teachers, and most certainly not the students.
Is there any teachers union that cares about kids?
Labels: Baltimore, KIPP Ujima Village, teacher unions
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