Thursday, May 14, 2009

Somebody Get A Dictionary and Look Up Irony For Obama

During the campaign, McCain suggested taxing health care benefits. That would be offset by a tax credit given to everyone who could then use the credit to shop for their own health care if the company did not provide it.

Obama attacked the plan, launching a withering assault on McCain for daring to tax employer provided health care benefits. In several TV ads, and in campaign speeches, he labeled it the “largest middle class tax increase in history” and the media dutifully parroted everything he said as if it were written on two chunks of stone from the top of some mountain.

As I warned you back in March, the Obama administration is considering taxing health care benefits in order to help pay for their unabashed march towards socialism. Their plan, however, does not contain any offsetting credit to help you purchase your own health care.

Unions who are in Obama’s pocket (or is it the other way around?) went after McCain. There has not been much of an outcry yet on Obama’s plan from the same groups, according to the NY Times.

Obama’s plan as I have seen it calls for the tax but not the credit. He has also raised taxes already on cigarettes, and plans on raising taxes on sodas. If the Republicans had passed these taxes, the outcry about them being unfairly disproportionate towards the poor would be deafening. Ask yourself, have you heard one single negative word from the media about the huge increase in cigarette tax?

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