Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Reid has a Bart Simpson moment

Harry Reid says he “had nothing to do with” the bad economy.

I guess he had nothing to do with the Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae debacle that led to the economic problems that led to the Stimulus debacle. Oh, and I guess he did nothing during the stimulus package debate/vote. Likewise I assume he did absolutely nothing while Obamacare was passed. Same for all the other power-grabbing moves by the elitist government. We need to accept that Reid sat by while the other senators passed spending bills amounting to trillions that we don’t have.

In that case, isn’t Reid admitting that he has not done his job? Isn’t that one of the best cases for tossing him out on his ear? Shouldn’t he be replaced with someone who will actually do something?

I know if I do nothing at my job, I’m gone. So, Harry, we’ll take you at your word, and gladly fire you come November for admitting that you are incapable of performing your duties.

Thanks for being upfront about being useless.

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