Saturday, May 09, 2009

Cut $1, Spend $200

Someone smarter than me has pointed out that the proposed spending cuts in Obama’s budget is less than one half of one percent of his budget. So he increases spending out the wazoo but then “cuts” spending on a tiny portion. The “cuts” aren’t savings at all, they are merely funds shifted to pay for some other program. Plus, these “cuts” are less than half of the cuts proposed by Bush last year. In fact, half of the cuts are the exact same cuts as Bush proposed but were ignored by Congress. Congress usually ignores the proposed “cuts” anyway.

After all that, and adding in the record deficits (you do understand that this president, in just over 100 days, has doubled the amount we owe that every other president combined has given us), and all the media is talking about is the “cuts” in the budget.

Look at it this way. Let’s say you make $1000 every week. You decide that next week, you are going to start spending $1500 every week. Then, after six months, you say to your family, hey, I’m cutting back. I am cutting $20 out of that spending. Of course, I’ll be adding another $500 of new spending as well. But did you see how I am cutting our budget?

All Hail Obama. Let’s just ignore the tax and spend actions, especially when the Big Man himself tells us what to write.

Okay, if some of you don’t completely trust the MSM, here is a look at those “cuts.”

One thing that is cut is the budget for the people who enforce laws on unions. Now that is a cut I believe will actually go through, seeing as how unions own the Democrat Party.

Another cut is money for helping states keep illegal immigrants in jail. Of course we don’t want to put criminals in jail. Why would we want that?

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