The good guys lose again
Muslims announce a plan to build a mosque/community center/hummus bar very close to the site where radical Islamic terrorists attacked and killed thousands of Americans. So close, in fact, that part of the plane they used in the attack hit the building they are replacing.
Millions of Americans are outraged, as it is a Muslim tradition to build a "victory mosque" on the site of your greatest conquests. Obama and other progressives come to the defense of Muslims, saying it's their "right" to build wherever they want while completely ignoring the fact it's a slap in the face of Americans everywhere.
A small church in central Florida announces they will burn korans on the anniversary of the worst attack on American soil (you know, the one by Islamic terrorists).
Obama and his buddy progressives attack the church and pastor, calling them all sorts of names and demanding they stop their plans. Additional opposition comes from the Vatican, several other countries and leaders, and lots of other sources.
Muslims call for attacks on Americans, shouting death threats while burning US flags...all before the church strikes their first match. The same media who have said they will not show the church burning korans gleefully report on flag burning by Muslims.
Now for the calls from the Vatican, other countries, and even the Democrats for Muslims to stop burning flags...(insert crickets chirping here). I read an interesting comment on a forum yesterday that stated how strange it is that a small church in Florida can be more important to the world than all of the Muslims combined.
The pastor backs down, saying they have shown the Muslims in their true form.
Meanwhile, the rhetoric from Islamic radicals does not subside. I fully expect it to increase over the next few days, as they will be emboldened by yet another apparent victory.
Once again, the good guys lose out while the evil villains win.
Don't take "the good guys" to mean the church. I've already gone on record as stating it was wrong of them to plan on the koran burning. By good guys, I mean freedom loving Americans. By villains I mean radical Islamic terrorists and those who, for whatever reasons, wish ill for this country.
Now other churches are announcing plans to burn korans (here and here).
Labels: 9/11, Dove World Outreach Church, flags burned, Islamic terrorists, Koran burning, muslim, Terry Jones, Vatican
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