She Obviously Needs A Better Writer...Or A Better Teleprompter
Don’t bother watching this if you are easily offended by lefties lying through their teeth to score easy political points. It’s a video of Obama laughing and enjoying himself while an unnamed comedienne makes things up completely about Rush Limbaugh and then tries to make jokes based on the lies she just uttered. I know who she is, I just refuse to acknowledge her because of her inability to ever be funny.
Sad. She could not make jokes about what he actually said, because they are so true, so she just makes stuff up.
Her whole premise is based on Rush saying he hopes the entire country fails, and then she attacks him as being just like a terrorist, and she hopes he dies. This is what made Obama guffaw with laughter. The only problem is, Rush never uttered the desire that the country fail.
For those of you who don’t remember, or did not pay attention, Rush said he wanted Obama and his policies to fail. He also explained how that would be best for the country to survive. Don’t take my word for it. Here’s the transcript.
These are his opinions and I certainly don’t recall any lefties coming out saying they hoped Bush was a raging success during his terms. I do recall many times where lefties and their media lapdogs wished for Bush to come to harm. I wonder how funny it would be if someone were to say publicly, “I wish Obama’s kidneys would fail.”
You want to make jokes about what someone said, fine. I have no problem with that. But to take the easy way out and make up lies in order to say something you think is funny, that’s cheap and unethical. Of course I did not expect better of this joker. She’s a buffoon.
Here’s another take on the subject.
UPDATE - Way to jump on the bandwagon, Obama.
Labels: 9/11 humor, barack hussein obama, Correspondents Dinner, Rush Limbaugh, wanda sykes, wish Rush's kidneys fail
Whether Obama fails or not is not important. People need to remember he works for us. It is much more important to keep in mind that we want America to succeed! The president (no matter who) is an employee, temp at that. His job is to make America successful. And at that, Obama is sucking at his job.
I think the person who has forgotten the fastest that the President works for us is Obama himself.
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