ramblings part 2
Ten Million Hail Marys
Nancy Pelosi has scheduled a meeting while in Rome with the Pope. That could be one loooong confessional.
Today's Lessons in Media Bias
More media gushiness over PBO. This time Diane Sawyer proclaims the beginning of “trillion dollar week” with a “presidential whirlwind of spending.” Truer words…
NYTimes editor denies the press “fell in love” with Obama, only moments after referring to him as a “rock star.”
Gwen Ifill (you’ll remember her from being chosen to proctor presidential debates because of her supposed fairness) and Margaret Carlson decide it’s absolutely fine for PBO to call on a Huffington Post blogger during his first press conference, and that the question relating to investigating Bush for war crimes was a valid question.
Carlson later agreed with the host’s statement about the “White House press corps not exactly rolling over for the new President.”
Dissent No Longer Patriotic?
Strange that dissent labeled as ‘patriotic’ a mere few months ago, and now the same people declare that anyone not in total lockstep with the administration to a terrorist?
Oh, and love this quote – “First, while the President can and should continue reaching out, he can expect to find a clenched fist on the other side of the aisle.”
I guess shutting down compromise proposals by saying, “I won” is accepted by media now as “reaching out.”
Worst Cabinet Ever?
With all the bad news about PBO’s cabinet appointees, at least it was nice to see nothing haunting his Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan.
Spoke too soon. CBS in Chicago is reporting on a pattern of teachers hitting and abusing students during Duncan’s watch, and although he promised punishment for those caught, it rarely happened. Out of 568 verified cases, only 24 punishments were meted out.
PBO might be thinking the bad news is piling on, but hey, that is what you risk when you are President. After all, Mr. President, ‘you won.’
World to End in Four Years
Two “scientists” have declared that only Obama can save the world, and he only has four years to do so. Nothing like a little fear thrown in to help the global warming cause.
And to think, President Bush was once accused of using fear tactics to advance an agenda. He could really have learned a thing or two about real fearmongering from the Al Gore crowd.
Labels: Arne Duncan, barack hussein obama, cabinet appointments, Chicago schools, Diane Sawyer, global warming, Gwen Ifill, Huffington Post, I Won, Margaret Carlson, Nancy Pelosi, NY Times, The Pope
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