Dems shooting themselves in the feet
Democrats took over the White House much as they did when they elected Bill Clinton, by demonizing Republicans sufficiently enough to fool a lot of people - people who are basically stupid and ignorant of things to an extent where they will vote for an emotion without thinking of cause and effect.
In fact, if you look at how the Democrats have won the White House since Nixon, what do you find? Carter won because Nixon imploded. Clinton lied and snaked his way in, and still could not have done it without the vote being splintered by Ross Perot. Obama won because the Republicans desperately wanted to kowtow to everyone and abandoned their base to try and be "inclusive" which led to McCain, who is a hero and a very nice man, but was not my first, second or third choice for Republican nominee.
So, with the unabashed help of the media lapdogs and union thugs, the liberals overtook congress and the White House again. The media trumpeted their deepest wish that the Republican party is dead. Let the Pax Obama begin.
And then a funny thing happened. As Jimmy Carter did, and as Clinton did, Obama has begun to show his true side. He is not for the little people. He is not truly concerned with any reform. He most certainly is not worried about reaching across the aisle and being generous.
No, he has grandiose plans that basically revolve around this concept - "give me all your money and I'll decide where you live, how you live, and every other aspect of your life, because I know better than you."
The only thing is the American people are not completely idiots, although there are sufficient numbers who can be fooled long enough to vote for a socialist without realizing what they've done. People are beginning to open their eyes. Buyer's remorse is hitting America hard.
Look around you. Go to Michelle Malkin's website or Neal Boortz's page. look at the videos of union thugs being bussed in to terrorize average people who are simply concerned that the government is overreaching its powers. There is a groundswell of anger building in America, and it's directed at government.
I will not sit here and say that it's only Democrats who deserve the anger. Republicans have done some pretty stupid things over the last few years as well. But, as they keep reminding us, the Democrats won, and they have all the power, and these grandiose ideas are their ideas. So they get the brunt of the anger.
Would it be anger if they would simply listen to us? Of course not. Most of the people at these town hall meetings simply want to be heard. Look at the video from Dallas. The AARP mouthpiece starts by saying, "we can all agree that health care is broken and has to be fixed." When the people begin mumbling, no we don't agree, she gets snitty with them. She was expecting trouble and her mindset was to pounce on it before it got out of hand. What she achieved was to further rile these average people. When she unplugged her microphone and stormed out, it was a hilarious moment. Sadly, the other videos of innocent people being attacked and basically mugged by union thugs was not hilarious.
Liberals think that only they know what is best for you. They think you are stupid. They think they have all the power and will never lose it. If they get to enact all of their dream laws, they might be right. They are already hijacking the census in order to illegally secure more power.
Liberals don't want democracy. It's too messy. Free enterprise and capitalism leads to some succeeding and some failing. But socialism or facism - now there's a system you can depend on. No one succeeds, but no one fails either. A total nanny state from womb to tomb. Just hand over all your money, all your intelligence, and all your freedom, and the liberals will take care of you for life. Just do everything they tell you.
There is a revolution brewing, people. I have not seen this much discontent and anger boiling just under the surface in a long time. It's about to erupt. It will only take a few more of these events like they held in St Louis or Tampa yesterday. Or an appearance by Nancy Pelosi like in Denver. Just a few more liberals need to open their mouths and call average people nazis again. Just a few more media people need to show utter disdain for "the angry mobs" waving "swastikas" and causing "riots."
The silver lining in all of this is Democrats are setting themselves up for a huge round of defeats in the next congressional elections. Pelosi won't lose, because there's too many moonbats in San Francisco. She may well indeed lose her majority, however. And then maybe we can stem the tide of this administration trying to steamroll their way Chicago-politics style right into a utopian world of socialism (their view, not mine).
At least one newspaper is admitting that Obama is beginning to look like Jimmy Carter II. I think it's great, because it shows that people are beginning to wake up.
There may be hope for this country yet.
Labels: AARP, barack hussein obama, Bill Clinton, Dallas, Democracy In America, democrats, democrats in power, Jimmy Carter, nanny state, socialism, St Louis, Tampa, town hall meeting, union thugs
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