Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Viera Really Goes After Franken

Given the chance to interview the declared winner in one of the closest senate races in decades, and one that spawned charges of irregularities from both sides, Meredith Viera opened with asking if it was hard for Al Franken to “keep your mouth shut” as if he had actually done so. Another hard investigative question she probed with regarded whether he was more worried about the GOP or his old buddies at Saturday Night Live.

Wow, what a hard hitting expose, Meredith. Keep up the "journalism."

Let’s look at how she treated Dick Morris in comparison.

She asked him if the Republicans plan for dealing with Obama is now going to be to “sit and watch Obama fail?” Is she fretting that the Republicans are not doing enough to stop Obama? Or does she think that by putting it this way, all of Obama’s failures can be blamed on Republicans (why didn’t they stop him?).

I guess she forgot that Democrats are in charge in both houses of congress and the White House.

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