Friday, May 08, 2009

We Were Going To Spend That Money Anyway

So apparently, the White House has changed their collective mind about releasing the NYC flyover photo that caused so much flap recently. Good thing, too. Now we can have hundreds of people do a photoshop image that looks better and compare them.

What bothers me most about this story is the quote from “military officials” who try to justify the cost of the flyover by saying, “the hours would have been flown regardless, and the expenses would have been accrued on a different mission.”

Okay, try this sometime soon. Go out to a strip club and blow all of your paycheck. Then come home reeking of beer and perfume, and tell your wife, “but honey, we were going to spend the money regardless, and the expenses would have accrued on different things.”

Let me know how that works out for you.

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