Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Obama Continues Solving Every Problem

He hasn't even officially been elected yet. And yet, Obama has begun the process of solving every single problem in the entire world. He has already proclaimed he is going to create millions of jobs, raise pay, solve energy problems, basically turn the world into Eden...etc etc.

Now, he has decided he has enough time to decide what executives should be paid. Regardless of the contracts that are approved by shareholders, Obama has decided that bonuses are wrong, and executives are not deserving of them.

As soon as you have time, Mr. Obama, I have some problems for you to solve with your omniscience. I have an achy back that flares up from time to time. I also have a few pounds that I just can't seem to drop. My front yard just does not want to grow green grass. The Atlanta Braves need a couple of good starting pitchers. I always get the lotto numbers wrong.

There you go, Mr O. I have other problems, but will hold them for another day. Just go ahead and solve these for me, since it's what you do. Wave your hand, or blink your eyes, or whatever. I'm sure it won't take you much effort or time.



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