Welfare Brood Mare
Neal Boortz used the phrase to describe this 29 year old self-described "stay at home mom" who has 10 children.
29 years old. 10 children. Single.
The article is about how she depends on charitable organizations for the ability to raise her brood. There's a shock - taxpayers are raising her children because she is too busy on her back making more with God-only-knows how many different men (johns?).
The most ironic thing about the story is the main charity organization that supports this woman and her never-ending spout of kids is described as a "faith-based community outreach agency." Gee, just like the ones that President Bush pushed, while lefties laughed, made fun and ridiculed him for doing so.
But let's not lose sight of the most imporant part of this story.
29 years old. 10 children. Single.
Labels: welfare
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