Wednesday, November 26, 2008

PC Alert #2 - Racist Diseases

Okay, this is not so much a PC alert, as it is an exercise in complete and utter stupidity.

A university (how can you call it a place of higher learning?) has decided that a foundation that researches treatment of cystic fibrosis is unworthy of fundraising efforts because CF mainly affects white men.

Are you following this? The disease is racist and sexist.

For 50 years, colleges in Canada have solicited donations during the first week of classes for the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. This college has participated for 25 years, but has now decided, in their words, the disease is not inclusive enough. The foundation maintains the college is wrong, saying that CF affects women as often as men, and it affects mostly caucasians, which includes people from North America, Europe, South America, North Africa, the Middle East, and the Indian subcontinent.

One member of the council who voted for dropping the charity has now rethought his vote after finding out the facts and seeing the reaction of students he represents. He says the council was misled with wrong information.

I may have to stop searching for items to post, at least for today. Every article I locate is stranger than the last, and shows more idiotic behavior from complete buffoons.

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