Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Tale Of Small Southern Town Corruption, Sheer Lunacy, Melodramatics, And Racial Double Standards. Sounds Like A Tennessee Williams Play.

Last year, the mayor of Leland MS took her daughter to Biloxi and used $12,000 of city taxpayer money to stay at the Beau Rivage resort and casino. The city council never authorized the expenditure.

This year, the city has asked the pair to repay the taxpayers for the trip, as it was never approved.

This kind of thing happens frequently. What makes this a bit different is the reaction of the daughter, who happens to be a city alderwoman. During a city council meeting, she interrupts and tries to hijack the meeting. After the new mayor asked her several times to cease talking out of turn and respect the rules of order, he asked that she be removed from the meeting.

When the three policemen approach the alderwoman to escort her out of the room, she crawls under the table and begins screeching at the top of her lungs about how they can’t do nothing to her, she ain’t done nothing, yada yada. After letting her disrupt the meeting for several more minutes, they finally carry her limp body outside as she continues to yell.

To summarize – it’s okay to appropriate thousands of dollars without permission for whatever purpose you wish. It’s okay to refuse to repay money when requested by the city council that never authorized the spending originally. It’s okay to disrupt a public meeting whenever you feel the need. It’s okay for the entire city to grind to a halt to be forced to listen to you complain about having to repay money you took from the city without authorization.

But, it’s not okay for police to ask you to step outside the building when you are being disruptive. It is okay, however, for you to act like a child, hiding under the table and screaming about doing nothing wrong.

Does anyone else get the feeling that this lady has a certain sense of entitlement?

As she is being carried out, the black alderwoman shouts, “There’s a bunch of racist evil black niggers up in here that’s doing me wrong."

Where is Al Sharpton? This happened the same week he said, “No public official even in quoting someone else should loosely use such an offensive term and should certainly challenge someone using the term to him or her."

Al Sharpton condemns a white woman for repeating the N word when telling of a phone call she received. Yet, he is strangely silent when a black woman says the word herself in disparaging other black people.

I guess I place myself in danger of Al’s anger by repeating what was printed on a website after it was said by an alderwoman.

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