Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Why Not Release The Memos That Show The Results?

Go here to read the text of a recent speech by Dick Cheney. The speech addresses interrogation of terrorists and the arm-flailing going on about it now. Here are some quotes I pulled from the text.

I might add that people who consistently distort the truth in this way are in no position to lecture anyone about "values." . . .

But in the fight against terrorism, there is no middle ground, and half-measures keep you half exposed.”

Triangulation is a political strategy, not a national security strategy. When just a single clue that goes unlearned, one lead that goes unpursued, can bring on catastrophe -- it's no time for splitting differences. . . .”

Powerful words from a man who was there and saw the results of the interrogations.

Cheney also speaks of his call to release the memos that show the results of the interrogations. These are the memos that Obama won’t release. He has only released memos that might reflect badly on the Bush administration.

The Wall Street Journal has joined with Cheney in calling on the President to allow the public to decide if the interrogations were successful.

Whatever happened to transparency in government? The only thing transparent in this story is that Obama clearly wants to only damage Bush’s reputation and is unwilling to reveal any truth that might be favorable towards it.

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