Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Obama’s not the only one who loves plants

Sheila Jackson Lee had one questioner at her town hall meeting that she did not have to disrespect by answering a cell phone in the middle of her question.

That was because the questioner was a doctor who fully supports Obamacare.

Except she’s not a doctor. Despite her outright lying about it at least three times during the town hall meeting, and accepting two rounds of applause for being a health care provider.

And she doesn’t even live in Lee’s district. I thought only those nazi, evil, mobster, racist, terrorist conservatives traveled to town hall meetings outside their districts.

The lady who asked the question was, in fact, an Obama delegate and a host for Organizing for America.

The saddest thing about all this? She shows absolutely no remorse when caught lying through her teeth, and I suspect that's mostly because the press will not acknowledge that she is a stone cold liar. Just imagine the hounding they would give her if she had been found out to be a Republican plant.

I'm not ready to include Lee in on the conspiracy to defraud the public. She may have been ignorant of the entire episode. But Roxana Mayer is guilty as hell, and the mainstream media are accomplices after the fact.

Congrats to Patterico for uncovering the story that the Houston Chronicle tried to bury.

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